14L Planted Nano Tank

Yay! Lol sometimes feel im posting for the sake of it! Lol thats good news, 9w or 11w? Do you think? Probably the 9w will be enough.

Took a picture of my very slight rearangment and you can see the extra desk lamp i added which is gettin my moss going, hopefully tommorrow i will get some tpn+ and something like liquid carbon?? And get some lively dwarf hairgrass and maybe some more moss for the tree but i may just wait till i have to cut the rest when that grows more, anyway pictures

I intend to plant the haigrass all at the front leaving a sort of path to the cave just to draw the view in a bit.

the 9watt would be enough. Things seem to be doing well in your tank, if i was you, i'd leave it a few weeks and see how the tank is doing. You may not need to buy another light.
Thanks ianho it was more as i read dwarf hairgrass needs good lighting, plus i dont like the blue tinge to the led lighting
think i may just get some plant food tpn+ and flourish excel tommorow with my dwarf hg, i wanna see some pearling and good growth! :good: :good:
Well today went as planned visited the bus station lfs and picked up 4 pots of hairgrass, not sure which variety it was, i wrote down the names for dwarf and normal and took with me and it was neither so im unsure what ive bought :unsure: i also picked up a bottle of flourish excel even though shop keep was showing my all the different co2 systems they do and the tiny diffuser they have in a planted nano. but they didnt have tpn+ :sad:

Then went to get my lovely pandas from crownhill and yes they still had loads! So came away with 3 for £12 happy with that but still no tpn+ so will have to search online, where can i buy it?

Got home floated my fish while spending a good half hour planting the hairgrass, a little of this stuff goes a long way!

Will post up a picture later not overly happy with it but hoping it will fill in quickly :good:

will get a picture of my little baby pandas once there more out in the open, i need a new macro lens really

Looking good, keep trimming it down and it wil do great, aren't pandas a little big for a tank that small?
Thanks i will keep trimming, im guessing like any other plants the more you trim the thicker and quicker it grows?

They're tiny at the minute and i have another tank for them to go in later if needed also it gives me an excuse to get a bigger tank later on but for now you have to look hard to find them :good:
Hi everyone, little update. I now have tpn+ and flourish excel to dose the tank with nutrients and carbon :good:
Tarting from today i will be dosing .75ml tpn+ a day but not sure what i will be dosing flourish excel yet, bottle recommends 5ml for every 40l after a water change and 5ml per 200L daily havent worked out what that means for my 14 Litres yet?? Should i go with bottle recommendations?

Looking forward to seeing the results from this stuff, i have been looking at the small co2 canister systems though and they do look pretty good and fairly cheap seeing as it should last a while with my tank :good:

Some new growth from the anubias nana! New leaves sprouted today only just noticed it as it was unfolding, is now a bright healthy green leaf yay! Looked at adding some more circulation from i tiny powerhead i have and this was way too powerfull and a bit bulky even though it really is small! Lifted one of the plants at the back to put the powerhead in its space and there are a few runners off the main plant and lots of root growth which im pleased about and thats without ferts :hyper:

My little pandas are doing well although one has part of his tail missing
I would dose .5mls (point five mils). This should cover you with the Excel. You should start noticing differences within a week or 2.
Awesome, thanks, thats everyday yeah? Are there any problems with not dosing for a few days when i go away? Dont trust anyone with that considdering how they overfeed their own fish!
yep, daily is best, and if it's only for a couple of day, there shouldn't be a problem. :good:
WOW, tank looks great, they say the best things come in small packages, nice pics :good:
Thanks, im trying to get it looking the best i can, cant wait for the hairgrass to really grow in, bits keep floating up and get stuck to the sides of the tank and the filter inflow.
As for the photos gotta love dslr cameras and 50mm lenses :)

Ooh also nicked a sprout from a plant in my gfs brothers tank which should do a good job of building a background, not sure what other plants to add now but not much room haha
Question about substrate, in my tank i currently only have sand my plants ARE growing and sending out roots

However, from looking at other journals and threads etc i was wondering is it worth changing to another substrate or adding anything under the sand (cat litter?) just trying to get the best from my plants, especially want to see the hairgrass grow in! Still contemplating buying the arcadia arc pod unless there are any other small powerfull lights poeple can recommend??
Anyone have an opinion about the substrate question?

On a recent note, the tank my girlfriends brother got the same as mine started leaking last night so took it back into the pet store i bought it any they swapped it for a slightly larger new tank, we wanted our money back to go buy a bigger tank 2nd hand but the new one has built in lights and filter so i now have 2 of the led light units which are now lighting my tank quite well less of the blue tinge its now more of a white light which im happy about as i havent had to spend any money :good:

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