
I agree that the gray rock looks much nicer than the orangey rock. And I know what you mean about your room looking like a stone storage bin! My deck/patio is the keeper of my rocks, driftwood, etc --all of my little treasures I find when I'm out.
Yeh does look a bit to orange now with those java ball thingys
:lol: I do, sorta. I fix photos for extra income (mostly actor headshots...I'm in California after all :lol: See example of Before and After shot). But the buddha pics were hastily done, plus it was late, plus it wasn't for a client so I basically just slapped everything on it and never bothered to clean it :rofl:

CRAP!!! That before and after picture was awesome! I will remember you when I need wrinkles and pimples removed when Opera News interviews me when I become a famous Diva! Ha, ha, like that will EVER happen. I DO need new headshots. Money, money, money, there is never enough! Maybe I'll just gain 30 more pounds and use my old ones. But, like pop music, opera singers can't be fat anymore either. Boohoo... :shout:
FKNM.. 1 week should be fine, but just to be safe leave it 2week or more. You can test if its working by dropping a tad of amonia or some food in and keep testing the water? Good luck :D.
Looking forward to seeing the tank up and running :D


PS - so you remain elusive do you FKMN? ;)

Nice avatar BTW!
It's looking good fknm, and will definately improve when the indian fern fills out a bit.

The only thing that's "wrong" with the layout for me is the placement of the Crinum Calamistratum, my eyes immediately were distracted by it and it sort of interferes with the "Zen" of the tank :blink: Perhaps move it to behind Mr Buddha? It's a very nice plant, though.

I look forward to seeing this progress,

Hey FKNM, I like the idea behind this tank, is different without being crazy stupid. I know this is a zen garden but my only comment would be the gravel, it looks to white and also fake to me, the added blue bits just dont fit. If it were sand I think it would work better. But I knwo the trouble you have getting it so I wont say any more! :lol: It could also be the photo and cloudiness of the water thats making it worse than it is.

I guess also once the HC has been added that'll help soften it up.

The budaha and rocks work well :D
Great to see the plan turn into the tank :D
Is the height of the buddah the height you wanted, or are you planning on going heigher? As the incline seems severe to start then flattens out more so at the bottom.. or were you wanting a flat section at the bottom rather than a slope all the way? Looks nice like that still.
If your having carpeting plants over a white/blue substrate, not sure what sort of effect it would give.. but it could work either way :).
Very cool! I looked at this yesterday and my first reaction was that the crinum looked misplaced. However, now that I'm looking at it again, I rather like where it is. It makes me think he's behind a curtain of sorts. It reminds me of the beads that we used to hang in the doorways (back in the 70's -- hee hee!) It's mystical!

edit: I like the betta, too!!
Doh! Sounds like you've been through the wars a bit :( hope you start feeling better soon :)
The tanks looks so cool! Mail can be a pain in the butt. The moss, however, arrived safe and sound and is actually pearling in my 20g. Didn't know moss pearled! Glad all your plants are bouncing back to life too.

Great job. :good:

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