
Looks great, different than a normal tank but one of the best ideas yet, you should try an amusement park sometime, that would look pretty sweet. Can't wait to see the figurine. Just wondering but is it ok to plant the hornwort so close together, I thought you were supposed to plant it an inch apart each. Ya I hate that shedding part too.

Sweet Tank, can't wait to see the finished product

Very nice progress and I'm glad you finally got your hornwort! It looks much like pine trees now, but what did you do with the cute little one? :unsure: I pulled some of my hornwort out of my pond, and since it was in my tank, the stems have turned brown! They look just like pine trees and remind me of your tank every time I see them. Keep up the steady progress!
Yup they sell a air action ferris wheel at my lfs, not to expensive either, maybe I'll try it.

You know what, I'm going to try that with my 2.5 gallon tank. Ferris wheel and I'll decide on the plants, i'll start a journal lol.
Grats on your golfcourse. Very nice idea. I like aquascapes with themes and I am a fan of your one betta tank with the bamboo.

I cannot wait to see your golfcorse will the silly little golf men on it. One question tho- Where is the sandtrap? :p

Goodluck with the rest of it, cannot wait to see more progression!

thats looking gr8 :)

To be honest, I prefer the look in the previous pic where it looked more hilly. But once the hornwort starts opening, its bound to look amazing.
Aww thank you! :) See the white blob right there? That's the sand trap :lol: Didn't want to put actual sand in there so I opted for a ceramic dish. Easier to keep clean. The overhead light bounces off on it though, I can't take a proper picture without it getting a fuzzy white glow :/ Gonna have to mess around with the digicam some more.

And uhm...I didn't buy people/golfer figurines. Got something totally unexpected, but it's still golfcourse related ;) No more hints! :lol:

The plate is awfully shiny, and it might look pretty weird if any plant debris or mulm settles in it, because it's SO white. Have you considered just coating the plate with a single layer of sand? Take it out, let it dry, get aquarium sealant, coat the thing in the sealant, dust a fine layer of tiny-grained sand, then let it dry? Then it's just cleaning a solid unit, not dealing with a mass of semi-fluid sand,which is a NIGHTMARE to clean and deal with, but it would still look a lot more like an actual sand trap than just the white ceramic.

It's looking good, overall, though, progress looks great. I like the way the marimo's filling out. I love that stuff. Keep up the good work!

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