
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. LicianDragon

    Hornwort Keeps Dying?

    I have a 20 gallon planted tank with eco-complete planted aquarium substrate. I have many plants species in the tank including cryptocorne wendtti red, anacharis, banana plant, pennywort, anubias nana, and phoenix moss. The hornwort bunches though keep dying. The plant will be green and...
  2. TheStretchedElf

    My First Tank - 60L Sand

    Hi everybody. Newby here, both to the site and fish keeping in general. Recently my mother in law gave me a 60l tank. At the moment I have no fish in it as I'm still aquascaping and cycling. I've gone for a sand substrate, a few medium sized pebbles and a piece of bogwood. The two plastic...
  3. LiamGoodaire

    Help Me! Questions To Ask! Issues To Resolve!

    Maybe this thread isn't as important as the title implies so firstly my apologies for that. The reason behind the thread is to help resolve some issues I have which have been mentioned in individual threads previously but suffered from lack of attention so I'm putting them all together! Ill...
  4. C


    Hi everyone;   My name is Steve and I am new to the fish world and I have a few questions. I have a 3.5 galleon tank and wondering how many fish can fit in there. Currently I have 5 guppies (a baby guppy) and two small bristle plecos. Would getting a weather loach be too much for this tank? Also...
  5. D34DLY

    West Midlands - Selling 42 Litre (11.1 Us Gallon) Fish Tank & Equi

    Please fill out the following form for any and all transactions. Please change the first line as applicable to the transaction Equipment: 42 Litre (11.09 US Gallon) Glass Aquarium Lighting Unit (UK PLUG) Coral Gravel (AMOUNT IN PICTURE) Thermometer Filter (Will Do, However HIGHLY Recommend An...
  6. BlackyMoory

    Is 3 Gallons Big Enough For A Betta?

    http://www.bobtailpets.co.uk/aquatics/starter-kits-packages/marina-dragon-fish-tank-start-kit-51c-12p.html   That fish tank there!
  7. MartinS

    24" Tank With Lights, Hood And Filter (Surrey)

    I'm considering moving some of my more secretive cats to their own 'biotope' tank as have not seen them once since moving them into my 5'. To this end, I'm after a 24" tank, but preferably 15" (or wider) and 15" or 18" tall. A tank with hood and/or lighting preferred but not a huge problem if no...
  8. VickyChaiTea

    Vickychaitea's Tanks

    Just a spot for progress shots of my taaaaanks. <3   Fluval SPEC   10gal   2gal   2gal   2gal
  9. E

    Fluval Roma 125L Tank, Cupboard, Fish And Accessories Also Fluval Flor

    Equipment make/model/size: Fluval Roma 125l also Fluval Flora Quantity for sale: 1 of each Reason for Sale: lack of space Delivery or Collection: collection  Sales price: Sensible offers Postage & Packaging: n/a  Location: Lincoln Photograph: not had chance yet   I have taken the decision to...
  10. T

    Changing Water In My Tank

    Hi everyone! It's my first time setting up a planted fish tank. I placed 7 guppies in a 3 gallon tank with aerator only after 10 days the water went murky so, I installed a water filter. I plan to clean up the whole tank tomorrow changing the water because the stones at the bottom are looking...
  11. B

    10L Planted Tank _-'-_-'-_ Algae Issue, Any Ideas? _-'-_-&

    Hey guys.   Ive got a litle 10 litre tank setup for 3 months - added plants (glosso and dwarf hair grass) about 2 weeks ago   Using subs. fertilizer and a litle bit (half the doze) of liquid ferts   DIY co2   Chaeto algae bulb (marine 3X3w Led running same spectrum as topical aqua plant req.) on...
  12. Zikofski

    Fish Tank Cabinet Diy Project

    Hello all and welcome to my new project, an 88L tank, which is going to be my new planted nano tank with a few small fish. But firstly I will be building a cabinet for it, this will be made of solid pine wood, with 18mm thick pine panel's on the outside hopefully it will look stunning once...
  13. paradiddle

    Urgent Help Needed! Tank Is Waiting For Help!

