
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Help! My New Fish Are Struggling ---Flukes?—What Should I Do?

    Hey everyone, I could really use some advice regarding some serious issues with my recent fish order and tank losses. Here’s the full story: Two days ago, I received a group of fish, including: Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish x2 Emperor Tetra x12 (+2 extra, so 14 total) Rummynose Tetra x9 (+1 extra...
  2. I

    Help! Molly fish keep dying

    Hi, I’m pretty new to fish keeping and this is my first time keeping mollies. My tank is over 1 month old and had been cycled before adding any fish. The tank now contains 3 mollies and 3 emerald eye rasboras. It’s only the mollies that are getting sick. They start acting lethargic and then...
  3. C

    Guppy struggling to swim

    Hi, this is my first time posting and I have no idea what to do. I’ve only owned my guppies for three months so I’m quite new to fish keeping. I found my smallest guppy (Canyon) struggling to swim this morning. I found him struggling near the bottom but when I came near, he was twirling...
  4. N

    Dwarf acara/smiling acara laying on its side

    Recently i bought four dwarf acaras/smiling acaras and after i put them into the tank they went hiding as any new fish does.I made sure to properly 'prepare" them to water and temperature before adding them.Day later i see all of them alive but one started to act weird.He (the only male of this...
  5. NatCardiff88

    Help! Discus not eating,hiding and ball hanging out of anus - unsure if prolapse or disease

    Hi There Please can someone help and advise to treatment with my one discus. She’s been hiding and not eating tried using entice but no joy. She hasn’t showed any symptoms but now has a ball hanging out of anus. I want to treat straightway but unsure if this is a prolapse, hexamita or worms...
  6. B

    White fungus looking spot on my guppy

    Hi! I’m new to this forum though ive been keeping fish (cardinals, guppies, ember tetras, pacific blue eyes, and a few other species) in a 3ft planted tank with no issues for a few years. I’ve just upgraded to a 5ft, 600litre (160gal) tank and im struggling to get it stable (temperature (too...
  7. J

    Sick Goldfish - Seeking Assistance with Diagnosis

    I need urgent advice for a sick goldfish. It's a bit of a messy situation and there are no local fish vets available. I moved a sick goldfish from my parent's pond to a 60L hospital tank. She has a swollen abdomen, red patches on her face and near the base of some fins, and her one eye has less...
  8. D

    Is this ick???

    Hey there guys I’m new to aquariums I’ve been doing good but lately my plecos have been dying off one by one and when I see the bodies there are little white spots all over I looked it up and found out about ick and now my dwarf powder blue gouramis are starting to have white spots can anyone...
  9. J

    Whirly Disease or Swim Bladder

    I have a 3 yr old Rainbow shark. I believe it's a male but not 100% positive. He is refusing to eat unless handfed via a small syringe. I noticed this about 2 days ago when he was out in the tank spinning in a corner. I thought whirly disease or swim bladder but he is not visibly bloated and he...
  10. Billokas

    Southern platy fish with white stringy poop, not eating and staying in the surface

    Hi Everyone, I am worried about my platies. I have 4 in total, 2 mickey mouse (which are fine) and 2 Southern. Last week one of the southern stop eating, hence the white poop, lost weight and was kinda isolating herself since yesterday the other platy started to have the same behavior. Last...
  11. N

    please help sick dwarf gourami :(

    my dwarf gourami has been looking like this for a couple weeks now. it still has a normal appetite and shows no signs of lethargy... could someone help? the water parameters are normal
  12. tkoalas

    Platinum guppy has damaged tail fin and is hiding away

    Request Help. My platinum guppy is acting odd. See below for full explanation. Any insight would be helpful. Currently, the guppy in question has been moved to a quarantine tank in case he's being bullied by the other guppies or in case of fin rot. Tank size: 5 gallon (currently in 1/2 gallon...
  13. L

    Help I’m not sure what is wrong!

    I am new to fishkeeping. I’ve had zebra fish and Kuli loaches for a little over a month and I recently got 2 German blue rams and 2 snails. My zebra fish have been noticeably stressed (hanging out in a group, staying near the top of the tank) however after about a week they have started to chill...
  14. R

    Help Please!

