
  1. Aynia

    Fairly new and full of questions

    Hi all, my name is Aynia. I've already posted a few threads on the forum and realized that I never did an introduction post. About me: I'm from Ontario, I love anything geeky/nerdy, anything artsy or crafty and I absolutely love animals. I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady but have recently really...
  2. Aynia

    Bristle nose pleco?

    Heya, me again! The hubs and I are really worried that our lfs sold us a different kinds of plecos instead of a bristle nose. They are very young, ~2 inches, and the hubs says they could be both female so we wouldn't see the big bristles, but I'm not convinced. The pictures aren't the greatest...
  3. Hannitah

    Pleco acting weird

    Hello! I have a common pleco in a 29 gal (along with just 1 female Betta because I have a sorority but she was too aggressive for everyone else but she's been good with Tom the plecosTOMus) anyway, recently Tom has been acting really odd. At times he will be super still, not even sucking on...
  4. D

    Female Bristlenose Pleco (FL, USA)

    Livestock: Female bristlenose pleco Age and condition: approx. 1 year old, no record of any illness, approx. 1-2 inches in length Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: I was hoping she would be male when I got her about a year ago, but unfortunately she's a female. Delivery or Collection...
  5. T

    Rehoming convicts and pleco

    Got 15/16 convict cichlids, 3 of them are albino,a few fry, and 1 common pleco looking to rehome as not around enough for cichlids anymore, if can be taken all together then that would be perfect as a few have paired up and convicts mate for life, I’m located in west London
  6. TheLastMelon

    Please help ID Pleco!

    Hey, my pleco used to live in a 29 gallon tank but it is now in a ten gallon with two zebra danios and three shrimp. I've had it for two years and it hasn't grown any bigger than 3 to 4 inches. It is light brown/tan with a lot of subtle stripes. It has a more thin body build than most of the...
  7. E

    pleco fish bred and I don't know what to do..

    So today I was cleaning out my canister filter when I later realized that there was pleco fry on the glass. Anyway, I scooped as many as I saw up and placed them in one of those breeding boxes you put guppies in (which I've bred in the past). Now, as you'll know, breeding guppies and pleco's...
  8. Kimberly Law

    Help pleco hurt tip of his nose!

    My pleco got startled for no reason normally there's a loud noise or I sit something down on the dresser it will startle him and then I feel so bad but he will just swim in his house but the other day out of nowhere he started going crazy and ramming himself into the glass and his house over and...
  9. Nite80

    Clown Pleco help

    So I recently got a clown plec for my 36g. In the last couple of days it hasn't been moving much, just hanging out by the heater. I keep the temp about 79 and all the other parameters are good. Any ideas what could be going on? I read that they need others around. How many can fit comfortably...
  10. A

    Pleco Died, Platy sick? Also wood question.

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium. I have recently taken out all the gravel and decorations as I am setting up a 15 gallon column tank to be my main tank and going to use the 10 gallon for platy fry. All thats left in there besides fish is java moss(i think is what she called it) and a small peice...
  11. A

    Cleanup Crew Not Eating Algae

    I have a fishtank with a big algae issue on my my anubias and the tank has 1 betta, 4 male guppies, 1 male endlers guppy, 8 neon tetras. The plants are anubias, vallisneria, and Amazon sword. The cleanup crew is 3 amano shrimp, 2 shrimp(sold as amano but arent), common pleco, yoyo loaches(I...
  12. AdrianBru

    Bristlenose Pleco fry acting strangely

    Hello everyone, My Bristlenose pleco fry are acting very strangely today - they're about three weeks old and currently housed in a 50 litre quarantine tank with their father. I tested the water today and it is unchanged from previous results, ammonia 0, nitrite 1, nitrate 20. The tank is...
  13. D

    Pleco sore patch?

