10G Setup

In reverse chronological order:

Auratus: The water in the tube is oxgyneated, so they can breathe in there, no problem. The tube is also many times wider than the fish, so I'm fairly sure they won't get stuck. The only way they'd get stuck is if they all tried to go through the pipe at the same time, in which case I don't think they'd fit in the pipe to begin with. But if you are going to worry about that, you might worry about them getting stuck under a rock too :p

mr_broken: Thanks :D

sunbot: The suction thing is actually for my worm feeder, not for the tubes. It's easier to throw the tubes right in front; I'd rather not move things around if I don't have to. Also, it makes it easier to see them playing in the tubes ;) Thanks for the suggestion though!

And on a side note, they hang out in the ring all the time now. Especially when the lights in my room are off and the lights in the tank are on (then the loop is probably the darkest part of the tank). They seem to love sliding down the sides of the tube and then swimming back up :)

Hope you all enjoy the vid!!
What an incredibly creative idea! It's like hamster tubes for fish.....
I didnt scroll thru all 3 pages of this post but that deserves a TOTM nimination for its orginality! Has somebody beat me to it? :cool: :cool: :cool:
Thanks guys :D I can't wait to get the pvc pipes set up! Should I make another video? And yep, thanks for the nomination Exiled. I believe that makes two :thumbs:
please do make another vid acually make lots i wanna see lots lol
:unsure: :-( umm in the first video i think that there is a dead fish in there
WHA WHA WHA!!!! Where Where Where?!?!?! I see no dead fish, nor no red fish. Blue fish, green fish, gold fish, lead fish? Whate exactly are you talking about?? I'm worried now :/
I absolutely love it!!! That is extremely clever and I'm glad your fish are making use of it :thumbs:

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