
  1. S

    Female guppy pregnant or just fat

    Hi guys, new here not sure if I’m doing this right but I think my guppy fish is pregnant because she recently got huge but doesn’t have much of the black near her tail... I just put her in a separate tank (it’s a vase that’s all I had On hand) and she is kind of freaking out I’m not sure if i...
  2. K

    Small zebra fish not eating for over 3 days

    Hello guys! I am new to the hobby and have been educating myself a lot on how to properly care for a tank. I waited to add fish to the tank and have been carefully measuring the water. I’ve had a school of danios in my tank since last Thursday. At first I purchased 2 zebra danios and 2 long fin...
  3. O

    I need general advice!

    Hello! I am completely new to fishkeeping. I mean, I had a goldfish fish when I was 5 that my father took care of but that is it. I am most likely going to buy a 16.5-gallon nano tank, that I will put saltwater fish in. I have read lots about fish in the last few weeks so I do understand the...
  4. SapphireChaser

    New to the hobby - few questions

    Hello all, I'm new to this hobby though we've always had fish when I was growing up. I wanted to breed guppies and I acquired a lot of items for free or cheap off buy and sell pages. I have a 25 gallon tank, 5.5 gallon tank, small filter, large filter, two heaters and aquarium accessories. I...
  5. Too Many Hobbies

    Stocking Ideas 20gal/75l

    Hi! I’m new here and to the hobby and have had many questions but been too shy to post in my local fb group. Ive been running a 5gal for the past 3 months and I want to upgrade to 20gal. Currently I have 5 espei rasboras, 4 Pygmy cories, and maybe 4 rcs (usually hiding). my mom complains that my...
  6. Aynia

    Fairly new and full of questions

    Hi all, my name is Aynia. I've already posted a few threads on the forum and realized that I never did an introduction post. About me: I'm from Ontario, I love anything geeky/nerdy, anything artsy or crafty and I absolutely love animals. I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady but have recently really...
  7. S

    Red-bellied Piranhas

    Hello, Wanting some advice on keeping these fish! How big a tank would you recommend? Looking at a minimum of 120l .. online advice seems to be conflicting!! Have read up around them quite a lot, however any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you
  8. JMuth

    A lot of questions; New Tank size, outdoors, rehoming and more

    So I’ll start with the main questions I’m looking for answers for: 1) How big of a tank should I get and how can I stock it? (I have some fish already in desperate need of an upgrade) 2) How should I rehome my goldfish? (There’s a few options and a lot of questions) 3) How do I work with weight...
  9. R

    Hi everyone

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the hobby and just started my second tank - hadn't completed my cycle on the first and have to start over. I'm running a 25L fluval chi with heater set to 26c stocked with 5 male guppies and 1 male Endler. They seem to be having a good time, waters clean and I've run a...
  10. C

    New, looking for tips

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping and am looking for any tips and advice anyone can give. The plan is to keep tropical fish, in a 90L tank starting small and gradually introducing more. Is there anything I definitely should or should not do starting off? Any information is appreciated. I have done a...
  11. Cluelessone

    Stocking 20 Gallon tank. HELP!

    I have a cycled 20gal tank (600x 320 x 400 I made the mistake of trying to give my Betta (Sushi) some friends... he didn’t play nice to say the least. He now has his own 5 gallon set up and is very happy. I have 2 Albino Cory’s - one with no eyes (Stevie Wonder) and one has 1 eye (Mike...
  12. C

    Boesemani Rainbow Fish Not Swimming Around

    Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums and I've been having a hard time getting advice about my two boesemani rainbow fish. I bought them maybe 2-3 months ago and haven't really had any issues with them. While other fish have been added and removed during that period (some too aggressive or just...
  13. ukdamon

    New Nano Shrimp Tank Setup

    Hello I presently have a community freshwater aquarium doing really well. I want to get a small nano aquarium for shrimp. I would like some advice. Do I cycle the new nano tank from scratch, or can I had material,water or media from my current tank to help with the cycle process? Damon
  14. A

    Stocking 55g tank

    Idea for multiple fish to interact with a bichir peacefully, Dgh 2.5 pH 7.5
  15. V

