
  1. G

    Help?! I have eggs in my tank

    I have some transparent eggs, there are three of them and they are just resting on the gravel in my tank, I don't know what they have come from.. I have guppies in my tank one female which has just welcomed me with 14 fry, I also have a pleco approx 2/3 inches long and I have an African dwarf...
  2. J

    Pleco rash?

    Hello , I am fairly new to fish keeping and if you have seen my other thread i did not get off to a good start. This time it is a question about my 75ltr tank and my 2 plecos that currently live in it. I have just managed to rescue my tank from NTS and i am worried about one f my plecos. He...
  3. Shnagglpus

    BN Plecos bloating

    Just lost one of my bn plecos I've had for 3months, after hydrogenperoxide treatment for algea noticed the older of the 2 started to look fat, thought nothing of it as behavior seemed normal, continued algea treatments and pleco continued to get fat, today roughly 4 days after treatment, dead...
  4. FroFro

    Emergency! Sick Pleco!

    Please help! I woke this morning to find my pleco swimming strangely on the bottom not attached to any surfaces like she usually is. She is very pale in color and I immediately moved her to a hospital tank with clean water and fresh filter cartridge, bare bottom no decorations of anything. I...
  5. cowgirluntamed

    I Got My New Babies!

    Yay!!! My two new super red calico bristlenoses are in!!!! They seem nice and feisty. I have a couple of pictures of one of them. So I thought I would share!! Enjoy!! Ps- they are about an inch long. This one wanted to be on the suction cup of my marineland heater. Lol.
  6. FroFro

    Pleco And Driftwood Help.

    Hello there! Please allow me to list my tank info before reading the rest so if you reply you know the up and up     36 Gallon freshwater tank.   Established bacteria colony/tank   Water parameters are all normal. I use test strips so I don't have EXACT numbers to share. I test every 3-5 days to...
  7. M

    Plec Caves

    A quick question ! I've noticed lots of people use terracotta pots for caves for plecos to get into My question is ? Could I use mugs if I buried them in the sand to disguise them ??
  8. FroFro

    My Pleco The Killer

    I recently moved across the country and I just set up a very nice forty gallon aquarium. I'm still waiting for the new tank to cycle and establish itself before SLOWLY adding fish one at a time to it.   Now here is the story. Before moving I donated my fish to a high end and family owned...
  9. K

    Pleco, Please Identify

    I bought this pleco but would like to know which type of Pleco it is. He/she's about 4-5 inches long. Thanks.
  10. cowgirluntamed

    Fussy Bristlenose Female Pleco Prob

    Ok, I don't think this is an emergency as of yet so I decided to post it here. Hopefully you can follow my story on Spots, my female bristlenose pleco. I believe she's about 2 years old now I think....almost 4 inches in length. She lives in a 20 gallon high tank with 3 glowlight tetras and 7...
  11. N

    Flowerhorn And Pleco

    I have recently purchased a Flowerhorn on line. It is about 2 inches long. I don't know what age he is, but I'm guessing about 2 months. I would like to know if I can put him in a tank with a 9 inch Pleco, which is about 8 months old.
  12. cooledwhip

    Ich Killed My Pleco, Killing My Guppy And Plants!

    Please help me. I have an emergency, I had a pleco and a guppy because I am cycling my 20G long tank. Long story short they both have ICH, I put them in a 5 gallon quarantine and the pleco died and the guppy I think will die. I'm not too worried about the fish, they are both doing REALLY bad. I...
  13. cooledwhip

    Is My Pleco Sick?

    Hey all. I have had a planted tank (20 gallon long) right now for about a month, it's a planted tank with a 150w fluval heater, quiet pro 20g filter, 1 CO2 diffuser and a co2 atomizer. I got a pleco about a couple weeks ago and for the first couple weeks he has been skiddish, always running from...
  14. K

    Update On My Tank

    HI, :)   This is just an update on my tank to those who have replied to my recent topics.   I rehomed my Reedfish, I know he's happier with a bigger tank and 3 other Reeds to keep him company.   My keyhole has started showing signs of improvement. I treated her in the medical tank with a broad...
  15. K

    Looking For Advice

    hi,   I'm just posting to get advice on my aquarium, what I can add/take away, give my fish a more happy life, ect..   -I have a 55gal long -over filtered- one whisper 90gal filter, one adjustable, up to 60gal aqueon filter on the highest setting. -two heaters that keep the water at 78F not...
  16. T

    Treating Ich With Proform-C

    Hi all, yesterday I noticed typical ich symptoms (salt spots and cloudy eyes) and started treatment by raising the temp to 88 gradually (2 degrees per day) and adding ich guard. I have Proform-C which is a malachite green and formulin treatment. I'm not using hyposalinity because of using...
  17. F

    Red Cyst On Pleco

    Hello all,   I've been lurking for a little while but have joined today to ask for help. My bristlenose pleco is about 6 years old and has developed a red cyst on his side (see photo). I've just noticed it as he tends to hide a lot, but I don't think it could have been there longer than 3 weeks...
  18. M

    My Planted Tropical Tank

    Well with my new found love for aquariums i thought it best to share my little pals in a short clip on my planted tropical aquarium. Hope you like it :)
  19. F

    Will They Live Peacefully?

    Hello Everyone!   Today I was wondering, would my 2 year old betta be ok in my tank? It is a 20gal with two female (red)swordtails, and a single common pleco. They are all peaceful enough in their tank and the conditions are stable, so would they be ok all together? I know that different bettas...
  20. AquaPit

    How Do I Prepare A Zucchini Before Putting It In The Tank?