    My bristlenose pleco has a pale patch on head. I'm concerned it's a sore or beginning of infection. Can anyone advise?
  14. amy1994

    Looking for plecos and/or whiptail catfish - Gloucestershire

    Looking for good size as i have a bgk and don't want them to be eaten, need to be atleast 4 inches. No sailfins, as i'd like to have discus again one day :( I have a 6ft tank, home to 3 angels and a bgk
  15. AquariumFishRescue

    Photograph of our 200 litre aquarium

    This is our 200 litre community aquarium. It is stocked with fish that all seem get along together so far. This list includes live bearers inc Guppies, Mollies and Swordtails, two small Bristlenose Pleco, some Columbian Tetras (some say they are fin nippers but we have not experienced this so...
  16. S

    Possible Ich, please help me identify it!

    Request Help Tank size: 20gal long pH: unknown ammonia: unknown nitrite: unknown nitrate: unknown kH: unknown gH: unknown tank temp: 24c Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behaviour): White, “flaky” lesions (see images) Lethargy (flicking tank...
  17. E

    Pleco help!

    Just wondering what would be the best Pleco for a 70 gallon community tank. I already have a bristol nose Pleco in there but i want a bigger one! Any help?
  18. J

    Help with stocking tank/ Questions about a few fish!

    Hello! I'm Jacob, and I started my first aquarium around a month ago. My current lineup of fish are 3 Clown Plecos and 6 Neon Tetras. My tank is a 20 Gallon, and I can get the measurements right quick if I need to. Originally, I was going to find some Khuli Loaches and use them in place of the...
  19. A

    Blue phantom plec

    Hi all, I went to a LFS to get some shrimp and I ended up getting 2 blue phantom plecs as well... broke the golden rule and relied on the knowledge of the workers! Anyway couldn't resist their beauty and they've settled into my tank fine. I was going to buy one and the shopkeep told me they...
  20. I

    How would i humanely kill a pleco quickly

    They are an invasive species in lots of states and I would like to know how to kill them quickly (if the state recommends it, like in Florida).
  21. L

    Stocking a 20H Gallon tank

    Hello everyone, Recently I got a 3.5 gallon betta tank in January and I have been preparing to cycle/set up a new 20H Gallon tank and I am starting to figure out what kind of fish to stock the tank with. I have my heart set on a community tank because I love the idea of having different...
  22. Danby

    Pleco won’t eat

    Hi, I got what I believe to be a common pleco about two days ago, he’s in a 4ft 250L tank. I’m concerned for him as he won’t go near the drift wood I’ve provided, instead he tends to prefer a wooden-looking barrel instead. The barrel is plastic so he’s not eating it. I can’t seem to convince him...
  23. Reaeve

    Bristlenose or rubber lip?

    I have a 37 gal highly decorated tank. Currently I have 3 mollies my stocking plan as of now is: The 3 mollies 3 platies 6 panda or peppered cories 1 dwarf gourami And either BN or RL pleco. Which would get along with the cories best or are they pretty much similar?
  24. Cassiopeia

    Help me lower my ammonia levels

    I am new to fish keeping so bear with me. I was gifted 2 common plecostomus, 5 fruit tetra and a 20 gallon tank. I went to the store and got what I thought was everything to go with. Soon found out this tank is way too small so am in the process of getting a 180 gallon tank. YES, IM SURE. Before...
  25. Bomb Lobster

    Baby Bristlenose Plecos with Redtails and Gouramis

    The other day , i spotted a baby bristlenose pleco in my tank (65 G). I have 2 bristlenoses, one is a male and one a female. My worry is that I have 3 red taled sharks and 4 gouramis. I also have some oher fish but from what I know, they're harmless. I need to now if the shars or gouramis will...
  26. A

    Albino Pleco?

