
  1. B

    New Tank, Need Help

    Hi everyone I'm new to the forums and I have some questions/concerns. Just to start off I've had pet fish when I was much younger but my dad always maintained the tank but he didn't know much about fish then at that lasted about a year but now that I'm older I started to like fish more and more...
  2. W

    Advice On Stocking My Community Tank?

    I have a 50 gallon bow front tank that I've had established for a long time but I need to finish stocking it with fish. I currently have 4 Serpae tetras, 5 neon tetras, 3 Sterbai corys, 2 peppered corys, and 1 albino aeneus cory.   My current plan is to have: 8 Neon tetras 0 or 8 Serpae tetras...
  3. mrstwalker

    New To Treating Tap Water. Please Help!

    Hi everyone! It has been such a long time since I have posted! Anyway, I have a question for anyone that can help!    I have been blessed to live in an area that only uses well water. And because of this, I have never had to buy the water treatments. I just put the water in the tank and let it...
  4. C

    Ideal Setup For Ram Cichlids?

    I recently acquired a 90L tank from a friend (I think 24 gallons, approx? Sorry, I'm Australian so I'm not great at the conversions from metric). I had kept a pair of German Ram Cichlids in the past in my 200L community tank but it was a struggle looking after them in there because the water was...
  5. O

    What Should I Get In My Fluval Chi?

    I Just cleaned out my 6 gallon fluval chi, and I need suggestions for plants! I have 2 mystery fish andI'm getting 2 adf's! (african dwarf frogs) I need suggestions for the tank and also help with syncing a new light switch! HELP    (i will try and post a picture of the mystery fish so u guys...
  6. F

    Changing To Smaller Fish Tank

    Hi all,   Due to moving into a small flat next week I am having to down grade to a lot smaller tank. I currently have a 3 and half foot tank and have bought a small 28 litre pets at home aqua start 320 if anyone is familiar with the name I have to make the hard decision of which fish to keep...
  7. kuzyaburst

    Is This A Good Community Tank?

    I recently got a new tank. I am in the end process of cycling and am deciding which fish to get, I have composed a list of fish... also I am doing a planted tank. The tank size is 36 gallons and will soon have these   Plants: Hermianthus callitrichoides, banana plant, anubias nana, a couple...
  8. A

    What To Do With Old Fish Tank?

    Hi there!    Perhaps I wasn't looking hard enough, but after going through most of the the forums and discussions - I have yet to discover an actual discussion on what could possibly done with old, unwanted, fish tanks.    For example, I have an old - 1.5 gallon LED Aquarium Kit from Tetra and I...
  9. M

    Gold Rams

    I have two male golden ram and my mother got me 2 female rams. Now at the moment my two male rams are separated and I am wondering if i can introduce both males after I have introduced the two females into a tank were the one male is. Does any one know. Thanks
  10. Cameronb_01

    Live Aquatics Plants Help

    Hi Guys, I have just begun landscaping my new Rio Juwel 400. So far I have put in one rock, a large piece of wood and four live plants. Everything was going fine, until, having cycled my tank I put in as a start two one month old baby Mollies. I feed them and everything but they are eating away...
  11. Cameronb_01

    Fish Shops In London

    Hi Everyone, I live in London and I have been looking around on the web and my LFS which is the Aquatics Design Centre appears to be the only decently sized fish store in the area. I live in Hampstead and apart from the aquatics design centre and small garden centres I can't find any other...
  12. Cameronb_01

    Tropical Heater

    Hi, I have purchased the Rio Juwel 400 and it comes with a 300 watt heater. It is a 450L tank and despite the fact that the 300W heater it comes with it is advertised as being able to do: "UP TO 450L" I am conscious that that might be slightly exaggerated. Also looking around on the web it...
  13. J

    Partly New

    Hi all, i have been fish keeping for 1 year, (on and off) i started off with a 2ft 70litre, tank with a mixture of fish. I then moved out away from my girlfriend, when i came back the tank was still running looking beautiful, so i gained ambition again! I decided to buy a 5ft 400litre tank, and...
  14. Zikofski

