10g Mini Reef


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
i just got a free 10g from a friend of mine, i was wondering if this would work just for a live coral? i always wanted one. i dont think i would have anyfish in there if i got any i would want a clownfish i think i'v read that some types of them stay small enough for a 10g?
You could keep A clownfish in a 10g imo. What kind of coral were you thinking of keeping??
Check out my signature :) :good:
ahh great! :hyper: i read somewhere on this forum about 1.5lb per gallon? i want my tank rather full of corals/reefs the main thing i am going for is colour :shifty:

about lighting. the lights i have are rather soft now, im going to look some higher then 10ws.. updates later one..today now aha i think its bed timee :good:
okay here are two reef/corals?
theres are off fishheaded sig for pics of them.

here are two i want for sure. any others that you can think of that are suitable for a 10gal please feel free to comment/reply


Edit-did not make sense.
okay are two reef/corals?
theres are off fishheaded sig for pics of them.

here are two i want for sure. any others that you can think of that are suitable for a 10 please feel free to comment/reply


Lol I dont understand what you are asking? :huh:
okay are two reef/corals?
theres are off fishheaded sig for pics of them.

here are two i want for sure. any others that you can think of that are suitable for a 10 please feel free to comment/reply


Lol I dont understand what you are asking? :huh:

oh man.. i dont know even what i was trying to say there :blink: i mean..okay here are two reef/corals i want. ahha i have also found some more.

Zoanthus sp
Euphyllia glabrescens
try out some frogspawn and zoos

good call on the frogspawns, :good: i got another question, i have to wait for my live rock to cure before i put corals/reefs in right? also do you know any good saltwater sites that ship to canada?
Yeah, you have to wait for your live rock to cure, you should wait for your cycle to occur before adding any livestock. Sorry dont know what sites ship to canda, maybe someone else can help you with that. :good: BTW what kind of lighting do you have?
have a few more months of research before you start the tank i would say, especially until you start a reef tank.

Depending on what corals you may need a lot of light.
have a few more months of research before you start the tank i would say, especially until you start a reef tank.

Depending on what corals you may need a lot of light.

yeha it will be some time as i broke my paintball gun today :angry: :angry: :angry: there goes like 400 bucks, and i need i new one, paintball is like keeping fish its like all you think about haha but back to the post, i have umm not sure what type of hood but its pretty bright its 15watts but it seems much more? il to do some looking up on what type of hood and stuff its seems to be a pretty good light i put it on my 50 gall and it light up most of the tank :good:
have a few more months of research before you start the tank i would say, especially until you start a reef tank.

Depending on what corals you may need a lot of light.

yeha it will be some time as i broke my paintball gun today :angry: :angry: :angry: there goes like 400 bucks, and i need i new one, paintball is like keeping fish its like all you think about haha but back to the post, i have umm not sure what type of hood but its pretty bright its 15watts but it seems much more? il to do some looking up on what type of hood and stuff its seems to be a pretty good light i put it on my 50 gall and it light up most of the tank :good:

Yeah, definitely look into some books or researching on internet and forums before starting your reef aquarium. :good: If your lighting is somewhat close to 15 watts then I would surely upgrade your lighting if you are looking into keeping lps and softies. If you want some nice looking corals, (like you posted before a brain and hammer), they mostly need moderate lighting, and i dont believe 15 watts is sufficient enough..minimum to moderate lighting is 3-5 watts per gallon :)
watts per gallon is as unhelpful as oddysea customer service.

Look into 70 watt Mh lights, those would be good for lps dominated tank, they go for about 150 dollars.

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