130l Seahorse Setup

Wow Youre Tank Is Looking Great Soo Far , I Bet It Will Be Better Once You Get All Of Youre Fish & Marine Fish In There !!! :good:


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id also like to know if theres any sea horses suetable for a 14 gallon orca tl 450
sorry to hijack
buetiful tank again

Yes if you put a sump on it and are prepared to possibly upgrade to a larger tank. They also take a LOT more work then most marine tanks and are extremely sensitive to water conditions and temperature. Not to mention that they require feeding at least 3 times a day and some need to be target fed.

oh its a nano so ill think again
and feeding would be fine but cant put a sump on so ill think again
Its good, I have been using a syringe with airline attached over the last few days and have been using a glass jar as a feeding Diner for the Mandarin. He has not used the Diner yet although he has got to the edge of it tonight and taken what was right on the edge. Its easier to get the pods down to him with the syringe and airline too.

If I can get hold of some larger pastettes, I will try those and see how they compare to the syringe. As soon as I saw the airline in the pic, I knew it was a good idea, the Mandarin is far less skittish of the airline than my hand, so anything that helps will be tried. I do want to persist with the same methods though, if he recognises a routine, he will be far more likely to adapt.

I would like to get some more dried food to in with the rest I am feeding him. I want him as fat as possible so anything will help. Brine, Mysis, Pods, Rotifers and some dried should make him fat, fingers crossed.

Thanks Kelwoo.

Hi Tina, Don't know whether you'ld be interested but we have purchased some jumbo pastettes (smallest amount could buy was 100) So we are going to sell some as we don't need that many - if you're interested?. I find them much easier than syringes - and when they're dirty you can just through them away.

Look I am Biomedical Scientist, I still do daft things like that at home. At work, its automatic, home is different.

I noticed this in another thread - What discipline are you trained in/ work?
Just fully read through your journal for the first time. Great job, tank looks brilliant.

Me and Lyn are in the planning stages of setting up a seahorse tank at the moment for either a pair of Reidi or a pair of Barbs (or maybe Hippocampus comes as they are slightly more active).

Have you got any really good sites you would recommend for information?

Hi Barney, Thanks for the great comment - the tank is getting there but i haven't finished yet still got lots i want to do yet.

I used a combination of websites and books

ISBN-10: 1860542654 Seahorses (Practical Fishkeeper's Guide)
ISBN-10: 1852792280 Seahorses: Conservation and Care

Both are good about general care, health, breeding and setting up a tank, but doesn't really contain any species specific information.

The other book i have is ISBN-10: 0953909743 Seahorses, Pipefishes and Their Relatives: A Comprehensive Guide to Syngnathiformes (Marine Fish Families) It's a good A-Z of SH, and pipefish with some great photos and a little bit about each species but doesn't have a lot of info about care etc....

The main websites i used was simplyseahorses (which have a good care section - and are really good for advice and have their own forum run by them) and as Tina mentioned seahorse.org but i didn't find that particually useful Simply IMO is better.

If you decide to go down the breeding route i have found some good breeding sites which have good info.

If there is anything i can help you with LMK (let me know - i'm hoping it will catch on :lol:)

id also like to know if theres any sea horses suetable for a 14 gallon orca tl 450
sorry to hijack
buetiful tank again

No that's fine if it comes with a compliment! :p I'm afraid that size tank is too big for dwarf SH unless you have **** lots and i have seen them for £60 a pop :crazy: so it's gonna be expensive and feeding could be an issue. And really it's too small for another species long term (100L min allowing 30L per pair approx.)

Wow Youre Tank Is Looking Great Soo Far , I Bet It Will Be Better Once You Get All Of Youre Fish & Marine Fish In There !!! :good:

Thanks, not adding any more fish, i have plans to plant lots more macro algaes which i am trying to source ATM, and then the next addition will be a pair of H. comes (tiger tails) after that i would like one more pair but i haven't decided what species yet, and whether i could cope with 3 pairs breeding. We'll see - want to plant the tank up a lot more first before adding anything else.

I have a new vid and some recent photos which i will post over the weekend.


P.s Jenny i posted the algae Monday - did it get to you ok?
Its good, I have been using a syringe with airline attached over the last few days and have been using a glass jar as a feeding Diner for the Mandarin. He has not used the Diner yet although he has got to the edge of it tonight and taken what was right on the edge. Its easier to get the pods down to him with the syringe and airline too.

If I can get hold of some larger pastettes, I will try those and see how they compare to the syringe. As soon as I saw the airline in the pic, I knew it was a good idea, the Mandarin is far less skittish of the airline than my hand, so anything that helps will be tried. I do want to persist with the same methods though, if he recognises a routine, he will be far more likely to adapt.

I would like to get some more dried food to in with the rest I am feeding him. I want him as fat as possible so anything will help. Brine, Mysis, Pods, Rotifers and some dried should make him fat, fingers crossed.

Thanks Kelwoo.

Hi Tina, Don't know whether you'ld be interested but we have purchased some jumbo pastettes (smallest amount could buy was 100) So we are going to sell some as we don't need that many - if you're interested?. I find them much easier than syringes - and when they're dirty you can just through them away.

Look I am Biomedical Scientist, I still do daft things like that at home. At work, its automatic, home is different.

I noticed this in another thread - What discipline are you trained in/ work?

Yes I would be interested Kelwoo. How much do you want for them. The only thig is I am waiting for revalidation on my paypal account, someone tried to access it. So would need to wait till that is sorted (apparently 7 days now ) before I could have any off you.

