10-Gallon Tank.... Any Cool Fish Ideas?


New Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I have experience with fish and this is far from my first tank.
Anyways I just started a new 10 gallon tank with my family and am looking for fun ideas. Maybe eels? sharks? Just looking for a good large fish to keep me entertained. Something easy to maintain that I can trust my kids with. Looking for a 1-2 fish aquarium, so like I said; larger fish are totally ok and it's an idea I'm interested in. While I do have experience, it has always been with large colonies and I am looking to go for more of a 1-3 fish colony. Anyways; ideas are appreciated. This is an extremely broad topic so throw anything out there for discussion :rolleyes:
i'd go with a pair of rams or one male and two female. not massive fish but you can get them really bright and they'd have the room. them and a tiger plec. :)
A siamese fighter (betta) fish - they have loads of personality and if you get a longer finned one then he'll fill the tank up himself and be a nice bright addition and fun for the kids :)
To be honest, with a 10gal tank you'll have to throw the idea of a 'big' fish right out the window :crazy:

As other have said, 10 gal is a good size for a betta, or maybe a pair of dwarf cichlids or similar. There's absolutely no way you could cram anything like an eel in there, sorry.
10 Gallons is a fairly small tank. Check out this link for fish suitable for a 10 gallon tank. LINK
what about a dwarf puffer?? they have loads of personality...maybe a bit reclusive for you though :????:

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