    New Tank

    Looking to buy a 5 gallon with a 'hidden' filter that doesn't get in the way when cleaning or aquascaping. It would also be a bonus if it had a built in heater so I don't have to have the ugly thing handing on the back of the tank. Anyone have any ideas?
  16. A

    Stocking a 50g tank

    Just got a 50g tank and don't know what to stock, thinking about a darker sand and a treasure theme, is there anything wrong with Golden gaorimi, silver dollar fish(gold and silver coins theme) and a larger white bichir, (white protector) if so can I have a suggestion what to think about insted
  17. Charlie’s Keeper

    Do Charlie’s fins look normal?

    Hi there! I’m new to fish keeping, but I recently saw Charlie at Walmart and I couldn’t leave him there. He is now my baby and lives in a 5 gallon, heated, and filtered tank. I let the tank sit for a couple days to try and cycle and have been adding Stability from Seachem to help it, but I added...
  18. R

    New to the forums!

    Hello fellow fish hobbyists!! Joined this forum, I hope to learn new things and many answers to my questions. I’m from Australia but currently living in Vietnam. I’d say the fish here are pretty cheap compared to what I saw in-stores in Aus. I currently own: - 1 Flowerhorn about 6-7 months...
  19. sanasana

    How to introduce new platy

    So I got a new mickey mouse platy and I want to add it to my redwag platy aquarium. > That's all right, yes? They are platy after all, so the type shouldn't matter yeah? I had to get one in an emergency for an event, so I bought it from a nearby store. The living conditions of the fish there...
  20. P


    hey, I’m new to this site and keeping tropical fish. Was wondering if someone could help, I’ve had my tank set up for 4 days and the last couple a days the tanks became cloudy. Is this normal? The only things in the tank is gravel on the bottom and three plastic plants. I’m adding moss balls...
  21. P

    New and waters getting cloudy... should I be worried?

    Hi, I’m relatively new to all this. I’ve bought a 80L aquarium and currently only have some gravel and plastic plants in here. I’m getting some moss balls tomorrow to add to it. I got the tank 5 days ago and the water was clear for 2 days but now seems to be cloudy. Not majorly but noticeable...
  22. V

    Angelfish red line on fin and white patch on top fin

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I don't know if I'm posting in the right place but I am worrying about our Angelfish. Basically we have a family tank. It was set up a few weeks ago and we were given 2 angel fish from a friend that looked happy and healthy. We have checked the water quality...
  23. G


    Hi everbody! I am here to learn about aquariums, and also to do my part to spread the knowledge I've accumulated. I don't have as much experience as many, but I have more experience than some. I currently have four tanks, all panted, ranging from low tech to high tech. I've had experiences and...
  24. J

    Stocking Order for 60 Gallon Tank

    I have a 60-gallon tank setup and ready to add fish, and the fish I have in mind are 2x Bolivian Ram Cichlids 6x Giant Danios 1x Bristlenose Pleco 1x Angelfish 1x Rainbow Shark Another question is do you think it’s alright to add the school of danios all at once, or should I do three at a...
  25. G

    Fluval Edge 6 Gal with fish

    When I was up in CT cleaning out my Mom's Condo I was originally keeping a look out for a 5 gal tank for a Betta that I ended up not getting. I did get a Fluval Chi 5 gal for $20. But before driving up 2 hours from NY to CT I saw a post about the Fluval Edge with fish and supplies for $150. So...
  26. chevymom89

    New here! Here is my introduction and my fish!

    Hello fellow fish people! I just signed up for this so please be nice lol. I have never been a part of a forum before so any tips would be greatly appreciated. My name is Carrie. I am turning 29 on the 24th of this month. Married for 4 years, together for almost 10. We have sole custody of his...
  27. Vengified

    Interesting new Guppy information!