    Hey im fairly new to the fish keeping hobby, and i just got a steal of a deal from a friend at work, i bought a fully working Fluval Vicenza 260 with stand for just &pound;100. The filter is a Fluval 305 Cannister filter (fully working) The tanks capacity is 248L (which i think is around...
  14. O

    Upgrading To A Larger Tank?

    Good morning everyone, Today I'll be going to the pet store in order to get a new tank for my fish. Until now I have had a relatively small tank, of about 4 gallons (15L), and I am now upgrading it to a larger one, of around 15 gallons (55L). However, I am not entirely sure I am aware of the...
  15. NeonSagaris

    My 60 Litre Freshwater Fish Tank

    Hallo everyone! Here I will be posting pictures of my fish tank and the fish in my tank. Enjoy! Here are some snaps of when I first got the tank about 6 weeks ago, and I had put the soil, gravel, rocks and a few plants in... (looks a lot different now, I assure you!) More to come...
  16. alexpb22

    Balloon Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Tank? Not Happy :-(

    Hi, I've just joined this forum as I'm looking for some advice regarding one of my Balloon Mollies. I have the Fluval Edge tank (I know it's not great), I only have two female balloon mollies in there and they have been there for a few months now. They were both happy at first although one of...
  17. M

    Stocking My 20gal Freshwater Tank!

    Hey all, new member and beginner fishkeeper here! So I'm planning on getting my very first tank soon and wanted some suggestions. I consider myself fairly new to fishkeeping, and the only real experience I have is caring for my sister's male betta and two comet goldfish. However, I have been...
  18. C

    New 25 Gallon Tank

    Thanks for your time, I currently have a perfect setup of a 28L AquaOne 320 but after one of my guppies giving birth to nine young I decided I should upgrade now before I encounter an overstocking issue. I have purchased a 25 Gallon tank you can see below: http://i49.tinypic.com/5cj37s.jpg I...
  19. I

    Need Someone Familiar With Indian Almond Leaves

    I just ordered some Indian almond leaves for my 10 gallon shrimp tank and I was wondering how brown they are going to make the water. I know this is the betta section, but I know a lot more people use these leaves in their betta tanks, so I felt I would get some better answers here. My pH is...
  20. LicianDragon

    Can't Get Rid Of Bba Algae!

    I have a 20 gallon tank that has been set up for about 2 and half months now. This is not my first tank but I am getting rampant BBA algae problems. I don't mind it so much on the glass( I only wipe down the front pane so my neon goby has something to eat) but it's starting to grow on my live...
  21. emfishy

    20 Gallon Tropical Tank Help!

    Hello, I'm sort of new to fish keeping,I've taken care of some fish in the past though.The longest fish I had was a Tiger Oscar Cichlid and a Plecostomus. They both got to big for my 10 gallon tank,so I gave them away. Anyways, I got a 20 gallon long fish tank awhile ago, so I wanted to set it...
  22. D34DLY

    Custom Fish Tank & Stand Quotes Comparison

    Hi guys, this is mainly for my reference. However I thought it'd be cool for others to be able to read through it also. Possibly those in the process of deciding whether or not a custom tank is for them or not. Nevertheless, below you will find a list of companies and their prices. Some stating...
  23. D34DLY

    Stocking Suggestions For A 63 Litre Tank?

    Hi! I currently have a 42 litre fish tank with 1 male betta fish & 6 galaxy rasboras. However I've seen a fish tank and stand (Juwel Rekord 600) for a mere &pound;30! And so of course I'm going to leap for it, but hey - now Im wondering about the possible fish I can keep. (If I can.) Just to...
  24. Kmin LionHeart

    How Long Will My Betta Live Given Adequate Conditions?

    I just bought my little red male Betta yesterday. I named him Robin. So I did some research before getting him, of course. So here's what I do for my Betta: 1) I'll give him 3 SMALL meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) (small meals equivalent to 3 pieces of bloodworms per meal. Not saying...