110 Gallon South American Biotope

Love it when bills pop up outta nowhere! This past winter our water heater decided to die, so that was fun.  Good Luck Eagles :)
So, a quick update... sorry no pics.
I added the 3 cories back to the tank on Sunday afternoon.  And while doing that I risked my neon tetras from home (7 in all).  They all made it to the morning!
They are still swimming around fine in the tank 27 hours later, although they are a bit 'freaked' out by the size of it and are still shoaled up pretty tight and hide in a few of the nooks and crannies around the tank.  But, they are investigating different areas. 
I don't want to get overly excited yet, because its still quite early on... but this is definitely more promising than anything we've done previously.  Still haven't figure out what the problem was last year...
Good luck neons, fingers and fins crossed all will be Well :good:
So far, so good.
Have just read the entire thread just now!
Such a crazy and puzzling event. All my thoughts or idea that may lead to the cause of the deaths of these tetra have been spoken aloud, sealant, aerosol cleaners, chemicals, pH, heating, substrate, rocks etc were offered by the other guys and still no real answer. 

Just one last one theory though, you have no plants in the tank now and the tetras are surviving so far.
Something to do with one of the plants perhaps? 
Only reason I bring this up as I have read on other threads that some plants are harmful and can cause deaths, mainly to shrimps though.
And wonder if these plants were cleaned with a chemical or something by LFS or distributer prior to you purchasing them?
If its a plant toxin then it would make sense if the toxins floated to the surface of water where tetras and affected them were but the cories are at the bottom of the tank, away from the surface therefore they were unaffected.
Just a theory anyway and probably grasping at straws here 
 Very doubtful if this would be the cause and don't even know for sure if thats a feasible theory.
Really hope you will find out what caused all this, even if you don't, lets hope it does not occur again.
Keeping my fingers crossed and good luck
Just realised, I don't think you added any plants to the 10 gallon tank when you added tetras to that at the time, if not, then scratch that theory of plants giving toxic gases at surface of water idea.
An real enigma.
Something in the room that gives off gases that affects tetras at surface of water, something making them gasp for air.
You don't have any bunsen burners or anything like that that gives off gases? a small leak perhaps?
Does not affect you but water absorbs gases from the air..........
Interesting notion...  I can pretty much rule that out as the smaller tank (later measured it to find that its actually a 15, not a 10) did in fact have no plants in it.  But, it is an interesting thought.
One other thought that was brought out by my one colleague is that the fish that have been successful in the tank thus far are fish that have come from my home tank.  And that the ones that have come from any other source are not working out as well.  I don't think there's anything to do either, but its hard to say.  
Still hopeful that whatever it was that cause the problem before is now gone.  I wish I knew what it was, but I'm happy that things are going the right direction now.
So, I've taken the plunge and gone and added 11 (only paid for 10) neon tetras to the tank... I'll be checking on them first thing in the morning.  Will update at that time, and I'll try to include pictures, if I can.
Great news eagles. I am really happy the tank is doing well and fingers crossed this time :)
This is what I saw this morning...




Neons survived and corys looking well too!
Lets hope you've turned the corner and whatever the mystery was of previous stages are over and done with.
Look forward to see in another week's time if they are still around and no further problems then you can start to begin to think about stocking more into that tank.........
Eagles, where is your 11 th neon in your fishy update?

:D really pleased its all worked out :good:
Shelster said:
Eagles, where is your 11 th neon in your fishy update?
I was only able to add 10 emoticons... ironically its appropriate, as 10 of them had shoaled up with my other 5, but the last one was hanging out alone... hiding.

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