
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. damanax

    First Time Setting Up A Planted Tank

    I'm looking to set up my first planted tank. The dimensions are  60 (w) x 30 (d) x 30 (h) and it is a 54l tank. I planning on eventually having a betta and some corys in it. I know all about cycling, I already have an established 65l tank but it's got plastic plants. I have a couple of questions...
  2. ChaseO


    I have a 20 gallon long aquarium, it is 30 inches long, and 16 inches deep. I want to set it up for saltwater with live rock and anemone some corals and eventually some SPS corals. I have a very low budget! I would prefer to get LED lights. The problem for me is, most LED lights cost very high...
  3. ChaseO

    Filter For 20G Reef Tank

    New to saltwater aquariums, I have had a freshwater aquarium before but want to get started with salt water aquarium. I have a 20 gallon long aquarium. I want to get a filter for it, that will be suitable for corals in the future anemones, and fish. I don't want to spend over hundred and $120...
  4. L

    New Mollies With Digestive Problems?

    I've been given 30 mollie fry by a friend to start up my tropical tank. Their tank is well established and healthy as far as I know and in my tank I previously had large goldfish to run a cycle through. All seem well adjusted after 2 weeks, foraging, growing etc however I have noticed their poop...
  5. R

    I Have A New Tank

    I have brought a tank and have left it to run for a week and a half and i have brought 6 fish, 2albino corydoras, 2mollies and 2guppies, the fish have been in for afew days but the tank is cloudy and was cloudy before i put the fish in, what shall i do? I have changed about 10% of the water...
  6. jessithebuckeye

    Hello From Florida's Space Coast!

    Hello hello!   My name is Jessi and I am 24 years old. I live in Florida and am relatively new here to aquarium "life" in a more "dedicated" form of the word!   A little over a year ago I got a little Betta and named him Neil. He had a regular bowl with no filter. After a little while, I got him...
  7. TumblrTimes

    Hello! (:

    bristlenoseHello there, I'm new to these forums! Ive seen this website coming up as a search result when I have been looking for answers to my aquatic shenanigans so I decided I may as well just sign up   I'm new to fish keeping but I've been putting in loads of research over the last few...
  8. L

    Tank Advice

    Hey all, this is my first post as me and my girlfriend have decided to look into getting a tropical tank setup.   Basically we're extremely new to this and are just trying to decide on a tank to start with and therefore would like advice on the ones we are looking at or any pointers towards...
  9. TankUGA1026

    New To The Forum :)

    Hi :) My name is Andi. I'm new to the forum. I have been working @ a local pet store for a 11 months now and I just decided to set up a 30-gallon tank for my 19-month old. As of now, it has been set up and running for a little over a week and a half and has has Rosy Barbs living in it for a...
  10. Vibora

    First Tank! Corydoras Species Id And General Questions

    Hello, while I do know a bit about fish thanks to growing up surrounded by fish tanks, I've never had my own. I've fed my parent's tank and often discuss the fish with them. So I do understand compatibility, water quality, temperature, various diseases etcetera. My mother has always told me that...
  11. A

    New Fish Keeper, Aqua Nano 40. Is It Cycled?

      Hi guys, i would appreciate a little advice on my new tank as it is my first   So i have had my Tank for 6 weeks for and i have been testing the water with the proper test kits (not strips) and has always been around PH - 7.4                                                          Ammonia -...
  12. TigerOscar11

    Future Tank Setup?

    Hi Guys,  very new to the forums, only just signed up about 30 minutes ago.   My carrent tank set up is as follows: - AquaOne AquaStart 500 - AquaOne Maxi 102F Filter - Heater (Cant remember size, nor read it as its facing away from the glass) - 4 inch air rock Fish Include: - 1x Dwarf Fire...
  13. K

    New Guppies!

    I've just got four guppies for my cycled tank, it's 75 litres and has plastic plants and lots of hiding places. I will be feeding them on Tertamin tropical fish flakes. They have even bought from a fish specialist shop. Apart from them being beautiful is there anything I should look out for...
  14. ReddSamurai

    Hi There :)

    Hi, I'm Greg got my first tank 3 months ago and i am keen to get another soon. i have a 125 L / 33 gallon heavily planted and i am after another tank soon but not as big just to use a quarantine or breeding tank. I'm relatively a novice to fish keeping but i work in a pet store and majority of...
  15. snowyue

    Am New Here To Say Hello

    Hello everyone I am new this forum you can call me Snow or Yue don't matter. I hope to gain more knowledge from everyone and I hope to help others as well.   Oh Sorry lol    Am from Colorado. I have 6 diffident fish tanks running right now.   2x 10 gal 1x 30 gal 1x 35 gal Hex tank 1x 40 gal...
  16. E

    New Fish Odd Behavior

    I just got new fish. They are neon fish. Get up to a foot long but small now. Aggressive. But they said you can get a differentiation of the same species which at the store were in the same tank. I got two neon fish and two smaller striped ones. Floated them and put them into a 30 gallon tank...
  17. A


    Hello!! I am a new member! I just wanted to share an exciting moment with people who will understand! I have a 50 litre tank with platys, corys and rummy nose tetras, my platy have obviously been dropping fry religiously! And there's a about 3 or 4 decent sized ones lurking around, however my...
  18. Mamashack

    New 30L Betta Tank

    Well I've been asked to show what I'm doing with my 30L set-up for a betta. After 30 days of fishless cycling the tank is now ready for an occupant! I've purchased this fella and he's a real beauty! Will be collecting him on Monday. Am a  bit concerned as he seems to be a dragon and Wildbetta...
  19. SmokedPaprika