    I got some glowfish danios yesterday and they were doing great last night and this morning, however when i got home from work all 3 have downward curved spines (U shaped) and look slightly bloated (bellies look boxy). They are swimming perfectly fine and super active. None of my other fish are...
  15. E

    Bloated Oscar fish - What can I do?

    I have a Oscar fish who has gotten pretty bloated as of the last month. He behaves normally, eats normally, etc. Today he was very sluggish, but ate normally yesterday. Fasting did not result in bloating going away, tried this for 4 days without food, then a week at 30% feedings, and then 70%...
  16. E

    HELP! How to save fish

    Hello everyone, I have had this Oscar for a couple weeks and he was doing great in the tank. He loves to eat and always comes out when I get close. I saw 2 days ago he had some white spots and I immediately thought it was ich. I was told ich spreads fast so I waited a day to see if it was ich...
  17. W

    My black mollies are sick

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here, thank you for reading. My black mollies seem to be having an ongoing health problem. I received a 64 liter (17 gallon) fish tank, it has been running for a couple of years. It was stocked with a black molly colony, a Chinese algae eater, a pair of yoyo...
  18. R

    Honey gourami turning white?!

    Morning everyone, I turned on my tank today to see a (maybe?) very sick dwarf honey gourami. I noticed his colour was fading about a week ago but I assumed it was to stress from a large water change (half the tank) due to one of the fish eating and killing a tetra (ammonia had spiked slightly...
  19. E

    How long has this fish been trapped in my plants??

    My threadfin rainbowfish are extremely skiddish, and apparently when they get scared they nose dive so deep into my valisneria that they get stuck and can't get out. I lost (they literally disappeared) one fish a week or two ago, one fish two and a half days ago, and one fish just today a...
  20. FrezhFinz

    Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Sick?

    I just got home from work today I have a 29 gallon with one firemouth, two blood parrots, and a EBJD and I noticed he was hiding a lot yesterday and today I see him at the bottom of the tank laying on the sand and I saw him doing a roll on the sand almost equivalent to how a gator does that...
  21. M

    Fish Sick. Possibly graphite??

    Early this morning I noticed that my betta fish had a grey streak going across the side of his body that was not there before. My fish was also laying on the bottom of the tank at one point breathing very heavily. From research I have done it looks like it could possibly be graphite but I am not...
  22. B

    Glofish swollen belly?

    Hi friends - I have a freshwater tank that’s been pretty stable for a while. We have four glofish and four tetras. A few weeks ago the blue glofish got a swollen belly (see pics). She was still peppy and energetic so I though maybe she had eggs? But it’s been this way for a few weeks at least...
  23. P

    Molly in danger

    Alright, so I wake up in the morning one day and find one of my mollies(potentially interbred with swordtails/platies) has a gill problem. So, I look at it and say it’s due to fighting. Later on I see some problems with the small fish; she has gotten visibly bloodier and her gill plate (or what...
  24. D

    Panda cory no tail

    Panda cory has no tail Very small panda cory has lost its tail along the way more then likely due to tiger barbs Is there any hope for him or more then likely not Have him isolated as of now in a breeder box ad I don't have another tank as of now As you can hopefully see it is still alive
  25. W.R

    New Clown Killifish In Established Tank, Lethargic after ICH treatment

    Hey all, about two weeks ago I've purchased 8 Clown killifish for my 20L, 2 year established tank with a few neocaridina, I could not quarantine them because my QT was taken up that same day by a friends sick beta fish (who is fine now :D), the store did not want to keep the killi's any longer...
  26. N

    Does my Clown Pleco Have Ich?

    Hello everyone! New to the game and just noticed my young clown pleco (I think that’s what he is) has some white spots all over his body. Does it look like the ich? Also have in the 30 gallon tank: 1 Neon blue dwarf gourami 1 Angelfish 3 tetra glofish Thanks!
  27. omega59

    Betta With White Lump

    My male Betta has this lump on it's top side I'm not sure what it is. I tried Pima Fix for body fungus i did 2 rounds and its still there. I also just recently started adding aquarium salt each water change, as suggested by my LFS. Can someone help me with this and what to do. I live in Canada...
  28. A

    HELP danio!!!