    Zikofski's Ada 60H (45) Iwagumi Tank Journal

    this is my second tank and i decided to take a different approach to this tank, usually i go for a jungle style tank densely planted and lots of difference species but wit this tank i had been inspired by a load of videos and pictures online of the Japanese Iwagumi style tanks so if i wanted to...
  15. Cameronb_01

    Tropical Fish

    Hi Everyone, I have just purchased a 450 Litre tank and I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions as to what fish to get. I would like something very colourful, large and interesting and preferably reasonably easy to find. I have not yet decided whether it is going to be a...
  16. starlitsunrise

    5 Gallon Shrimp And Snail Tank

    Hey everyone,    On Wednesday I bought the Tetra Complete LED Aquarium 5. It came with a 5 gallon tank, hood, small led light, tetra whisper micro filter and some free samples of various tetra products. Plant wise, it currently has a small amount of java moss and two baby java ferns from my 10...
  17. H

    Hi, Leaking Tank, Help! What Do I Do?

    HI,   So my tank has started leaking, well my mother noticed it a few days ago, but now it's really bad. It looks like it's from the bottom of the tank, but I don't really know as cant remove water and fish at the moment.   If it is the glass that has cracked, can I use fish safe silicone to...
  18. A

    Immaculate Biorb 45 For Sale, With All Paraphernalia

    Price - £125   Unlike most used Biorbs on sale, this tank is in almost PERFECT condition, with no visible scratches. (I'm sure there are a few below the level the substrate sits at, simply due to the nature of the abrasive volcanic rock used by Biorb, but even these are indiscernible. These...
  19. Mamashack

    Upgrading My Shrimp Tank

    Well I've decided to bit the bullet and get a bigger shrimp tank. the current 12L micro tank isn't really big enough to be stable for the temperature and also nitrates-wise. The nitrates I can do something about ( stop over-feeding!) but the temperature swings can't be doing the shrimp any good...
  20. GriffinC18

    Guppy In An Outdoor Tank

    So i placed my female guppy that i believed was pregnant in a 15 gallon tank outside. The temperature was perfect, day and night both....i constantly checked it.  It ended up that the guppy wasn't pregnant even though she looked like an Elephant in the tank compared to the other female. I moved...
  21. mrstwalker

    Decisions - New Fish?! Help Me Decide!

    So, my hubby really knows how to get me, by contributing to my aquarium addiction, he made a deal with me that if he didn't have to go to a dinner party then he would buy me a new tank and a new betta. Naturally, I gave into my addiction, and hubby didn't go to the dinner party, so now I get a...
  22. Vspeck23

    Tiger Barb Tank - Old Tank Revived

    Today I got my tank underway ! I had my tank sitting in the garden for a few years and decided to get it up and running. being very rushed to get it up and running resulted in having 3 quarters pre mixed water from one of my fathers larger tanks down stairs.   I bought an oxygenating weed i...
  23. F

    How To Cycle A Tank?

    Hi everyone,   Just asking how to cycle a new tank? Is it ok to leave a tank for 2 weeks without using filter start and then add a shoal of fish?   Many thanks, Fishyfish890
  24. H

    Moved My Fish To A New Tank! Need Help!

    Okay, so firstly Hi, my name is Hamza, I'm from the UK and am rather new to the hobby (and this site).   and I want to apologise for having such a long post, I just really don't want any fish to die.   I have just finished my 1st year of university, and liked the idea of getting a fish tank to...
  25. haleem8777

    Help, What Size Tank Do I Need?

    Hi. I have been looking through the internet at ways in which to calculate the stocking of a aquarium, and different methods have given different sizes. For example one method says about a tank 185 liters while anothere method gives the answer of 300 liters. So the stocking that i was using is...
  26. nortonmad213

    Moving House, Best Way To Move Tanks As Well?

    hi everyone. so i am moving on the 12 of july and am starting to think on what the best way to move my tank would be? its a 3 ft planted sorority with 20 females bettas 7 peppered cories and 2 bn plecs. for obvious reasons i dont want them out of the tank for too long, but i cant just put them...
  27. Dandx13

    Research Paper On Stocking My Tank? Help!?