    Newbie Here :)

    Hi everyone,   I've been lurking for a while but thought I'd sign up and talk to some of you lovely knowledgable people directly :)   I've just moved into my own place after being away at university, and I want to add some fishy friends to my life!  I used to have goldies and shubunkins but my...
  20. T

    Hey Guys N Gals New To The Forum

    hey every one new to the forum and keep tropical fish, kept them on and off for about 3 years but i just brought a new tank (90lrts) and ive really got interested in it i have 2 angels, 2 dollmation mollys, 2 glass catfish, 3 red eye tetra, 3 red and black tetra, 4 sucking louch and 2 indian...
  21. T

    First Tank

    Hi All,   This is more of a 'Hi' and introduction than anything else but please let me know if we are doing something wrong. So we have had a tank for about 6 months and now starting to put some more effort in and make the tank a bit more interesting. Recently made a switch from fairly...
  22. Robaidh

    Hi New To The Fourm

    Hi guys. I'm new to the forum. Don't know a huge amount about fish but I'm keen to learn so any advice or tips is muchly apprechiated. Thanks robaidh
  23. Y

    Fish Recommendations For 26 Liters (7 Gallons) Tank

    The last two months, I’m the owner of a 26 liters (7 gallons) tank fully cycled containing one male guppy and 3 young neon tetras. The water temperature is constantly between 20-23 °C. Being interested to add some more fish (I like platies) without overcrowding the tank, I would like to ask for...
  24. livvyy

    Considering Getting Corys

    So I am considering getting dwarf cory's. Only thing is that I have gravel (pea sizeish pebbles) substrate and some people have said yeah its alright other say no I shouldn't because they prefer sand (which I know) I am considering getting like a mini sandbox for them in one of the areas of my...
  25. B

    Hello! New To Tff

    Hi Everyone,   I'm new to the forums and new to the hobby. I've recently started a new tank, 6 days now, and appear to be having problems. I have started a fish-in cycle (I wasn't even aware of the fishless cycle until I stumbled upon the website the other day).   I took all precautionary...
  26. L


    Hello there I am a new member to this site I have had my tropical tank now for over 3 weeks and at the moment in my tank I have very few fish, the fish I do have are 4 guppies and 1 sucking loach, the loach is male and the guppies well I have 3 females to one male. The male is colour is...
  27. C

    Stocking Angelfish

    I am going to start a new 30 gallon tall fresh water mostly planted tank. I'm planning on fishless cycling once i get my soil and plants in. My stocking ideas are 2 Angelfish, 4 Black Neon Tetra, 5 Cherry Barbs, and 3 Dwarf Sucker fish. I chose those tetras because they are bigger than the...
  28. D34DLY

    Brand New & Boxed Tetra Tec Ex1200 External Filter

    Equipment: Tetra Tec EX1200 External Canister Filter Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Doesn't Fit Inside My Cabinet. :'( Delivery or Collection: Collection Preferable. But Delivery Is Optional If Funds Supplied. Sales price: £100 (What I'd Paid For It) Postage & Packaging: Buyer Will...
  29. W

    Hello From Australia!

    Hello Everyone! My name is James, I am a 16 year old currently attending High School and live in the Hunter Valley region of NSW, Australia. I have had a fascination of fish for as long as I can remember, and decided now would be a good time to start looking at becoming a proud carer of the...
  30. paradiddle

    Urgent Help Needed! Tank Is Waiting For Help!

    Hey im fairly new to the fish keeping hobby, and i just got a steal of a deal from a friend at work, i bought a fully working Fluval Vicenza 260 with stand for just £100. The filter is a Fluval 305 Cannister filter (fully working) The tanks capacity is 248L (which i think is around...
  31. P

    Dalmtion Molly Acting Strange

    Hi, I am not sure if this is an emergency "yet" or not but since we are newbies and I do not want to wait too long or take any chances, I am posting this here. We got a new aquarium last week for our kids and it is barely 10 days now. It is a 5 gallon aquarium and we put only two fish to start...
  32. J

    Is My Sunset Platy Pregnant?

    I think I came to the right place I bought her at pet smart and I'm wondering if she's pregnant or just fat here's my video thank :) I'm new to tropical fish
  33. K

    New To Aquariums Bought A 3 Gallon Tank

    Hi Tropical fish forums, I am new to the aquarium world and was looking for some advice to get started. I have owned a couple of Beta fish before always in a vase like bowl with a peace lilly ontop. I have bought a 3 gallon aquarium (which I know is small) and I wanted some advice on how to...
  34. emfishy

    20 Gallon Tropical Tank Help!

    Hello, I'm sort of new to fish keeping,I've taken care of some fish in the past though.The longest fish I had was a Tiger Oscar Cichlid and a Plecostomus. They both got to big for my 10 gallon tank,so I gave them away. Anyways, I got a 20 gallon long fish tank awhile ago, so I wanted to set it...
  35. Lockhaart

    Random Snail Appeared?!

    I've just gone upstairs and checked on the tank as the light comes on at this time, and saw something weird on the front of the tanks glass. I've gone to look and it's a snail, which isn't unusual, I have snails, one adult Zebra snail that I bought when I first got the tank, and a few of its...
  36. P

    Has My Tank Cycled?

    Hi All, This is my first post here and just really looking for some good advise on my tank and its cycle. Tank info - 200L, planted, 5 statues / ornaments, gravel substrate, Fluval U4 internal filter, Fluval heater, temp 25-26 C, PH 7.5 Im currently doing a fish in cycle. ( i know should have...