    So, while observing my colossal herd of guppy fry this evening, I noticed some of the fry seemed somehow, very different, from some of the other fry. Took me a while, but finally realized it was the eyes. Some had completely black eyes, some had a silver/white around them (so small, hard to...
  28. J

    Moving to bigger tank

    Hello, So I have a 29 gallon with a single gold fish (kids first fish who has lived for about 5 years now), two blood parrots, a dragon eel and the king of the tank, a clown knife who has had a major growth spurt and is about 12" now. The tank seemed to suit things just fine while they were...
  29. M


    Hi! My name is Matthew, and I am in love with my fish! I currently have 4 Neon Tetras, 1 Glowlight Tetra, A Male Dwarf gourami, 2 Platys (One Male and one Female), and a White Body, Red-finned Rainbow Shark in a 60L tank. My sister has 3 goldfish in a 28L tank. I am new to the hobby, with...
  30. Reaeve

    Cycling almost 4 weeks. Possibly stalled

    I started cycling my 37 gal 30 x 12.4 x 22in. Almost 4 weeks ago. Ph was 8.2 and was there still when checked last. My temp fluctuates between 82 and 82.2F. My KH was 18° (I haven't retested but maybe I should since I have the kit). I have my filter and a bubbler for aeration. I'm using 3%...
  31. Reaeve

    Am I ready to fill with water and start cycling?

    I'm scared to mess up as I'm a fish newbie. My parameters are ph of 8.2 And both gh and kh higher than 214 ppm. I have ammonia and used a calculator to find out how much to add to my size tank. 14 ml of 3% ammonia for my 37 gal. Is all I need to do is condition my water for chlorine and add to...
  32. Reaeve

    New to the fishy hobby!

    Hi! I'm nervous about starting this new adventure. I'm just scared I'll mess up and kill my future little friends. Probably bc when I had fish as a kid/teen i knew nothing of cycling and testing waters. I have a 37 gal top fin kit. That came with a 200 watt heater, 40 power filter, and other...
  33. F

    First timer here!

    Hi all! Very happy to be part of this group! After reading a ton of posts, I'm still lost so hopefully someone can help me asap. We don't have test strips so we will be getting them today, but we live out of the city so if there's a chance we need anything else, id like to get it in the same...
  34. Hyr

    Hi, I'm new here.

    Hi, my names Jazz, and I go by 'Hyr' online. I recently have gotten into fish/animal keeping and I hope to make myself part of this forum. I have a 1.5gallon with my betta, "Tut," (don't worry it's semi-temporary, planning to upgrade to a 5.5 or 10 later), I have a 40 gallon breeder with my ball...
  35. J

    My first tank!

    Hello everyone! This is my first post and tank! For Christmas I received an Interpret 5.5 gal glow life aquarium kit. It's pretty much set up for globefish, but it's compatible with any. I washed the tank only an hour after opening it and I washed the gravel in a spaghetti strainer so my water...
  36. R

    10-15 gallon stocking ideas?

    Hello! I'm new to fish keeping and am looking to get a 10-15 gallon tank! After some research, I was thinking of keeping the following in it: 1 Zebra Nerite snail 3 Amano shrimp 3 Pygmy corydoras 1 Male betta Is this a good number of fish for a tank this size?
  37. D

    Feeding and caring for Cardinal Tetras

    Hi guys, Will be getting my Cardinal Tetra’s next week thanks to Byron’s advice. Just a question about their general care and feeding. How many feeds a day? Quantities? Best fish foods? Other general care advice to make their lives happier? Thanks, Dan
  38. D

    RO Water in tank

    Hi all, Finally cycled my tank! Took about 5 weeks but I'm now there. Water in my area is very hard. Details follow: 113 mg/l as calcium 19.755 Clarke 15.82 German I can purchase RO water from my LFS. What ratio tap water to RO water should I use if I want to keep Cardinal Tetra. I also need...
  39. eyecnn5

    Hello I'm new here

    I've been keeping fish over thirty years and just realized, after doing quite a bit of research that I've been doing everything wrong. I hope to find out a lot here while I begin to start my 36 gallon tank and begin to cycle the tank. Thanks eyecnn5
  40. D

    Stocking a 35 litre (8 gallon) Biorb Tube tank

    Hi guys, Completely new to the hobby so please forgive me for my naivety. Bought a Biorb Tube 35 litre over the weekend. Having read the reviews I can see they aren't the best tank but wanted to start small. I've set up the tank, added a heater and now letting it cycle. With regard to...