
  1. S

    Bristlenose Pleco with blisters (?)

    I just finished my monthly 50% water change/gravel vac, and noticed my bristlenose pleco has blisters or something on her face and side fin, and she is breathing rapidly. She was fine yesterday but I didn’t see her right before the water change. I isolated her with melafix and low light but I’m...
  2. M

    Pleco Type???

    I got this pleco a while back and it didn’t have a label at the store. It doesn’t look like other ‘common’ plecos I’ve seen (maybe a leopard?). Can anyone tell from the video I have attached? Sorry about the poor quality. He’s a night owl :)
  3. Yossu

    Can I keep a small pleco with goldfish?

    Bit confused and could do with some expert advice. We currently have tropical fish in our tank, and have a small pleco in there. I don't know which variety, but when we bought it, the fish shop assured us that t wouldn't grow too large. We've had it a few years, and it's about 2" long. We are...
  4. J

    blister like spots on my pleco

    hey, so today i noticed these two small spots on my pleco. they almost look like popped blisters, they are super big or anything, and i’ve never seen anything like this on him. he is 7 years old. and recently last week we bought a new fish and it got ich and we removed that fish and treated the...
  5. S

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Hi all, Hopefully an easy one.... I have 2 female Bristlenose plecs in my 4ft tank and was wondering if it would be OK to introduce a male? Kind regards, Mark.
  6. O

    Can I have any mates for my betta in a 25l tank?

    yes no maybe so? probably not im assuming and NO snails and i will obviously wait until the tank is cycled
  7. N

    Does my Clown Pleco Have Ich?

    Hello everyone! New to the game and just noticed my young clown pleco (I think that’s what he is) has some white spots all over his body. Does it look like the ich? Also have in the 30 gallon tank: 1 Neon blue dwarf gourami 1 Angelfish 3 tetra glofish Thanks!
  8. danajs

    Can anyone identify this Pleco?

    Sold as a Tiger Pleco, but we cannot remember the L-number. Thank you in advance.
  9. B

    Ich problems

    Hey all, new to the forums (and fish keeping in general so don’t bash me too hard lol) I have about a 1 month old, 37 gal tank. It’s not fully cycled but getting close. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0.25 Nitrate: 5 I know now about the nitrogen cycle and cycling a tank but in the beginning I just...
  10. rosie g

    I bought this albino brittle nose at 2”. Now she is 13” and lives in my pond. With the regular size Pleco’s.Is this the elusive albino pleco?shes HUGE

    so I bought a 2 inch albino brittle nose Pleco from LPS like three years ago, and she’d began growing very very fast. I have a 55 gallon and it got to the point where she was so big and powerful that she would incidentally kill my smaller fish when she flipped around at night 😭 she would...
  11. V

    What kind of fish have you kept before?

    I just want a general consensus as to what's popular in this hobby.
  12. Big Boy Fish

    Any snail species that can go with a Oscar and Royal Pleco-(finished)-

    One of my apple snails died recently to old age and im wondering what types of snails I could get. As I have said in the title i have one oscar and a royal pleco.I have many breeding tanks so if there baby's i can just stick them in those. I have one apple snail left and a couple randoms along...
  13. K

    Pleco fell in hot water!

    Hello, I was deep cleaning my tank yesterday when I thought I had gotten all the decor out safely with my albino bristlenose pleco still in the tank. Turns out he was hiding in the decor still even after shaking it around and dunking it in and out of the water. So I used my shower to spray down...
  14. E

    Advice for Treating Columnaris

    Background Info on Tank: 10 G (cycling since 5.7.22) 3F Molly 3(?) Yo-Yo Loach 2(?) Bristlenose Pleco Temp: 78-80˚F pH: ~7.8 Ammonia: ~*0 ppm; ~**0.5 ppm Nitrites: ~*0 ppm; ~**0 ppm Nitrates: ~*40 ppm; ~**30 ppm *: as of 6.18.22 **: as of 7.2.22 **Note: Im not a professional, just a new...
  15. un-erasable pencil

    Pleco has redness on edge of fin

    Hi, I noticed my pleco having some redness on the edge of his fin. I'm not exactly sure why but I suspect my tiger barbs are nipping him. Otherwise he eats well and doesn't seem to be stressed but I was wondering in anyone knows what this could be and what I can do about it. In case anyone is...
  16. Falconwithaboxon

    RIP Paul

    My Columbian Spotted Pleco, Paul, has died. I was on a trip and don't know for sure why but I believe he drowned or starved. When I got back he was sitting on the bottom which is normal for a pleco but then I noticed a few minutes later that he still had not moved. He was stuck in some of the...
  17. R

    Pleco with blisters?

    I am closely monitoring my pleco and I am trying to diagnose and treat what looks like bloody bloster on the belly of my pleco. It had these once before and they clear up with 20% water changes daily, stress zyme, increased water temp, and a good bacteria ball. I would like to know what these...
  18. 0

    Getting more fish questions

    Hey yall, I figured this would be that best place to ask what fish can gi with my fish as i cannot get any info. I currently have 1 peacock eel, 1 bottle nose pleco, and 2, 3 spot gouramis. I and looking at getting 2 new fish to complete this tank any suggestions? Thanks alot!
  19. Tl52505

    Pleco glass surfing

    During the day my pleco is usually at a spot on the glass behind a rock for most of the day but sometimes repositions. I know they are more active at night, but it it normal for him to be constantly moving all around the glass. I watched him for like 15 mins and he just goes up and down all over...
  20. Eardz

    Calico or Super Red Bristlenose Pleco?