My specialism is Microbiology. At the final unsupervised stage before state registration then get hit by a machine in the corridor. I did the degree part time at Wolves Uni whilst working full time at Sandwell. Worked in Microbiology for 10 years and Blood Transfusion Service for 6 months before that. Quite like haematology too.
Never come across anyone outside my hopsital that works in my profession.
(obviously there are lots of BMS out there just never meet anyone from outside my hospital that's also into marine fish keeping)

I'm a state registered BMS1 and work in Biochemistry, haematology, transfusion, coagulation, specialized haematology and SAS (send aways - sending away all test we don't do to other hospitals) and i'm currently doing my specialist portfolio in haematology and tranfusion.

Wow small world.

As for the pastettes you can have them for what we paid for them 30 pence each plus P&P. If you let me know how many you want i can let you know how much P&P is.

How is the recovery going? Hope you're feeling better. Might be in the same situation as you, won't know till i get the results from my nerve conductivity tests - still waiting for an appointment and i injured my arm 18th jan.

LMK about the pastettes

I can tell you of someone at City Hospital in Birmingham that is interested in Marine fish keeping, bot seen him for a while now, my old boss at Sandwell.

Nerve conduction studies quite quick up here. I had mine on my arm at the end June, I had surgery last friday. They may perform surgery if the EMG is negative. It is not always positive. My operated on arm still has hardly any nerve function in the little finger, I had that done last year, still I can move it and thats all I care about.

Im have been at the top of Band 5 for 4yrs now. Every time it comes to booking the assessment, something happens to my health, it is driving me mad as its usually an accident that I could have done anything about.

First car accident then accident at work. 2 lots of surgery and recovery time before you can take the assessment as you have to be fit to practice and there were some manipulations I could not do due to the recovery from surgery and nerve loss in my hand and arm.

Until there is full function and I can handlw needle and syringes again, I can revisit the benches and do the assessment. Problem now is that my first evidence is outside the maximum period from getting portfolio to assessment.

This is why the accident has affected me so much, its all the retraining I will have to do to get to where I was again. Its ridiculous.

Will take 30 large pastettes if possible. May be a lot better for the fingers, the small ones can be difficult with Ulna Tunnel, I have to use a large girth pen for it to feel comfortable in my hands.
30 is not a problem will package them up as small as possible and let you know total including p&p.

Well my arm is still badly swollen and i get a lot of pain still (running down the arm where the ulner nerve runs) but i have most of my movement back although i still can't put any weight on my arm or lift anything heavier than a small cup of water. So at least i can do on-call for haematology, but what drives me mad is the loss of sensation on my little and index fingers and the constant pins and needles. Since it's my right arm and i'm right handed it's a complete PITA, luckly i find acupuncture helps with the pain and therefore the movement. I just want it sorted now, it's been over six months since i injured my arm and i haven't gotten very far very fast.
After about 9 months from surgery the pins and needles dies down a considerable amount. The elbow does not feel as bruised (which my right does now).

Acupuncture is well worth it, made a huge difference to me. My biggest problem is with the back, orthopods just did the rt Ulna tunnel whilst I was off anyway. The crutches had irritated it badly. Kettles do not get filled in this house. I dropped my Mom in laws milk on the floor Monday, my grip is diabolical. Am supposed to give andrew injections, had to let the nurse do it for a few months.

Fed up now.
We really do take our health for granted don't we, until a time when we don't have it and then we would give almost anything to have it back

Keep your chin up girls

Seffie x

Hi Wordy

I currently have a pair of H. barbouri, 2 cleaner shrimps, a pair of janssi pipefish and a male mandarin. I also have a selection of macroalgaes, 2 toadstool mushrooms, some pulsing xenia, suncoral and a fan sponge. Post 96 has videos of everyone eating (well not pipes fast little devils) and most recent pics.

Gonna go to simply SH thursday so stocking levels may change, will update thursday along with the DIY project i've got on the go.

Hi all

Here is the next installment of my tank - the writing part should be quite short but i have lots and lots and lots of piccys.

I still have no babies - i have an incompetent and lazy male - been taking lessons from my other half :lol:

I'm losing the battle with the hair algae (due to raised phosphates cos the amount of food i have to feed the SH and they're messy) Currently building a phosphate reactor but will post that seperately when it is complete.

And i'm losing the war i'm raging against the nems, i squirt them, they go away for a while then come back with friends :grr: :grr:

We have been on holiday and decided that on thursday we would go to simply seahorses to have a look and pick up the algae and berghia we had reserved and ordered. 10 hours round trip and almost 600 miles. :crazy:

We were'nt going to buy anything else just have a look (famous last words) we came away with the berghia, one algae and a pair of SH (H. angustus)

And thats about it - picture time

First the orange fan sponge i picked up a week ago


Next one of the PITA shrimps

And finally a picture of Merlin - he was really skinny when a got him and now hes big, he's grow lots

The berghia (have seen a couple of times briefly since i put them in)



And finally my new additions, don't have names for them yet. The male






The female



Thunder and Storm

And then what thunder and storm thought of the newbies



Then a few vids
Thunder and storm

The newbies

And finally the new male trying to get jiggy with storm (she not loving it - headache i think :lol: )

And thats it hope there wasn't too amy piccys but i did warn you

Never ever too many piccies or videos of seahorses as far as I am concerned.

Your Mandy is looking very well too.

Those pipettes have been brilliant for me, I don't even need the airline on the end.

Did the new ponies have that colouring in the shop or have they changed to that colour since you introduced them to your tank??

Absolutely stunning, I really cannot wait till I am in the position to have some myself.

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