
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. N

    Platy Disappearance

    Hello everyone, I discovered this site and decided to join, as everyone here seems helpful and friendly. I have a question about a mysterious disappearance. I have a 20 gallon betta community tank. In the tank is a crowntail betta, platies, cory catfish, and kuhli loaches. A few days ago, I...
  2. T

    What do you think? --Tank Stand Design--

    Hey I just got into the hobby an am having lots of fun with the diy aspect. I've gotten a 30 gallon and a 55 gallon stand builds under my belt. So I decided to try to do something a bit more... lets say ascetically pleasing lol. Here's what I've come up with. 2 designs. you can either add the...
  3. cooledwhip

    CooledWhip's Dirted Tank Guide.

    I will be updating this guide multiple times. This is the first section that I have created and the second sections will be coming soon, as soon as I get hardscape and stuff to set it up and plant it. Hey everyone, I have mentioned that sometime in the future I would make a dirted tank guide...
  4. F

    240g tank with sump and stand

    I have a glass 240-gallon aquarium with sump that is running as a freshwater setup complete with extra high capacity return pump, lights, heater, etc. You can use the freshwater setup or drain it and start your own saltwater setup. To build this system would cost at least $5,000. Includes: 240...
  5. M

    Community Fish Tank

    Hi! I have a 100 litre (22 UK gallon, 26 US gallon) Tropical Fish Tank which I Have had set up for a few years, but now, most of the old fish have died. I'd now like to start afresh, with a community tank. Currently, All I have in there is a bulldog catfish. Ideally, I'd like to have a tank...
  6. Flubberlump

    Wanted, tank with black cabinet

    Hi all. I'm looking for a tank with black cabinet/stand as above. This is for a betta I have reserved at my LFS so needed asap! 30ltr minimum but not huge due to stock plan to be the betta and maybe some Pygmy corys. Also not looking to spend over £40 ideally. Thanks
  7. BOGaming_

    Do I Need A Filter? [Important]

    Hello all, So basically I'm expecting fry anytime this week. This is a repeat of my preg fish from about a month ago but sadly they all died because at the time i was new and did not meet the fry requirements. I currently have 1 fry i am raising in my main tank (in a hatchery) who is doing very...
  8. FroFro

    Betta Flaring Again, Tank Background?

    I recently bought a new aquarium for my betta, still five gallon but a bowfront that fits easier on the stand, yes his tank is cycled and he is doing fine :D   My question though, I purchased a new light to help a small anubias plant start to grow and it illuminates the tank nicely, however my...
  9. Cameronb_01

    All My Plants Are Dying

    Hi Guys,   I was going to post this last week in Tropical Discussions but I think that now it is an emergency. As seen in the second picture the bottoms of my plants are all black and I think they are dying? Also as seen in the first picture there is stuff on all the leaves which I don't know...
  10. Cameronb_01

    Fuzzy Algae Identification And Treatment

    Hi Guys,   The stuff attached in the picture has been growing in my planted discus tank. What is it? And how do I treat it?   Best wishes,   Cameron
  11. Cameronb_01

    Plants For Discus Tank

    Hi Guys,   On the 1st of September 3 Discus fish, (Leopard Snakeskin, Checkerboard and Red Turquoise), are arriving for my 450L tank which is empty apart from substrate and gravel 5 cm deep. I was wondering if I could please run some ideas past you guys regarding the planting of the tank. My...
  12. smithyithy

    220L / 48G Custom Made Aquarium Tank + Stand

    Hi,   I am selling a custom-made 220 litre / 48 gallon tank with stand.   I had the tank professionally made to my measurements a few years ago. The dimensions are 900mm W, 550mm D, 450mm H. It is made from 8mm OptiWhite glass, rimless, clear sealant, and has a white vinyl backing.   The stand...
  13. Cameronb_01

    Jbl Proflora M603 Not Working

    Hi Everyone,   A couple of months ago I bought a brand new JBL pro flora m603 complete unit. I have now come to the time for setting it up and yesterday I followed all the instructions, did the calibration etc… However it does not inject any CO2 into the tank. The only way of me getting it to do...
  14. Cameronb_01

