
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. P

    New Guppies

    Hi! So I am very new to fish and on saturday I purchased 3 male guppies from the pet store. Two of my guppies seem to be doing okay but all three are staying mostly at the top or surface. It has only been a few days so their water peramiters have not settled yet but tomorrow I am going to add...
  2. Sege

    Nitrogen Cycle Startup

    Hi! I'm still new to the aquarium hobby and trying to figure out this crazy scientific nitrogen cycle. I have seen many diagrams made by people trying to explain this thing to a newbie, but really it's not helping. Specifically the part about how to start the darn thing. And suggestions on how...
  3. goldenclaw

    New here

    Hello I am new here and looking forward to sharing my experiences and also look for aid in the future Tropical tank one 36 Bow Front 1.Blue Gourami 1. Gold Gourami 1 Red tail shark 1 Gold Severum 4 Giant danio 2. Two Algae eaters that seem to hide or got eaten lol ( I do see one from time...
  4. J

    Tiger Barbs

    Recently got into fish keeping after many years since i was a child, i have set up a 20 gallon semi-aggressive community tank. So far i have 2 japanese algae shrimp, 1 Ghost shrimp, the 3 tiger barbs which are the fish that i am worried about due to lack of color and what seems like rapid...
  5. L

    Pls help newbie!!

    Hi all, brand new to this site and aquariums! Very much need help!! I set aquarium up and was looking to get variety of bright coloured fish (not sure of type) it didn't happen.... A random neighbour smashed their tank and put into bin area! I noticed two fish in the freezing cold water, so...
  6. B

    Hello all!

    Hello all! I'll introduce the tank first. 75 gallon Double filtration back hanging filters. Gravel bottom. 76 degrees Levels are all perfect, except for ammonia, which gives false readings off this crappy city water I just moved to. Mostly just ,25ppm after 15percent water change. Now the fish...
  7. FishyFredd

    Hi fellow fish keeper's!

    I totally love African Cichlids. I have a 90litre tank with 12 cichlids and an empty 180litre tank that I am nearly ready to swap them into. Just in the middle of making the stand! Getting more fish soon ;)
  8. FroFro

    Ripping Out Old Plants, Suggestions?

    So my dwarf grass is growing fine, what my angelfish don't rip apart that is. I'm going to just remove the majority of it all and get perhaps a few tall growing plants. Any suggestions?
  9. P

    Hi Everyone.

    So i have 2 goldfish that are on there last days and so i will be getting some tropical fish. So if any of you can suggest a fish that would be cool too! I have a 10 gallon tank right now. I also have all the proper stuff fro keeping fish long term not any flake food or stuff like that. I was...
  10. M

    Is My 46G Tank Over Stocked Or Can I Add More?

    I currently have the following in a bow front 46G tank that was already cycled: 7 balloon mollies 1 platy 4 mollies 8 tetra glofish 2 dwarf gouramis Both pet stores told me we could add up to 35 fish around the size we have, but upon reading some of the forums I've become skeptical of...
  11. FroFro

    Best Driftwood For My Tank?

    What is the best driftwood choice for my tank? None of my fish other than a small pleco can benefit from it, but I read its good for the overall health of the tank. What is the easiest kind of wood to cure/boil/soak of tannins before putting it into the water? I work nearly full time so a wood...
  12. LoriLisaL'amour

    Baby Fry...what Now?

    HELLO GUYS! I am brand new to this site, but not quite new to having a tank!    I have had my tank for about 4 1/2 years now, filled with 3 generations of Corys all living with their parents!   So yesterday I had eggs on my glass that were there for about 3 days and fastly getting eaten off by...
  13. JenniferBowyer

    Water Pump Question

    so I just got a top fin 1.7 gallon tank from petsmart and the water pump has a switch for plus and minus I was wondering what that does because im not use to that kind 
  14. PaulJohnSmith

    Hi Fellow Hobbyists!

    Hi guys,   Am new to the forum so wanted to say hi!   I have a 55ltr tank with a pair of guppies, a lemon BN pleco and a super red pleco. Also have a load of RCS.   Here is me male guppy!   Paul
  15. fropuf

    Help First Time Doing My Own Tank!

    Hello everyone! I have plans for a new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Money is no factor right now, but I want to see if my idea is even feasible.   The tank will be 55 gallons, but can be upgraded to 75 gallons. Bottom substrate is probably going to be gravel with sand covering it. Plant life is...
  16. Keez

    Thoughts Of A First Timer!

    Well, my new Juwel Vision 260 arrived today so I thought I'd start up a little Journal of getting it set up! Carrying it upstairs was not the easiest thing we've ever done but we got there! Found the instructions not the clearest in the world but after a couple of hours we got there. Here's a...
  17. Keez

    Hey All

    Hi All,   I'm Mark/Keez, 24 from Nottingham however I'm living in Kent in the UK.   I'm completely new to the set up of tropical freshwater fish but I'm researching to get myself a good footing while I attempt a fishless cycle.   Previous information on fish was very basic and it seems wrong but...
  18. W


    I am new to the aquarium world and am in the process of cycling (fishless) my 75 gallon tank.  The plan is to stock with African Haps and Peacocks (approximately 20 total) when the tank is established.  Currently I am running 1 Cascade Canister 1000 (265 gph) filter and one Penguin 350 (350 gph)...
  19. Cameronb_01

    Humu Picasso Triggerfish, Mombasae Lionfish And Blue Spotted Puffer Co

    Hi Guys,   I have just set up my marine aquarium and I am currently in the process of stocking it up with fish. It is a 450L tank and as of now has no sand, corals, reef, live-rock, inverts, fish etc... I was thinking in a ideal world of getting the following three fish. A Mombasa Lionfish, a...
  20. A

