This was my dream fish a while before I even got to see one in person. I finally got to see one at Petsmart one day. Was really hard to walk away..and the card did say 75g.
Now what is annoying is the lady said I could keep it in my 55g if there weren't any other fish. At least stick to what your cards say!
Okay so..
1x Black Ghost Knife
1x Leopard Ctenopoma
1x Angelfish
1x Delhezi Bichir
1x Palmas Palmas Bichir
1x Palmas Buettikoferi Bichir
1x Striped Peacock Eel
6x Rosy Barbs
I think that's what we're looking at now? As have mentioned to you in chat ReMz I did find a compatibility list on another site saying peacock eels are fine with the smaller bichirs, which are the kind I'm getting.
Of course it'll depend on their personalities too. I'd like to do 8 rosy barbs but realize I am likely already pushing it with my current stocking.
Thoughts? I should be making a journal tomorrow so would like the stock list to be pretty much set.
*Edit* The BGK, ctenopoma, angel, eel, and barbs will be in the tank by themselves for a good while til they gain size. Bichirs added later. I think I mentioned that before but wanted to say it again.
I hope I can stick to adding the bichirs the most the delhezi will be added, but the other two I will likely have to order online or something. I'd love to add a senegal too but I'm pushing as is.
Rambling to myself really right now. Excited.

I woke up at 5:45 pm as my sleep schedule is wonky. Staying up til we can leave around 9:30 or 10 am to head to the LFS to talk to them about prices and such.