16 Year Old Adam's 300 Gallon Display Tank...

Thought i would show you lot some more pictures of the latest additions, including a 8" sohal :)









Just read the whole thread, well done lad that is some top rate determination and drive you've got.
For a 16 year old lad to take the time to research, save and assemble the small ocean you have is nothing short of amazing, well done.
Loving the fish and loving the tank, you should let it out to snorklers :)
that tank looks amazing Adam

you;ve come a long way since you sold me a wonky slate plec cave!! lol my baby boa uses that at the moment
Haha, well you can see the money went to good use! So surely that makes u feel better? haha

Cheers for the compliment mate!

..... i was thinking halfway through the thread that by now you must have an achilles tang, would look stunning.

really nice job there.
Thanks a lot for all the compliments,

Just to let everyone know, i have added an adult emperor angel...

Piccs to follow soon!
well done mate, i too 16 am venturing into the world of business to fund my reef hobby
Gosh, I love the tank, seriously most amazing tank I've seen from start to... well close to finish. It completely dwarfs practically all the tanks I've ever seen...The tangs and gorgeous.. You have to upload a pic of the adult Emperor Angel, bet it's absolutely stunning :D

It must've taken a while to save up the money.. But so worth it, I bet :) Haha I'm 15, and saving up that much money would be near impossible... Heh, too much shopping :blush: Lol
Unfortunately the tank has now been broken down :( Due to other commitments.

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