Fish Addict
That is a lovely tank and all the fish look super healthy.
What is your GH again and pH? If you have hard water, congo tetras are a good choice, for soft water probably buenos aires tetras, they can be a bit nippy though so be wary of them.I'm thinking of replacing the group of rosy red barbs (Pethia nigrofasciata) for something more fitting, a bigger shoaling fish for the top regions of the tank. better compatable with the needs of the cichlids and loaches. does anyone have a suggestion?
it doesn't matter were there from originally, but a higher swimming fish, peaceful to semi agressive, and a bit bigger would have my preference.
My water is quite soft, ph around 6.5. Buenos aires also eat plants if I recall, that would be a dealbreakerWhat is your GH again and pH? If you have hard water, congo tetras are a good choice, for soft water probably buenos aires tetras, they can be a bit nippy though so be wary of them.
Lol it’s funny that they choose a coconut to fight overLoaches in territorial dispute over a coco nut
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