129G Stocking Help

Ninjouzata said:
I hope it's okay to link these, and am not being like NO YOU'RE WRONG at ya Blobfish, just showing the stuff I've found so far that led me to believe they don't need a group.
I do know they're shy and such which is why I did not go for rainbowfish (plus their price) because they're too boisterous and apparently spook ctenopoma. Learned that from n0body of the goat.
No problem Ninjou ;)  I think I must have been thinking about advice I've read about young fish.  I've decided not to get any for the time being. :(  I think my Dwarf Chain Loach might be in danger if I did and they are the ones that I don't really have an alternative tank for.  So for now a few rainbow fish and more whiptails!  I'll look forward to reading about your ctenopoma though :)
I was worried about the rosy barbs temperature requirements but am just not sure what to get other than them. I did not know they'd likely upset the ctenopoma so guess they're out..

Congo tetras are quite expensive so I know my dad will not buy them, though I was planning on them at the beginning.
I can't really find any info on the distichodus altus? How big do they get? From the pics I am not much of a fan of the way they look..what region of the tank do they stay in?
My LFS can't get them in either so that's another issue..it says they can get distichodus lusosso and distichodus sexfasciatus
*Edit* Looked those two up..too big. I'm sure you would've told me but now you don't have to :p
Am really glad to hear they're safe from your current fishies! Not sure how big the ones you have get though..the fish I'm planning to have get bigger than your ones current sizes though I'd imagine yours will get much bigger?
Can't do the dollars as I plan on planting the tank

Here is a list of fish I've been suggested and my concerns with them:
Congo Tetras (Expensive)
Upside-down Catfish (Not sure on location in tank, possibly expensive, dad doesn't like)
Rainbowfish (Expensive and spook ctenopoma)
Denison/Torpedo Barb/Roseline Shark (Expensive and streamlined so possibly eaten by bichir, subtropical?)
Tiger Barb (May be eaten by bichir and likely nip angelfish)
Rosy Barb (Temperate)
Silver Dollars (Eat plants)
Giant Danio (Streamlined so possibly eaten by bichir, possibly prefer subtropical temperature)
Gourami (Not schooling, but could be kept in a large group such as 1M:5F, could be nippy towards the angelfish, feelers could be nipped by bichir)
Filament Barb
Arulius Barb
I havn't really looked into the filament & arulius yet but do have the guy at LFS looking up prices for some of these fish and the sizes they get them in at.
That is absolutely fine I figured you were busy with something..though so terribly sorry to hear you were in the hospital! I hope you recover quickly
Ninj... have you thought about just setting up the tank with no shoaling fish and enjoying the oddball group as they grow out? just a thought. *shrugs*
My BGK is just about on the way to hand feeding. Been turning on the tank light when i get home from work and feeding. Now i just walk up to the tank when i get home from work and he comes out wiggling all over the top looking for food. Next step, food in hand when he comes out.
Since angels are now a given in the tank, you can't have a nippy school.
Yes I have. I feel like it'll be empty and lacking in color, though oodles of awesomeness. I will see what my dad thinks.
Oooh that's awesome! I hope when you get him hand feeding you can take a vid :3
The angels were always a given, just there was meant to be only one. Now it's two >.< Although I get what you mean, they're definitely in now 'cause they've been bought.
Have been trying to stay away from anything nippy..I will be very upset if anyone hurts the BGK or ctenopoma. Or any of the others though I don't see the bichirs taking that :lol:
I'm thinking about what you posted about gouramis......
Might be a decent compromise to a schooling fish..... gouramis are super fun and active - can get a few different varieties.... and I don't see them being a problem in the tank. Will quarrel with the angels a bit, but that is about it. Most are feisty enough that I doubt you see them getting in trouble with bichirs. They are not a tetra after all

btw.. on the ctenopoma... i have seen many instances with these guys growing large and very happy as a single species in a large tank.
edit: P.S. Get the BGK already. enough what others think
I do like gourami..but if I could do one of the other schooling fish..I really enjoy expanding on what fish I've kept.
Then again..I've only kept the golden variety. Hmmm... :3
Glad you've seen some big and happy ctenopoma. Any guesses as to how big they were/how old?
Hahaha! I am definitely getting it! :) I don't know if we should name it Gengar or Casper.
HERE is the journal! Sorry it took so long. >.<

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