130l Seahorse Setup

Wow, every thread I see on the marine section of TTF wants me to set up a marine tank... but I still want a freshwater! I love marines though!
It was very exciting Seffie, especially since i wasn't expecting it.

However i have to say that Thursday afternoon Lucky (baby) passed away. :sad: :sad: :-( I know that the first week is a massive herdle to raising fry, and to get them pass that first week it difficult but it's still upsetting. I was sooo happy when we found him and had high hopes as he was 1/2 way through the first week.

Well at least i know they're capable of it and all i can do is try my best next time. I gave him the best chance and will do so for future new arrivals.

RIP Lucky.

Today i am in mourning, Last night i lost thunder.

He wasn't eating and hadn't for a week - no external signs of illness, spoke to several vets, london aquarium (and their vet) fish shops etc... no-one knew what could be wrong. Best guess was internal parasites (worms) but trying to find medication suitable for SH was impossible (if i lived in america not a problem but in the uk another story altogether). Anyway i came down this morning and he had passed. :rip:

He was a beautiful horse who i loved dearly and he will be missed.



:rip: Thunder :byebye:
ahh sorry for your loss
Oh no, not Thunder, I'm so very sorry, I almost feel like I knew him, how is Storm taking it?

Seffie x
Oh no!

So sorry to hear about Thunder :-( I hope Storm will be ok!

I hope you don't let this put you off Seahorses, I'm planning a Seahorse tank early next year and what you've achieved has been an inspiration.
Hi, just like to say, the tank looks great :good: ..

im looking into macro algae, and wondered what species you had? and if you had any problems with them going sexual? also, how long are the tank lights on for daily?

many thanks.

Hi, just like to say, the tank looks great :good: ..

im looking into macro algae, and wondered what species you had? and if you had any problems with them going sexual? also, how long are the tank lights on for daily?

many thanks.


Hi Adam

sorry it's taken so long for me to reply, but i had my op to decompress my ulner nerve in my elbow and have been unable to do much.

ATM i have proliferia, red bamboo, green grape algae. The only one to go sexual was the proliferia. It has only happened once, that was before i started using an iron suppliment. Like tropical plants iron is an important nutrient for macroalgae. When it went sexual i tested the iron - and none was present. Since then i have dosed with iron and i haven't had a problem since with it going sexual.

My lights are on for 12hrs a day, however sometimes they are on for longer if i am on a late shift at work (so i can feed the SH) or if i'm doing maintaince. And the algae seem to be thriving.

Hope this helps, again sorry it's taken so long to reply

Hi, just like to say, the tank looks great :good: ..

im looking into macro algae, and wondered what species you had? and if you had any problems with them going sexual? also, how long are the tank lights on for daily?

many thanks.


Hi Adam

sorry it's taken so long for me to reply, but i had my op to decompress my ulner nerve in my elbow and have been unable to do much.

ATM i have proliferia, red bamboo, green grape algae. The only one to go sexual was the proliferia. It has only happened once, that was before i started using an iron suppliment. Like tropical plants iron is an important nutrient for macroalgae. When it went sexual i tested the iron - and none was present. Since then i have dosed with iron and i haven't had a problem since with it going sexual.

My lights are on for 12hrs a day, however sometimes they are on for longer if i am on a late shift at work (so i can feed the SH) or if i'm doing maintaince. And the algae seem to be thriving.

Hope this helps, again sorry it's taken so long to reply


thats no problem, i hope the op went well.

thanks for your help :good:
Hi everyone,

It's been so long since i have posted anything thought it was time to do a quick update.

I suppose i have left it so long because i was so upset and disheartened by the loss of thunder, there was a short period i was considering giving up keeping SH. Then to make matters worse, a few weeks after losing thunder i lost storm (RIP). With that and the usual work and home commitments, then my op i haven't had a lot free time.

So the tank is doing ok, After my loss i decided to continue with the tank - i love keeping SH and although it is hard work they bring a lot of pleasure and joy.

As i mentioned last time i am fighting a losing battle with problem algae - because of having to feed the horses so often it causes a phosphate problem, hence the algae problem. I have since installed my homemade phosphate reactor which is helping.

I have brought two new pairs of SH, a pair of erectus (Bruce and Dory), and a pair of comes (minime, and minihim)
Both settled in well and all 3 pairs doing well, that was until Drew disappeared. She was a hunter, she would eat very well when i fed the SH but loved to go into the caves and algae hunting - i found her after she was missing for her morning and afternoon feed, tail held onto a rock and her body had been pulled under the sand and rock work............ Tried to free her and i got her half way out something pulled her back......... Killer worm. Not sure what it is but looks ragworm ish :crazy: Needless to say she wasn't alive. Luckly none of the others are hunters or go need that cave but want this worm out!!!!

The other problems im having are nems, and i have found 2 crabs (meat eating, small atm but it's only a matter of time), and the #40## cleaner shrimp are becoming more and more of a pain, taken food from the coral and the SH (i have tried to remove them but they're not having any of it!) - can anyone say tank overhall?

So I have decided to strip the tank and start again. The algae problem has gotten to bad to be able to get rid if now, the ony way to get the shrimp out is to dismantle the tank, and the killer worm has to go along with the crabs. I am going to remove everything, I have been setting up a tank upstairs that will be big enough to home the SH, mandarin and coral whilst i start again. (short term only, a week tops, but i am hoping to do it over a weekend) the plan is to use ocean rock so no unwanted hitchhikers, half of the tank will now be rock work with the other half being an algae bed. Whilst doing this i was contiplating drilling the tank to put in a sump simply to hold all of my equipment and some rock rubble, but not sure has anyone drilled their tank? any advice??

All of this is having to wait till i can use my arm again after my op - but it is giving me time to cure my rock.

So thats it i think as brief as i could make it, will post some new piccys once the tank has been redone.

Hi Kelwoo....I am thankful we have a SH tank and poster here. Quick question: nems..anemone? Corals? What kind of corals are in the tank? SH

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