
  1. TigerOscar11

    Breeding Bristlenose Pleco

    Hi everyone,   I have 3 bristlenose pleco's at the moment and i want to breed them. 2x females and 1x male. One of the females is 4.5-5 inches and the male is about 3.5-4 inches, i have made them a pvc cave as the one the originally had could barely even fit him in it and she couldnt fit at all...
  2. natabeexo

    Newbie. Attempting To Start And Aquarium And Cycle The Water, Please H

    Hi there! My name is Natalie and I am COMPLETELY new to this fish business. I'm in need of some serious help. Currently, I have one Dwarf Gourami and one Pleco (bottom feeder). For the moment, I have a five gallon tank, which I'm sure is ok for two small fish temporarily. When I first begin this...
  3. WLuke93

    Pleco's For A Good Home

    I have 2 Pleco's that i'm looking to give new homes, one i have had for a few years and is about 20cm, its just getting too big and keeps tearing up my plants and the other is about 10cm, they're both in one tank which wasnt supposed to happen, the smaller one was supposed to be temporally but...
  4. W

    Wound On My Pleco, Can Anybody Help?

    Hi   I hope you can help me, one of our Plecos seems to have a wound on its head, we initially though mabe he had a scratch from the decoration in the tank or maybe the other pleco (more dominant one) had attacked it.  We have used some melafix however the wound doesn't seem to be getting...
  5. M

    Is My Pleco In Danger?

    I have a almost 4 inch bristlenose pleco that I have always believed was a male, but quite recently he's gotten REALLY fat! I heard plecos can get constipated (?) and can die from it so I have started to worry! Maybe he is a she though and she's just full of eggs???   He/She is about a year old...
  6. M

    Buffering Ph?

    I'm intersted in possible breeding my Bristlenose Pleco's but I have read that Pleco's need a PH of about 7.0 and the PH of my water is about 8.0... How can I naturally buffer the PH lower and keep it that way? Or would it be ok to just try and breed them in the 8.0 PH water?   Thanks for any...
  7. M

    Promoting Algae Growth

    I have a 45 gallon hexagonal communiy freshwater tank. Inside this tank you might be luckily enough to find Pleco (Yes, I named him Pleco), a male albino bristlenose plecostomus. He's almost two inches long now, but he still remainds easily hidden among the plants and decorations.   Anyways; my...
  8. B

    Pleco Eating Paint Off Decorations!

    Hi, this is my first time posting on tropical fish forums. For the last couple of weeks I have started noticing white patches on my fake log decorations. I have recently added a rusty Pleco to the tank and was wondering if he was the cause of the missing paint. These are fish tank decorations...
  9. J

    Shrimps Or Pleco

    I'm coming to the end of a fishless cycle for my 190 litre community tank. I've more or less decided my stocking list, but I'm needing some advice on algae eaters. I'm thinking of getting some shrimp or a small pleco. I have listed my specs below, and was wondering if anyone had ideas on what i...
  10. Maehlice

    When Will My Pleco Outgrow This Tank?

    I have a 5-month-old common pleco measuring just under 10 inches in what I now know to be an undersized home -- a 30 gallon tank (36" x 12" x 16") aquarium. Sometime within the next year (probably next fall), we'll be upgrading to a much, much larger aquarium more befitting his size. In the...