    Hi, I'm new here and i just want to know what kind of pleco is my fish. The pet store said it was an albino pleco. I wanna know what kind of pleco it is so i will know its full length. It is currently 2.2 inches in length.
  27. animalisterra

    stocking for 75 gallon

    I will soon be getting a 75 gallon tank. I am planning on putting a Senegal Bichir in it and have been trying to find possible tankmates for it. I was thinking of Dwarf Petricola catfish, Neolamprologus Bricari, Neolamprologus leleupi, Julidochromis, and maybe an African knife fish. I was also...
  28. Danby

    CAE Problem

    Hi, I bought two What I was told was two common Plecos, as I’m quite new to fish I didn’t question it, I’ve had them for about a year with 4 goldfish and two Apple snails, I’ve only just recently discovered as I tried to identify the breed of pleco, that they are infact Chinese Algae eaters...
  29. J

    Bristlenose catfish tail rot

    Hi, Can anyone suggest treatment for my bristlenose catfish. Tail is rotting. Bristles on face are fine. Other catfish in tank has no issues. Tank is 150L. No other fish in tank (tetras) have any fin issues. Tail has been slowly deteriorating for weeks. I've tried methylene blue dip/bath for 10...
  30. R

    One of my tiger barbs died

    Hello all I have a 14 gallon tank, 6 tiger barbs and 6 white tetras plus a pleco. I came from work to find the pleco finishing off one of the tiger barbs! I didnt see that it was sick or anything and the others look ok. Why did it die? Did my pleco kill it?
  31. T

    20cm common Pleco free to good home

    My mother lives in South Yorkshire and she has had a Pleco for about 5 years. He has outgrown his tank and he really needs a new home with a bit more space. I'm be a expert, but he seems healthy and a beautiful creature. I would be very grateful if somebody is able to take him.
  32. RinaLane

    Stocking advice needed too

    I have 2 tanks, 40G & 75G. Small one just has 18" long pleco, big one has 6 discus fish in it. I bought 12 Hemigrammus erythrozonus & 10 Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. In which tank should I put them? I was planing to add tetras to pleco & rams to discus. But now I second guessing what if pleco will...
  33. S

    Hi, My Name Is Skye! (I could use a little help)

    Hi everyone, My name is Skye Phan. I have a 50 gallon tank with 3 medium size bala sharks, a 5" common pleco, a 2" albino bristlenose pleco, 5 longfin zera danios, 4 neon tetras (I had nine, but they have neon tetra disease. I am hoping to replace these with more danios), 6 albino cory catfish...
  34. BaggiesBabe

    Pleco type?

    Hi! Could you tell me what type of Pleco this is? is it a common Pleco that grows massive? Thank you Tracey :)
  35. RoxaStitchXIII

    Pleco died, new to hobby please help!

    I am new to the hobby and I have done a lot of research on keeping fish but I just can't figure out why my little pleco died(he was on the top of the tank when I woke up this morning). His belly wasn't sunken in and I saw him eating last night after I turned the tank light off, he was quite...
  36. tgwthf

    stocking my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium, thoughts?

    Hello everyone! I'm nowhere near close to setting up the tank, stand is still being built and needs to be cleaned out of all the sand and stuff, but i'm in the process of trying to find some fish i can put in there, will be keeping it around the 24C temperature mark. so far i'm thinking of...
  37. B

    Snail infestation

    A few months ago, I bought a nerite snail that apparently had some bladder snails eggs on its shell. My tank has hundreds of them now. I've since decided to shut down this tank. But question - I have a rubber lip pleco in this tank, is it possible he will carry any eggs over to the new tank...
  38. B

    Pleco's keep dying?

    Hey everyone, So I've had this hobby for quite some time now, I started around 5 or 6 years ago with little success and just last year started taking it seriously and putting a good amount of time and money into this hobby, but I just recently have become interested in plecos. They're just so...
  39. E

    Pleco general info + cory help

    Hi there, sorry I've been so busy I didn't have much time to drop by. My bf wanted a pleco so badly, so I bought one. The guy at my LPS sold me a "common pleco" for 8 bucks. He's a little bit less than 3 inches long. He currently lives in my new 55 gallons with 8 corys and 5 kuhlis. I read...
  40. Tyler_Fishman

    Really Amazon!

    I was optimistic about getting MTS snails for my planted 10 gallon, It would be a nice addition to my tank, After some research I have concluded that they are Sudible even crucial for my setup, so I did what any person would do when their LFS did not have something they wanted: Go to Amazon. I...