
  1. J


    Hello, the quicker I get a reply to this the better, so please hurry, not trying to sound pushy :/   I recently noticed white spots on my Gold Spotted Rabbitfish, and can't quite tell if it's ich. Can someone help? I've lost a lot of fish to ich in the past and don't want anything to do with it...
  2. P

    White Spot In Eye?

    Hello,  I'm new here, and I'm fairly sure this is the correct forum to post in, I apologise if it is not. I have also never had white spot in any of my tanks before and I am quite worried about the whole situation.   Okay, about a week ago I noticed a few white spots on one of my platys after a...
  3. C

    White Bumps Near Fish's Mouth?

    Hello all, see the attached photos of white bumps that have appeared near my male Ram Cichlid's mouth.   I don' believe it is ich because they protrude quite far. The first one showed up about two weeks ago and the second bump just started to form. I'm not really sure how to proceed with it. Can...
  4. M

    Ich - Replanting

    Hey all,   I was just wondering, I took my plants out of my tank to treat ich, and now that it is gone, and I have waited about ten days treating it, I would like to replant them. But I am not sure if it would have moved over to the quarantine tank where I have my plants (no fish), and I was...
  5. G

    Something Lodged Uned The Scales.

    I have a 30 gallon tank with a Blue Lyretail Killing, and Golden Viel Angel, and a couple hatchets and guppies. I just recently treated my tank for ich when I noticed white dots on my angels fins and white dots on my killis head. The killi would glance off of everything in the tank while I was...
  6. A

    Help All My Fish Except My Guppies Are Dying!

    Hello, I have a tropical fresh water 55 gallon tank and it has been running since the middle of August. I let it cycle for a week then added 3 Cory's, 2 farawella cats, and 2 ray loaches (I think that's what they are called but I'm not sure), and 2 turquoise gourami's. My tank was doing great...
  7. T

    Does My Bi-Color Angel Really Have Ich?

    I bought a bi-color angelfish from Petco last Tuesday. My tank parameters were fine and I acclimated it as recommended. A few days later (last Friday), I woke up and the angelfish had a few "white" spots on its back. Naturally, I suspected it was ich so I went to Petco that same afternoon and...
  8. C

    Poisoned By Ich Medication - My Beloved Elephant-Nose Fish

    Dear all (please excuse the typo in the title - new, as I am, to this forum, I can't find where to edit the title!),   I am new to this forum and came across it while looking for more details on how to deal with elephantnose fish issues (I read a couple of Neale Monks' comments; I dearly hope he...
  9. momof6

    Help I Think Its Ich

    Hi ok, I have had this tank for about a month and some days not. Here are the specs and readings NOW, it was not always like this I used to have ammonia issues:   Ammonia 0 pH 7.6 Nitrate 10 Nitrite o  Chlorine 0    Ok so I just go the tank to where it looks like it is cycling now , I was doing...
  10. mrstwalker

    Fry & Ich - Please Help!

    So I believe I have the beginnings of an ich outbreak in my tank, nothing seems to be terrible and all the fish seem to be happy, but I would like to treat the ich if it truly is starting to develop in my tank, so there wont be any major outbreaks.    The only problem is that I have 5 platy fry...
  11. argoma

    Ich, Help!

    Hi everyone, I am in need of major help. I have a 18 gallon tank with 8 neon tetras, 1 betta and 1 pleco. Yesterday I noticed that they had ich and I rushed to add treatment to the water (EXIT is the name of the medicine). Today I also realised that the betta has fungus so I added medicin for...
  12. mrstwalker

    Death Bed Platy?! :(

    My beautiful sunset/wagtail platy is at wits end..    I came home from an all day outing to find my male platy drained of color (black tail now white/clear..red faded on body) and hovering near the top of the tank.  i believe i spotted some ich on his mouth, so my husband and i tested the pH...
  13. S

    New Here And Having A Lot Of Problems

    I'm new here and I'm having a lot of problems setting up my tank.  I have a lot of questions.  LOL I was given a 5 gallon GLOFISH aquarium for Christmas. I set it up according to the instructions that came with the tank. I have a whisper bio filter, small heater and air stone.  I'm using gravel...
  14. G

    Ich Or Not? (Appeared Overnight)

    Is this Ich or not?   My tank: 20g, 5-6 weeks old, established in about two weeks with material from my 36 g tank. Water is fine (was fine yesterday, today ammonia/nitrites around .25). Water: - temperature 76-78F - pH 7.6 - ammonia/nitrites 0 (today about .25, after new batch of fish in tank...
  15. A

    Sick? Stressed? Ich? Molly

    I got a fish a few days ago all ammonia level and nitrite is good and so is nitrate however one of my mollies has a white dryisish spot near its tail here it is 
  16. NomNomTiger

    Emergency Please Help

    I came home 1 night and my fish had 3 white spots so I took the carbon out of the filter. Cleaned it all in hot water. Added pimafix and melafix. Turned the heat up and added some salt. Then it got worse the next day and I cleaned the tank out more and removed the plants. Then this morning I...
  17. NomNomTiger

    Angelfish Death Now Ich.