    I am currently writing as research paper on stocking my 125 gallon tank. I would like to add 5 angelfish to this tank plus some other fish. The dimensions are 48" x 24" x 24" so this would be perfect for angels. I have plenty of caves and driftwood with some plants (definitely not heavily...
  28. E

    White Stuff All Over Tank While Cycling

    The issue is that this white stuff is all over the tank but i'm still in the process of cycling but this white stuff just start tanking over the tank.   The tank stats are:   Tank Size: 10G, Fish:        1 Dalmation Molly        1 Turquoise Guppy        1 Marigold Platy        1 Mickey Mouse...
  29. C

    Algae Remove Help I Can't Get Rid Of It

    I have a fish tank and recently for some reason I have been getting a hair like algae. I usually just get the regular algae that is on rocks that sucker fish will take off. But I can not get this hair like algae to go away. It is also a pain to pull off. Does anyone know what I need to change to...
  30. B

    I Need A Bigger Tank

    Hey everyone! You could say that I am new to the betta world. I got my first betta in January. She is a female crown tail betta. I have a serious problem though, she still lives in a cup. She is living in a tiny cup :no more than 8oz. She is literally soaked in her poop. I'll try and attach a...
  31. kevcann

    My Musk Turtle Tank

    Musk turtle set up. 
  32. Z

    Convict Cichlid Breeding

    Just wanted to share, getting started on breeding convicts. Looking to get some good color and healthy looking fish. Tips are helpful!   thanks.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz4P1SwjK_Q
  33. Dandx13

    Stocking Ideas? 125 Gallon Tank

    Hey everyone, I am currently cycling my 125 gallon tank (about 48inches x 24 inches x 24 inches). Im trying to decide what to stock it with, which seems to be the hardest decision! So far i am interested in Angelfish, Plecos, and Bala sharks. I would like to choose larger fish because i have a...
  34. J

    Help Me With Ideas For What To Put In My Tank

    I just put my fish in my tank and i only have a rock and two plastic plants. This is why i need ideas for what to put in it and where. I have an idea to put alot of plants on the right for a little forest but idk tell me what you think.I have 2 Oscars, 1 Senegal bichir, and 1 bala shark but ill...
  35. Dmbandstef

    Do I Still Need To Cycle Aquarium If....

    I use established filter media, possibly with gravel from established tank? Im a little iffy on the gravel part because there is some kind of parasite going around (head twitching, rubbing on gravel, one affected fish keeps swimming to top for air, what is wrong?)
  36. AeonMapa

    Ebjd Journey!

    Hey everyone, this is my first post on here, and I hope to get a lot of support from you my fellow fishkeepers, and hope to be able to help you out as well   I just purchased a baby EBJD about a week ago. He's only 1" in length. Now I know that its recommended to get this particular fish a bit...
  37. Seeker

    Juwel Tanks - Lido 200 Or Trigon 190?

    Hello,   After a fair amount of discussion and some furniture removal, my partner and I have created a corner space for our future fish tank, and we're considering the above two models.  I appreciate that neither will give us quite as many stocking options as a conventional rectangular tank of...
  38. G

    How To Clean A 5 Gallon Fish Tank?

    Recently I posted a topic asking what fish I should put in my one gallon fish bowl, and all the answers insisted I get at least a five gallon tank for my next betta fish. I would be totally okay with purchasing a five gallon fish tank, but I'm not sure how to clean a tank that big! I would...
  39. mrstwalker

    55Gal Heater Or Heaters - Help!

    Would it be better to buy 2 smaller heaters for a 55 gallon tank for each end of the tank or would 1 300watt for up to 75 gallons heat the tank evenly?? Thanks!!!
  40. ADW1988

    Complete Overhaul Of 60 L Tank

    I'm going for a complete overhaul of my tank. (Ive actually started a previous thread regarding substrate change, so apologies, hope this isn't too much of a duplicate)   ATM I have a 60L Marina tank with you run of the mill Pets at home décor. It's great but fancy a change for the better of my...