Aqua Essentials order came this morning (substrate, co2 and fertz)
So i began to set up the tank. found the perfect place next to the all important tv and xbox=]
put in a layer to Tropica plant substrate
then washed 1 bag of sand and put it in with a gradual slope towards the back. i dont think is is quite enough soo...
added another half bag of black gravel which i think makes it look alot better
then i washed the rocks and experimented with different positions. after a quick play around i found a position i liked but i will probably change it again alot before i get the perfect look. because it is such a small tank it is hard to fit them all in.
i then pinched a light from another tank so you can see it a bit better!
oh whilst looking at it i found quite a few scratches on the glass to i used a bt of toothpaste to try and get that out and now waiting for it to dry.
i will probably fill it up with water to get a better idea of what it lookes like in a bit and use an old filter on it whilst i wait for the HOB one to arrive. im also waiting for the light.
will update with a few pics later. please tell me what you think!