
  1. Burleson

    !!HELP!! Pregnant guppy

    I bought this guppy and another while they were both pregnant. About a week ago I found 9 babies but I thought the biggest guppy (as you can see in the photos below) would give birth first. She still looks pregnant though and the other smaller female didn’t look that pregnant. Anyway I thought...
  2. A

    Is this dropsy or is this guppy a pregnant female?

    I've had this tank of 7 male guppies since March. They are doing really well. Today I noticed that the black guppy has a huge abdomen. He is acting completely normal. I look at them every day and have not noticed him getting larger. Is there something wrong with him, or is he actually a she...
  3. GothFishKeeper

    Is my fish sick or just pregnant?

    I recently donated all of the juvenile mollies in my tank to the LFS I work at, and now that there’s more room in the tank my mollies have been “doing it” nonstop. Yesterday I noticed that my black molly’s belly was a bit bigger and more squared off, but now I’m concerned. She’s removing herself...
  4. J

    Chubby Guppy Causes

    A few days ago, I purchased a few female guppies from a chain pet shop. It looked like they did not care for their fish well and I decided to get a few to put them in a better environment. One of the guppies has a relatively large belly. Could she have something like intestinal worms? Was she...
  5. K

    Pregnant Platy?

    Hi! I’m new to livebearers and think one (possibly two) of my platys is pregnant. Can anyone tell for sure? My apologies that the pics are not super clear.
  6. P

    Black Molly stuck in labor?

    I have a black Molly fish that gave birth to only one fish last week. I am home all day and have been keeping an eye on her and I haven't seen any other fry. She is acting the same as she was right before she went into labor. She's either wagging her tail fast near the heater or swimming around...
  7. C


    Can anyone help me i think my fish has laid eggs, what do i do to get prepared? tia
  8. F

    SOS! Is any molly pregnant?

    Hello friends, i am new here, i was looking for a forum to post my mollies to check if any of these 2 mollies is pregnant. I am waiting for a fast answer so i can put the pregnant in safe place to give birth! Thank you for your time.
  9. E

    Very pregnant molly!

    Hi there, I believe my molly is extremely close to giving birth. I am just about to separate her from the main tank, but want to ensure it isn’t too soon. What do you guys think?
  10. C

    My molly is pregnant…Right?

    Hello, I am sure my molly is pregnant, but I want someone to estimate how long until she could give birth… I’ll attach photos below
  11. R

    Is my Molly pregnant? Or jsut fat?

    Hi my molly has started to look much fatter and I’m wondering if she’s just eaten a lot or if she’s pregnant.
  12. E

    Is my pregnant guppy about to give birth?

    I have had this female guppy for about 2 weeks and she's been pregnant since day 1. I just separated her into a birthing container but am unsure if she's actually about to give birth soon. Her belly seems to have that "shape" I've read about and her gravid spot has gotten very big over the last...
  13. K

    PLEASE HELP! Gigantic Molly Unexplainable - Photos and stats included

    Hey y’all! I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to tank things and what I lack knowledge on, Google to the rescue. But this one has me all sorts of confused. I “adopted” this Molly 3 months ago. My local fish store has a “Kae Tank” that he puts fish in that he can’t sell for...
  14. Y

    Odd molly fish behavior

    Hi, I recently bought some new fish for my aquarium a few days ago. They are 3 mollies and 2 guppies. Yesterday I noticed that a female Molly was acting strange, going up and down the tank and then staying at the bottom of the tank. I did a water change and tested the water and all levels were...
  15. AmyKieran

    Is my fish pregnant!?

    I have an African cichlid tank with about 40 African cichlids in. My recently bought ruti island cichlid seems pregnant (large jaw as if holding eggs). I have attached images. Could anyone please tell me if it is or not? Also I have posted in emergencies just in case I need to quickly remove...
  16. G

    Possibly pregnant Swordtail help!!

    Fat or pregnant swordtail ?? Is she is pregnant how much longer do you think until babies? … so sorry she is pooping😂 It’s a koi female swordtail and I also have a male koi swordtail I have another post too today for a platy if u can help with that too won’t let me put vids so they are blurry
  17. G

    Platy help please!!!

    Fat or pregnant platy?? Is she is pregnant how much longer do you think until babies? I have another post too today for a swordtail if u can help with that too
  18. B

    Is my fish pregnant?

  19. Mollyforever

    Is my molly pregnant?

    I think my female molly is pregnant! She has been pooping a lot recently and really aggressive toward other fish. But all mollies poop a lot so I am confused regarding when she is going to drop the fry. She is fairly young and she looks round when I look at her from the top and i also think her...
  20. rianna21

    What is up with my Danio?