    I have been breeding angelfish for a fair while now. I have a 55g with 2 plecos, 2 dojos and 7 angels. 3 just little juvies. I had 2 others in before but I sold the one as his mate got with 2 other males in the tank and he got beat up. Then a few days later I come home to see the pleco eating my...
  18. ChancesMama

    Need Help With Ammonia Levels!

    Okay so, I have been struggling with Ammonia for about a month and I think I know what I want but I need to be sure so this wont happen again. I have a 28gallon (roughly 106 litres), currently I have 8 neon tetras and 4 cherry barbs but they will be gone by next week. I first noticed my ammonia...
  19. rpgmomma8404

    Another Ich Question?

    Should I take everything out of the tank (like fake plants, caves and such) and boil them in hot water? I've read that some where but I wasn't sure if that is the best course of action. I put aquarium salt in both 10 and 15 gallon tanks (realized both were infested). 
  20. B

    Novice Ich Troubles (Maybe Breeding Tubercles?)

    Sorry, this is not a tropical fish problem, but I couldn't find another active board for goldfish.   So maybe a half year ago, one of my comet goldfish developed white spots on its gill covers. I thought they were breeding tubercles. However, it developed more white spots on its tailfin, and a...
  21. 214jay

    Following Treatment For Ich How Long Before I Can Re-Introduce Shrimp+

    Hello   I am halfway through treating white spot on my aquarium with fish in, using interpet White Spot Treatment (contains Formaldehyde and Malachite Green Oxalate - Not copper) .  I removed the snails and shrimp to a quarantine tank temporarily but am clearly concerned they have taken some ICH...
  22. coyemuse

    I Feel Like A Horrible Fish Mama

    So about a week and a half ago My spotty platy looked a little ragged. and since he was known to be bullied by my other fish, I moved him to my 10g to recoup with the guppies.   Well Ive had 1guppy die and in my75g Ive had a danio and a swordtail die (in the last day).   I was horrified to...
  23. M

    Ich Death :(

    :,( Hypnos has succumbed to ich :( :( :( he developed little white spots on his tail fin about a week ago, then he started to lose his red colour :( I transferred him straight into my hospital tank, treated him with bettafix and salt and kept up my water changes in the hospital tank all week! He...
  24. Voxcharm

    Ich? Bacterial? Help!

    Hey guys Re post from general topics but really need help. Bit of a newbie and not having a good week with my cories after mysteriously loosing one of them. But noticed on one of the albinos a single white spot on the tail. No spots on any other fish or anywhere else on this fish. Sorry the...
  25. S

    Sick Of The Ich!

    I have recently started keeping fish maybe 4-5 months. I had a problem with the first few i had. Now it seems to have come back. I had two rope fish one iridescent shark one black fin shark a crawfish gold fish and a kuhilli looca?sorry for the misspelled words. So today my one rope fish died...
  26. MissKaylakay93

    Ich That Just Wont Go Away.

    I have a 36 gallon with livebearers and other community fish, and ich that we just can't kick. Here's the run down:   We have 2 Swordtails, 3 Guppies, 4 Platies, 1 Dwarf Platy, 1 Molly, 4 Australian Rainbows, 1 Algea Eater, and 7 Neon Tetras. The tank has been up and running for four months with...
  27. W

    White Spot?

    Betta,fighting fish,white spot,ich
  28. M

    How Long After Treating Ich Can New Fish Be Added

    about a week and a half ago i notice my balloon molly had ich so i moved her into a quarntine tank and treated her and the main tank was fine none of the other fish got ich and i moved her back into the tank and she is fine now how long should i wait before adding new fish. it was not a very bad...
  29. K

    Ich & Snails

    I had an outbreak of Ich last week. I was treating it with a Petco brand of "Herbal Ich Treatment." 1. I recommend that you NEVER use this treatment, as nothing improved. 2. I had all 3 of my Sunset Fire Platies die. 3. The rest of my fish (only a few) also had the Ich really bad. I euthanized...
  30. S

    White Spot Treatment Uk, Pentazona Barbs (w/ Dwarf Gourami, Peppered C

    All 5 of my pentazona barbs are displaying classic ICH symptoms, I didn't quarantine them because my Quaratine tank has two guppies with ragged tails in. My mistake. The guppy's will be returned to their tank on Thursday so I can isolate tank mates in the scaleless cories need a different...
  31. nikkifro8994

    Betta Has Ich?

    I got a new male betta a week ago. I moved him from a temporary 1.5 gallon tank to a 5 gallon last Tuesday. I noticed a few days ago that he was sitting at the top not moving. It didn’t look like he was breathing either. Then he started swimming rapidly around the tank. He was also...