Just fully read through your journal for the first time. Great job, tank looks brilliant.
Me and Lyn are in the planning stages of setting up a seahorse tank at the moment for either a pair of Reidi or a pair of Barbs (or maybe Hippocampus comes as they are slightly more active).
Have you got any really good sites you would recommend for information?
Hi Barney, Thanks for the great comment - the tank is getting there but i haven't finished yet still got lots i want to do yet.
I used a combination of websites and books
ISBN-10: 1860542654 Seahorses (Practical Fishkeeper's Guide)
ISBN-10: 1852792280 Seahorses: Conservation and Care
Both are good about general care, health, breeding and setting up a tank, but doesn't really contain any species specific information.
The other book i have is ISBN-10: 0953909743 Seahorses, Pipefishes and Their Relatives: A Comprehensive Guide to Syngnathiformes (Marine Fish Families) It's a good A-Z of SH, and pipefish with some great photos and a little bit about each species but doesn't have a lot of info about care etc....
The main websites i used was simplyseahorses (which have a good care section - and are really good for advice and have their own forum run by them) and as Tina mentioned seahorse.org but i didn't find that particually useful Simply IMO is better.
If you decide to go down the breeding route i have found some good breeding sites which have good info.
If there is anything i can help you with LMK (let me know - i'm hoping it will catch on

id also like to know if theres any sea horses suetable for a 14 gallon orca tl 450
sorry to hijack
buetiful tank again
No that's fine if it comes with a compliment!

I'm afraid that size tank is too big for dwarf SH unless you have **** lots and i have seen them for £60 a pop

so it's gonna be expensive and feeding could be an issue. And really it's too small for another species long term (100L min allowing 30L per pair approx.)
Wow Youre Tank Is Looking Great Soo Far , I Bet It Will Be Better Once You Get All Of Youre Fish & Marine Fish In There !!!
Thanks, not adding any more fish, i have plans to plant lots more macro algaes which i am trying to source ATM, and then the next addition will be a pair of H. comes (tiger tails) after that i would like one more pair but i haven't decided what species yet, and whether i could cope with 3 pairs breeding. We'll see - want to plant the tank up a lot more first before adding anything else.
I have a new vid and some recent photos which i will post over the weekend.
P.s Jenny i posted the algae Monday - did it get to you ok?