    I’m very much a newbie to fish keeping I have a 21 gal tank which I had 7 danios 3 white clouds 2 plecs and a few guppies. now I have only 3 danios I don’t know where the others went they just slowly disappeared the only theory I could come up with is them died over night and the others eating...
  29. M

    Sick cardinal tetra?

    Hey! I’ve just come to my fish tank to see one of my smaller cardinals are looking a little pale! It’s also swimming ever so slightly funny to the rest, more jerky and like it’s struggling to stay level (not floating or sinking like swim ladder) It’s active and has eaten some food this morning...
  30. L

    Betta with bent spine

    Hi everyone. I got a new Betta 2 weeks ago and I’m looking for some advice. We cycled the tank for 6 weeks prior and did all the checks to make sure the water was safe. However after 2 weeks the betta began to become less active and more lethargic. I thought I may have over fed him and stopped...
  31. R

    Guppy with swollen belly and yellow/white patch

    I noticed my guppy had a swollen belly and on closer look at the front there’s is a yellow/white patch on it. Anyone know what this is and how I can help him. Ammonia and nitrates are 0 Nitrates is 6 Ph is 7.6 Tank is 100 litres
  32. D

    Keyhole behavior change

    I've had a pair a keyholes for mo this. They normally are always together. Last weekend I redid their tank and added live plant and switched around their driftwood. Since then I barley see one of them or if I do it's just laying low on the gravel behind rocks or In plants. It also looks like her...
  33. S

    Black skirt tetra- white scabs(not spots) on head

    Hello!! I’m new here but I joined because I’ve got a sick fish and I have no idea what’s wrong with him. He’s in the family tank (I don’t have any personal fish), and I’ve got mollies(2), zebrafish(3), black skirt tetras(2), Cory(1), pleco(1), and two baby mollies. I’m scared he will infect the...
  34. K

    Pleco Cancer?

    Hello! I joined to ask you all what you think. Is my Pleco sick? I’m leaning towards a tumour at this point. He didn’t have it when I first got him about five-six weeks ago and it’s been slowly getting bigger. None of my other fish are sick. Thanks for your help!
  35. Lo Ki Gorgeous

    What's wrong with my guppy/ tank?

    Hello everyone I'm afraid I'm not sure how to add a video on here, but I'll try to explain what's up with him. Sorry if this is a bit long. But I appreciate the help. My guppy started swimming very erratically yesterday and was swimming up and down from the bottom to the top several times...
  36. K

    Molly with discoloured patch on one side

    Hi all! I've used this forum before to search for answers, but I just registered now as I'm very worried about a whitish patch on the side of one of my new mollies. I added 2 new female mollies to keep the original male Molly company. I know everyone asks for parameters first, so here's the...
  37. W

    Platy in distress!

    Hi all! A few months ago, my partner and I inherited a tank from a friend who was moving across the country. We have had some issues because the tank was not properly cycled before our friend put the fish in and the water quality was very poor when they arrived with us but up until now, all of...
  38. A

    Platy making bubbles at the top of water! HELP!!

    I have 4 platys (3F,1M) and an Albino Rainbow shark. My tank has been running for almost a year. Today one of my female platys is staying at the top of the water blowing bubbles and then eating them. She ate this morning just fine, and is not off balance so I am leaning towards it not being swim...
  39. M

    Fish Emergency Redness on temple of corydora

    Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 20G How long has the tank been running? 5 months Does it have a filter? Yes Does it have a heater? Yes What is the water temperature? 78 - 79F What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.) 6 Harlequin Raspbora, 6 Neon...
  40. L

    Betta fish is sick

    Hi everyone, I’m new to owning a betta and he isn’t doing too well. We’ve had him over a month but the last week he’s getting worse and worse. I’ve checked the levels in his water and they’re fine but I’ve also made sure to do regular water changes incase. He has been spending more time at the...