    Planted Discus Tank Emergency

    Hi Guys,   So basically I have been impatient and made a mistake. 4 weeks ago I filled my empty tank with RO water and rasied the Kh to 4 and then began the cycling process. My tank is fully cycled and ready for fish as of yesterday, (I tested the Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels). And so I...
  15. A

    Moving To A Bigger Tank

    I've had my fish for just a little over a week now. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I got them and the tank that I learned a 1.5 gallon tank was much too small. I'm looking to upgrade to a 20 gallon as soon as I have the money and can clear out the space. I've been looking around on the...
  16. B

    The Insanely Boring Tank..... T-T

    So I have a 5 gallong fluval spec (long) tank and I have 1 anubias afzeli to the left, couple low growers in the middle area. and one Asian water fern to the right side of the tank. the soil is a sand like substrate... Plz someone suggest something and save this boring glass rectangle plz omg. I...
  17. FroFro

    Best Driftwood For My Tank?

    What is the best driftwood choice for my tank? None of my fish other than a small pleco can benefit from it, but I read its good for the overall health of the tank. What is the easiest kind of wood to cure/boil/soak of tannins before putting it into the water? I work nearly full time so a wood...
  18. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    I have had my male Betta for 14 months and recently moved him from a 1G to a 5G Aqueon MiniBow.  Eventually I'd prefer a 10G or larger but for now want to make the 5G as comfortable as possible.  In the meantime I was hoping to use the 1G as a plant tank and before doing proper research added 10...
  19. eslingerl10

    How To Lower My Tank Ph?

    I have one male betta kept in a 3 gallon tank, filtered. I do 50% water changes every week because the tank is cycled, and the temperature is constant at 76 degrees fahrenheight. The pH currently is about 7.8, but I need the pH to be 7 or a little bit lower. My question is how can I safely use...
  20. cooledwhip

    Setting Up My First "proffesional" Fish Tank. 45 Gallon Show T

    Hey everyone. I plan on making this thread a journal somewhat. Basically I was on LetGo which is basically like craigslist and I found this 45 gallon show/tall and the wooden stand for $65. I purchased it and I am very happy. I know this was a great investment because the stand itself can be...
  21. JenniferBowyer

    Water Pump Question

    so I just got a top fin 1.7 gallon tank from petsmart and the water pump has a switch for plus and minus I was wondering what that does because im not use to that kind 
  22. cooledwhip

    Where Can I Get Cheap Tanks And Stuff?

    I was on adana-usa.com and was looking at some rimless tanks to start a new micro aquascape but they are so expensive. Not only that but the shipping is outrageous. It would cost me nearly $80 for a 4 gallon tank. Anywhere else I can buy cheap tanks and materials for aquascaping? Thanks
  23. cooledwhip

    Is My Tank Over Crowded?

    Hey all I have a 20 gallon long aquascape. about 2 inches of substrate and a few rocks. Lots of plants. It is fully cycled and I have had it since like January I think. In the tank, I have 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish, 6 Endler's Livebearers (3 male 3 female), 3 Panda Platys, 3 Guppies, 3 Ghost...
  24. RRaquariums

    10 Gallon Nano Reef

    I recently had to downsize my 220 gallon tank dew to moving later this year but I couldn't really give it all up lol. So I've kept a few corals and set up a little 10 gallon nano tank with a hang on back refugium. Since I can't post pics on this site from my iPad for some reason I'll post...
  25. cooledwhip

    Dirting My Tank... Is This Good Soil?

    I have a 10 gallon tank I am currently using to house my spare plants because my current 20g is too filled with plants. I have a little bit of seachem flourite left over from when I made my 20g and on top of that is a lot of sand. I regret using the sand now and plan on replacing it with some...
  26. cooledwhip

    20 Gallon Long Aquascape.. I Kinda Messed Up And It Looks Ugly

    Hey everyone. So I recently got a 20 gallon long and want to turn it into a planted tank/aquascape. I love aquascapes, they look so beautiful but I tried to set up my tank and it just looks ugly REALLY ugly. The two pieces of drift wood I got are ugly and I just don't like them at all. I also...
  27. cooledwhip

    Nano Saltwater Reef Tank?

