14L Planted Nano Tank

Maybe a couple of amanos might be better? They are that much bigger than hopefully your betta won't see them as food, plus they won't have loads of babies because they need brackish conditions to pass through the larval phase...
Yeah, i loved the look of cherrys but didnt realise how small they were and figured the babies could feed my betta lol
And the parents too, apparently! :lol: shrimp would make up part of a betta's natural diet, just like neons make up part of an angels'...
First of all, this is a lovely tank and looks great!

But I wonder whether it is large enough for cories, even only 3?
The tank looks beautiful, as does your betta! :good:

As said, I think you should get the pandas out of there. You don't want to stunt their growth :good:
Honestly, I'd leave the betta on his own. It sounds like anything you put in is being attacked (missing shrimps, bitten tails) so you might as well just leave him on his own so he doesn't hurt anyone else :)
Yeah my Betta is beautifull! I had wanted one almost as long as i had wanted the pandas! Oh well, guess the pandas will be up for sale soon then maybe swap for some larger shrimp that wont get eaten! Haha!

Thankyou all for the kind comments! I love how green my moss is!
I have been house sitting for next door for the last few days and as I knew I wouldn't be around I left just the one light on on the timer and did not dose for the 4 days, I did a water change and cleaned the glass yesterday (or th day before) before syphoning the water hoping to get most of the algae spores out of the water column, came home today check on the tank and almost all of the diatoms on the rock is gone! I was so shocked! Haha

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