16 Year Old Adam's 300 Gallon Display Tank...

Well, the cabinet, sump and pelmet are sat in the living room at the minute!
And the tank, well, is in next doors garden! (Don't Ask!)

I can't begin to fill the tank until 11/9/09, as the tank was only made last week...
And, i have to shift the 6fter as the new one is going right in its place!
Anyway, Piccy time! (at last i hear you say!)

Sump (6 X 2 X 15") (With Deltec AP703 Skimmer)


Cabinet with Pelmet on temporalilly:


Tank in next doors garden!


Where the tank will eventually be sited :)


Oi, you, where's this new tank thing?


Thats all for now folks, i know its not much of an update, but everything is up the wall! I have been to B and Q and got some polystyrene for the tank and sump and we should be ready to start filling her soon!

Thanks folks, made a list of what i need now, should be able to get it ordered later today...

Anyway, weve managed to get the sump into the cabinet. Thank god my skimmer fits! I'ts sooo tight! I can just about remove the cup! lol i cut that a bit fine!

Some pics, (i know you love them!)

Cabinet with sump in, (minus a door!)


Skimmer :) (i cant wait to get this thing running after having it sat doing nothing for 3 months!)
And my 2 X Deltec HLP 4040 returns...


Right hand side of cabinet. (Top up section and DSB)


Just need to drill the two holes in the side of the sump now for the drains to the HLP 4040s.
awesome looking tank mate! wish i had the space for something similar! :good:
I might have missed this but, any stocking plans? And will you have corals? Or FOWLR?
Thats going to take 55, 25l containers to fill up, although 1 of the 55 will only be half full. If that was my tank, I buy already salted so to fill this tank it would cost me £357.50 and that would be salted water to 1.026, if I was to buy RO water and salt it myself it would cost me £192.50. Whoah thats alot of money.

I hope you have a RO unit! lol
Yep got my own unit! 4 Stage deionised comes out at TDS 000.

FIlters have been changed ready to reel off 1500 litres or so...

Plus, ive got 4 big buckets of D+D H2Ocean ready to go...

(fill should take around 2.5 buckets)


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