    Hi all, The following bristlenose was sold to me as a Super Red. I thought that it potentially looked calico? What are your thoughts? Thanks.
  21. S

    Bristlenose pleco guarding eggs??

    Hi, I recently got a male albino bristlenose pleco, unknown to me at the time because I’m only a year into fish keeping… I must’ve had all female bristlenoses in my tank already when I got him because none of the other have spikes even half as big as his… Anyway, since he has been in the tank...
  22. K

    Pleco Cancer?

    Hello! I joined to ask you all what you think. Is my Pleco sick? I’m leaning towards a tumour at this point. He didn’t have it when I first got him about five-six weeks ago and it’s been slowly getting bigger. None of my other fish are sick. Thanks for your help!
  23. Lo Ki Gorgeous

    Do you know what kind of pleco this is?

    Hi guys I recently got a 54 litre (14.2 gallons) aquarium from the Danish equivalent of Craigslist. It had this beautiful pleco in it and the lady said that she THINKS he (or she) is fully grown. He/she is about 9-10 cm (3.5 - 3.9 inches) As far as I know most plecos can get quite big.. Is...
  24. AmyKieran

    Brown algae in gravel

    I have brown algae in the gravel only at the front of my tank. I own a bristlenose pleco which seems to help but not entirely remove it, any advice on this? Thanks
  25. L

    Is this a female or male pleco?

    I've had it for a little over 2 years and looking to get another one.
  26. O

    My 55gal tank

    Here’s some pictures of my 55 gal setup.
  27. MagicGirl33

    Adding to an additional Pleco to a Tank?

    I have a 32.5 gallon fluval flex tank with a built in filter and I have a clown pleco with a school of 10 neon tetras and a mystery snail. I wanted to add another pleco, specifically a bristlenose pleco, or any other pleco that works but I was wondering if that would work? I'm pretty sure they...
  28. Guyb93

    Pleco questions

    As I’m starting to drift away from keeping cichlids my interest has swung towards catfish, plecos in particular . There is little information on pleco aggression.. other than plecos can be aggressive . Always an owner of a pleco but first time owner of multiple how serious is this supposed...
  29. P

    Need a fish id

    Hey guys, I just picked up a new aquarium that my dads friend kind of let go. They had two fish in the aquarium that they didn’t know the species. Can you guys help me out with these pics? The plecos had babies, and there is a male brittlenose in the tank with her. Does that mean she’s a...
  30. C

    Pleco Not Eating after Head Injury

    Hello all, I have this pleco that stopped eating after it injured its head. It seems to be starving and stuck to the side ever since -- not going back to the aquarium floor. I dropped Hikari sinking tablets but it didn't went for it. It just kept sticking onto the glass. It could have...
  31. Guyb93

    What’s better for my bio load ?

    Iv been half heartedly trying to rehome my silver dollars , no rush just changed my mind on them and slowly looking to move them on . Iv been offered a swap of a snowball pleco for the 5 , money comparison doesn’t really interest me but the bio load does main reason for getting rid of them is...
  32. ArtByLou


    Hi guys, I’m not new to owning fish but just got two plecs, I have one small one, only just bought it a month ago (no idea what kind) and one there’s a bristlenose that came with the tank. It’s a 300 litre tank, water changed regularly, bristlenose and angel are thriving but I’m finding it...
  33. Guyb93

    Don’t rehome ... enjoy

    Mango Pleco Ingredients: 1 or more plecos, gutted and sliced along the belly towards the end of the tail. 1 ripe mango Salt Pepper Place the fish on a piece of aluminum foil. Shred the mango and stuff the interior of the fish with the fruit. Drizzle the mango juice all over the fish...
  34. Falconwithaboxon

    Colombian spotted pleco

    I have a Colombian spotted pleco (Sailfin I believe is another name for it) and wanted to know how big of a tank I need. He is in a 45 gallon right now and I know he needs bigger than that. Around 100? He is about 5 to 6 inches right now so how long until I would need to get him a bigger tank...
  35. carligraceee

    P.H Questions

    Hello everyone! My tank is finally completely stocked and I have some questions about my p.h. I will be testing it again later tonight but recently it has lived in the 7.2-7.4 range. I need to have it somewhere closer to 7.0-7.2 in order for it to suit most of my inhabitants. My Stock: 40.3 g 1...
  36. Captain holt

    Oscar tank setups

    Would love some aqua scaping inspiration! Post photos of your Oscar tanks below :) This is mine currently. 5ft x 1.5ft x1.5ft. Home to: - 1 Oscar (Rudy) - 1 Senegal bichir (Bruce) - 1 albino sailfin pleco (Boris īī ) A wee bit on the small side but everyone seems happy :)
  37. KnowingKira

    Here's a picture of my pleco for absolutely no reason.

    I've had Larry over here for 5 years, boy is living his best life.
  38. carligraceee

    Blue Phantom Pleco Disease I.D!!!

    Hello guys. I have a new addition to the family, a Blue Phantom Pleco. His name is Ludwig. Ludwig came to me with a small white spot on his head but I didn’t think anything of it, I assumed it was a part of his coloring. But it has gotten a bit bigger within the last two days and I am a bit...
  39. carligraceee

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    Hello everyone! I am on the last stretch of cycling and am starting to look for stocking. I already found my schooling fish.. now I would like to know everyone's opinions on plecos! What pleco is best for cleaning up biofilm and even fish poop (if possible, I know its rare for fish to actually...
  40. MagicGirl33

    Clown Pleco Won't Come Out!

    I have a clown pleco that is about a year old and I've seen him about five times. He never comes out, not even for food. I leave it but I come back to check on him (I feed him at 9;30 at night) and he's never out and the other fish pick at his food. What do I do? I'm worried he's not eating...