    Hi, I’ve attached a youtube video of my Danio which I have had for maybe 3 months now. The last few weeks its been looking really chubby and has an extra kind of hump under its chin. Now it seems to be breathing quickly and keeping away from the others. Is it pregnant and going to lay eggs...
  21. rianna21

    Big belly white mountain cloud minnow - chubby or pregnant?

    This is one of my white mountain cloud minnows. I got it along with 4 others about 2 months ago. Its been this chunky ever since I bought them, swims fine and seems to have no issues other than its big belly. Is it carrying unfertilised eggs or something? Here’s the link to a video I took of it...
  22. Carleyrae

    Is my molly Dalmatian pregnant or fat?

    I got here about 3 weeks ago, she didn’t look this big when I got her!
  23. P

    Is my molly pregnant?

    Is this female Dalmatian molly pregnant?
  24. A

    How pregnant is my Molly?!?

    Hi everyone, I’m new to this hobby and I’ve noticed that my New black mollies are slowly but surely getting bigger. The store I got them from store Males and Females together so there is no real way of knowing how long she has been pregnant. I have attached a couple images, can anyone estimate...
  25. Tacocat

    How much longer till my guppy gives birth?

    Hi there! I have a pair of fancy guppies, and the female looks pregnant. Can someone tell me roughly how far in she is until she gives birth? Thanks! The first photo is just now, the others are a few days old.
  26. O

    Is My Pearl Danio Pregnant??

    Hiiii! My Pearl Danio is looking much rounder lately and I'm new to this hobby so can someone please tell me if my Danio is knocked up.
  27. J

    Guppy with lump and red spot, getting worse

    Hi, If anyone could reply that’s great, Me and my partner have had our 6 female guppies since the start of april, they were pregnant at the time and i think this one still is. We added three albino corydoras and some shrimp yesterday and later that evening we noticed one guppy which we think...
  28. G

    Pregnant molly

    How much longer do you guys think sorry she’s pooping
  29. G

    Here is the video! Is she pregnant

    Is she pregnant? I’m posting the video for people.
  30. G

    Is molly pregnant

    Is my Molly pregnant? The white one
  31. G

    Molly pregnant???

    Is my molly pregnant?? I have one picture up if you have Instagram I have a video to add
  32. S

    Possible pregnant molly?

    I recently got 3 fish at the beginning of March and I’m not sure if my one molly fish is pregnant but I have been reading up and it sounds like she is. I’ve attached two pictures of her and I’d appreciate it if someone could let me know a definite answer and if she is expecting, about how long...
  33. Dopatri

    Is my balloon molly pregnant?

    I bought my balloon molly roughly 4 weeks ago, however, this past week I’ve noticed she has more of a defined tummy than she did. Since I had her she did have a round belly but it does seem a little larger now. It also has a slight boxy look to it. It think it’s really hard to determine whether...
  34. Dopatri

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hi, I’m wondering if my female guppy is pregnant, she looks pregnant to me, but I could do with other people’s opinions. I’m just a bit skeptical because the previous female guppy I bought ended up dying 3 days after I got her. I was told she was pregnant from the store I got her but I’m pretty...
  35. C

    Is my platy pregnant? If so when is she due?

    Hello everyone! I bought 3 female platys last Sunday as I did not want any fry and after noticing one of my females looking larger than the other two and noticing a black part in her belly, I investigated what it could be and I am assuming that she became pregnant before purchase. If anyone...
  36. PygmyMitch

    Pregnant Neons

    Hi all, I have 9 neons, of which 2 of them are looking ‘pregnant’ They have been like this for a few months now. At first I just assumed they would soon release eggs, but that hasn’t happened. Can anyone share some advice. Thanks
  37. A

    Pregnant Platy

    Hi, I’m pretty sure my platy is pregnant and im not too sure how far along! I made a note of the date I first noticed she was getting really big which was March 14th! I don’t have enough space for a separate breeding tank so have purchased a breeding box to give the babies the best chance of...
  38. N

    Pregnant or Sick Molly? Dark Spot on Stomach

    Hi y'all! I noticed that my female speckled Molly has a little bulge on her belly, particularly her left side. She is a little stretched and these scales seem white, with a little gray discoloration (see pics) Water: nitrate/nitrite 0 PH is 7.5 Ammonia 0 Take has been established since October...
  39. david.molloy2009

    New platys pregnant??

    I have just started keeping fish and think I have been doing ok I have a 40ltr biorb {see pic}(not the best I know but it was for the kids to start with and will hopefully be upgrading to a bigger tank soon) Current stock is 4 danios 5 platys 6 shrimp and a zebra snail. I did start with the...
  40. S

    Guppy fish lump

    Hello All experts, Please have a look at my guppy and suggest if you find anything wrong. I think she is pregnant and I see a lump on her sides. Do you think it's normal or some kind of disease? Sorry for the photo quality