    Should I boil it first? Freeze it first then thaw? Cut it in thin slices? How long should it be placed in the tank? *Zucchini Clueless* Seeking help from all Zucchini diet experts! hahaha Tks in advance!
  21. P

    Caesar My Large Pleco

    I have a pretty large pleco. He is my favorite fish and he was sold to me as a royal pleco, but he looks a lot like a watermelon pleco. So i want to know if he is a spotted royal or a watermelon pleco. Either way I love him and he loves to eat wood off of my driftwood. I also offer algae wafers...
  22. lowcontrol

    My First Tank. Oscars And Plecos.

    This is my very first tank. I bought it almost a year ago as an already established tank.  It is a 55gal. When I originally got it, it was WAY over loaded. Three cichlids, two oscars, and two plecos. Guy was just gonna dump the fish and sell the equipment if I hadn't of got it from him. I was...
  23. L

    What Type Of Pleco Is This?

    i just got a new fish for my tank and for my batta he just seems so bored but now all he does is gets really curios of his new tank mate he dosent attack him ive watched him sometimes  gandolf(the betta) will swim to where sir (the pleco) is hiding and investigate  but my real question is is...
  24. Seeker

    Stocking - Please Help, I Feel Lost!

    Hi all,   The OH and I are 99% decided on a Juwel Trigon 190 for our living room, but that's about the only thing we've agreed on!    We've been talking about stocking options as we want to decide on this before we buy the aquarium.  Unfortunately we both want different things from the tank, so...
  25. E

    Dwarf Puffer Help

    i have a 20 gallon fresh water tank and i have quite a few guppies, four corys, an albino pleco, two black mollies, a balloon molly, a platinum lyre-tail molly and her fry, and some cherry shrimp. i just added a dwarf puffer a couple of days ago and i have no had any problems or aggression from...
  26. mrstwalker

    Cold Water Pleco/snails - Help!

    I am getting some allege in my cold water koi tank, i was wondering if there are any allege eating pleco type fish that could be in at tank that stays around 68-70*F-ish or snails that wont escape (openings in the top) I would really like to NOT get snails, but i need something to eat up this...
  27. Tropical_Dave

    L Number Plecos

    so i noticed a long time ago that i was seeing alot of plecos in different fish stores with the 'L numbers' as far as ive noticed all being 3 digits, can anyone explain why they have numbers instead of or aswell as a normal name?
  28. argoma

    Ich, Help!

    Hi everyone, I am in need of major help. I have a 18 gallon tank with 8 neon tetras, 1 betta and 1 pleco. Yesterday I noticed that they had ich and I rushed to add treatment to the water (EXIT is the name of the medicine). Today I also realised that the betta has fungus so I added medicin for...
  29. Tropical_Dave

    Parrot Vs Pleco!

    so Ive had my tank for 4 months or so, and the person i bought it from had it for a few months before me, apart from the 2 jewel cichlids i put in a separate tank all the fish have been living together happily for plenty of time, yet all of a sudden my parrot has decided he doesn't like my...
  30. alexshaw

    Need Help With Pleco Fins Splitting. =(

    Hey so i got this gold spot pleco and have had him for about a month and a half i have brackish water which my fish love. I have mollies guppies sword tails and 2 silver sharks. couple weeks ago i noticed some white spot starting to form so i quickly treated it with wonder tonic. It did the...
  31. KruseZoo

    Two Pleco's In One Tank?

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank that has been established for almost two years, and I have a common plecostomus that is probably around  3-4 years old. He is about 9 inches long. I saw this little peppermint plecostomus at the LFS yesterday and fell in love with him Is it possible to have 2 pleco's...
  32. RedtailMonster

    My 14G Nano Planted

    Here is my first picture thread, of my 14 gallon Nano cube.                 This is how it looked on Day 1....     
  33. T

    Hello Everyone

    Just posting here to introduce myself and give everyone a little information. I haven't been in the aquarium hobby as long as most (about 2 years now) but I am picking up on everything fast and want to continue learning about eveything there is to know in the hobby. Right now I am mainly into...
  34. Maehlice

    What Do You Feed Your Pleco?

    I have two plecos, a "common" (P. Pardalis) and a gold nugget.  I try to feed all my fish a variety of different foods, so I'm interested to know what all you guys have had success feeding your plecos.   I have a long light cycle to encourage algae growth in the tank.  Apart from that, I feed...
  35. I

    Need Help! 3 Plecos Died In My Tank And I Don't Know Why

    Hi I am new to the forum.   I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 platys, 3 cory catfish and 2 African dwarf frogs (and 5 baby guppies in a mesh box that will be moved to the other tank we have set up in another week or two).  I decided to get a pleco because while my catfish do an incredible job...
  36. D

    Night Lights For Nocturnal Fish?

    Hi everyone,   I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about night lighting to view my nocturnal fish. I sometimes see the nocturnal fish during the day but not often, and i'd like to see what they are like when the lights go off.    thanks in advance :) 
  37. Valiant

    Internal Bleeding?

    My BN has a red patch on his/her belly and also red skin on half of his/her body. I heard this could be a sign of Internal bleeding, stress and if he/she is ready to breed. Please help! What should I do?
  38. F

    Help Please

    i  really need a bottom feeder but my tank is only 64l   which catfish or pleco is the smallest and best for this size tank  
  39. K

    Pleco Laid Infertile Eggs?

    I recently got a pleco just a matter of weeks ago. Looked at my tank tonight and noticed little white eggs on the front panel of glass and some of the plants.. I have only livebearer Mollies in the tank, 4 corydoras and a ton of snails! These don't look like the regular snail eggs, so my only...
  40. S

    Bristlenose Eggs - Are They In Danger?

    One of my male BN is harbouring his eggs in his cave I'm just curious whether I should move them. They're in a tank with about 12 corys 6 peppered 6 Julii and about 8 or so other BN 6 female 2 male and 8 rummynoses.    - Thanks Smelliot