    Molly Fish Motionless At Surface

      Dear friends,   The day before yesterday I bought 3 dalmatian mollies for my tank. I noticed that sometimes my mollies (one in particular) move to the surface, where they just 'float'. He won't move and he won't eat. When opening the lid, the one molly I'm worried about will move and swim...
  21. K

    New To Fish Forums

    Hey all,   New to the world of fish forums, but I'm entering new territory with a planted tank and I thought a group of knowledgable people would be a good place to start.
  22. DennisSchat


    Hello! My name is Dennis and I live in the Netherlands. I've recently purchased a few guppies in a 20 liter tank. I've had guppies and several other fishbyears ago, but other than that, I'm quite new to keeping fish. Nice to be here!
  23. M

    Common Goldfish Tank Size

    Completely new to fish keeping and after receiving bad advice from my LFS, I bought two common goldfish, a 20 litre tank and a near useless filter. Inevitable my fish got sick, what I believe to be ammonia poisoning. I have done research online and know they need much better living conditions...
  24. K

    Introducing Myself

    Hey there,my name's Kim and I'm new to the aquarium owning thing :) I have 3 comet goldfish, 1 red one named Garfield, 1 white one named Sidney (Sid for short) and 1 red and white one named Sifu. I look forward to meeting everyone and hopefully getting more fish
  25. K

    New To Goldfish Care. What Should I Expect?

    Hey guys, so I have 3 lovely comet goldfish in a 75l tank ( I know they'll out grow it. I won't worry until then), what should their typical behaviour be? I am constantly keeping an eye of them too make sure they're not getting sick, but i only have basic knowledge.
  26. hudsona85

    New Firemouth Cichlid!

    Went to my LFS and found this little guy/girl. Couldn't pass it up! Plan to put this one in the 75gal when I get it going!  
  27. MadameFizzgig

    Violet Goby And Tank - Sand Newly Added!

    Hi everyone, newbie fish owner here.  Several months ago, I rescued my violet goby Houdini from his previous home (which was horrible). He's been doing much better since then, though I had him living on gravel for a few months. Finally, I was able to change the gravel and get him some sand. I...
  28. Z

    What Type Of Fish Is This?

    Hi can someone help me identify the type Or species of this fish please. I would really appreciate it. Thanks
  29. S

    New Tropical Tank

    Hey! I"m new to the site here. My husband and I are wanting to start our own tropical freshwater tank. We've both had fish tanks for most of our lives, but we want to kick it up from basic Meijer and Walmart fish to the more colorful tropical fish. Any advice or tips on some good fish (trying to...
  30. LordOfTheFish

    New To Forums, Need Advice

    Hello! I am brand new to this forum and this is my very first post! I have a question about where I put my threads. So, I have a fresh, mildly planted tank and have a question about stocking. Would that question go under freshwater tanks or planted tanks? Thanks!
  31. B

    New Tank, Need Help

    Hi everyone I'm new to the forums and I have some questions/concerns. Just to start off I've had pet fish when I was much younger but my dad always maintained the tank but he didn't know much about fish then at that lasted about a year but now that I'm older I started to like fish more and more...
  32. K

    Journal: Starting Small, And Somewhat Clueless

    So this is my first time trying out a freshwater tank on my own. My dad had one when I was younger but I have not had one of my own ever. I had to start small since it is in my apartment so I went with a 5 gallon (don't mock the decor, had to work with what we had ). I filled up my tank last...
  33. N

    New To The Hobby; Critique My Aquarium?

    So I had a single betta fish in a small tank for a year. I realized that what I was doing was wrong and found a 10 gal tank in my shed. I set it up, and my betta settled right in. Fast forward a few months. I got a few more plastic plants, some more gravel and a little rock formation with holes...
  34. V

    New Tank By New Member

    Hello,   Im brand new to this forum and brand new to this hobby.  I thought I would share some of my pictures of my tank.  I found a 29 gallon tank for very little money and on a whim I bought it.  Thus, launching me into this new hobby!  I started by roughing out a stand.     Finished the...
  35. mrstwalker

    New To Planted Tanks, Advice Needed!

    So this is going to be a few months out, but I want to gather as much information as I can before I begin this process!   I have always wanted show quality butterfly telescope goldfish. And when I move in the next few months I think I will be at a place I can start the process. I have also...
  36. fish_food


    Hello all,  I'm a newbie to fish raising, and I signed up to get some advice on a sick bubble-eye goldfish. I've read the stickies and created a new thread in the emergencies section awaiting moderation, but I am worried about the newbie restrictions: Starting threads in the classified section...
  37. MadameFizzgig

    Violet Goby (Dragon Fish) Gasping? Please Help

    Hi everyone,   First off, I am a newbie fish owner. I do not have a ton of experience with fish. That being said, I recently purchased a violet goby from Walmart. He is about 4 inches long. Apparently he was living in fresh water there, but I read that he should be living in brackish water. So...
  38. mrstwalker

    New To Treating Tap Water. Please Help!

    Hi everyone! It has been such a long time since I have posted! Anyway, I have a question for anyone that can help!    I have been blessed to live in an area that only uses well water. And because of this, I have never had to buy the water treatments. I just put the water in the tank and let it...
  39. S

    New To Tff

    Hello everyone!  You can call me "Steven."  I'm new here and still don't know how to update my avatar, profile picture, signature (I'd really like to put something in my signature :) ).   I'm from the US, Boston, Massachusetts in particular, about eight km from the Atlantic Ocean.  This is about...
  40. M

    Gold Rams

    I have two male golden ram and my mother got me 2 female rams. Now at the moment my two male rams are separated and I am wondering if i can introduce both males after I have introduced the two females into a tank were the one male is. Does any one know. Thanks