    I was just wondering if it would be doable to create a small nano saltwater reef tank. I was thinking something as small as 5 gallons and have a low tech setup with an anenome and maybe some small saltwater fish. Is it possible? I have a freshwater planted tank right now and want to move on to...
  28. T

    Treating Ich With Proform-C

    Hi all, yesterday I noticed typical ich symptoms (salt spots and cloudy eyes) and started treatment by raising the temp to 88 gradually (2 degrees per day) and adding ich guard. I have Proform-C which is a malachite green and formulin treatment. I'm not using hyposalinity because of using...
  29. RRaquariums

    Diy Frag Plugs. My Experiment

    So I'm downgrading from my current 300 gallon reef tank to a 75 gallon frag tank. New job and less time made me choose to do soemthing a little smaller. But I've had a lot of fun growing and selling my corals and I'm looking forward to really focusing on getting the corals to grow fast and have...
  30. AshleyNZ

    My Cichlid Adventure - 52G/220L Journal

    Have been inactive for a long while now, but I have returned from the grave.  After a few months of having my tank set up as a tropical community, completed with green-colored silica sand from a pesky algae, and nasty looking plants, I have decided that this is not the setup ideal for me!  ...
  31. RRaquariums

    Why Every Reefer Should Have A Generator.

    So last Tuesday we had a massive wind storm that blew over trees knocked down power lines and put 180 thousand+ people out of power here in my area. The power didn't come on for me again until Friday night. It's winter here so nights are getting down to 20 degrees which is well below freezing...
  32. RRaquariums

    My Bangaii Cardinal Pair Had Their First Batch Of Babies

    So I have two Bangaii cardinals I added about 4 months ago to my 230 gallon reef tank they where about the size of nickel when I added them and are now about the size of a quarter. I got lucky and they paired up almost right away which is what I was hoping would happen but it's very hard to tell...
  33. driger8642

    Sick Cory :(

    Tank Size - 20 Gal High Filter - Tetra Whisper 40 Heater - I forgot the name but it is a pretty good one for the tank Thermometer - 77 degrees Air Stone - 1 Sand Substrate Using API Master Tet Kit for water testing   Hey guys, I'm currently doing a fishy cycle (2 and a half weeks in) with 10...
  34. driger8642

    Changed To Sand From Gravel, A Few Urgent Questions...

    So, I just changed to sand from gravel and I must say, my corys seem to love it..   *I just added the sand 1 day ago* *I rinsed out the sand twice before adding it in the tank*   - The sand seem to have two layers in it.... the bottom one seems dark black with no air pockets while top one is...
  35. T

    When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box

    I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry...
  36. F

    Hello There.

    Hello everyone, im mordecai, but you can call me mordy, i dont mind. I have two tanks ive had since two months ago, and i love this hobby of mine. Everytime i get paid i go to petsmart. Im addicted. Litterally. ---------------- Im my bathroom i have a small tank, about the size of a regular...
  37. driger8642

    What Type Of Fish Is This?

    I know this is a cory but which one? albino? spotted? etc.   Reason im asking is that I have 3 and need 1 more since 4 seems better.   The cories seem to be super active all the time, which I researched upon is normal for the beginning 1-2 months and then they just settle down at the bottom most...
  38. benthyer

    Tds Tester

    So with my latest plan to adventure intot he world of shrimps and also the lack of knowledge on some of my water parameters I was looking for a TDS Tester.   I came across this and was wandering if anyone had used one before and what they though? Alternatively if you know of something better...
  39. driger8642

    Help With My Fish Tank!

    Hi all, my name is Sammy, I'm from New York. This is my first post there so I really hope that I'm in the right place, if not can I request a moderator to move this thread to the right section? Thanks   Anyways, I just started my hobby of having fishes as pets. So before getting them I did a...
  40. RRaquariums

    90 Gallon Reef Cube.
