
  1. Dephea

    Uncurable ich / ick / white spot

    I am getting very annoyed and rather disheartened now. 150L ammonia 0ppm nitr 0ppm pH 7.5 ish temp 30 degrees Celsius live plants, bogwood and resin rocks, all in gravel (changing into sand next week). Part of the plants and decor removed to make vacuuming easier without having to disturb...
  2. A

    Ich and fish-in-cycling

    Hi! I am very new to having a fish tank. My kids have been asking for one so my hubby took them to a local farm and pet store and got a tank and GloFish. It’s a small tank, 5 gallons, and we got 5 fish. He was told we could set it up and put them in right away. After some reading I now know that...
  3. R

    Is this Ich or something else on my EBA?

    Hi All, I have a 55g with a school of 15 black skirt tetras and then 2 Electric Blue Acaras, both extremely young, 1 about 2.5 inches and the other maybe 1.5 inches. I believe this ich but i'm not 100% certain. I noticed small spots on one of my tetra and immediately raised the temp to about...
  4. Blu_bruh

    Ich on betta

    Pls help. i used to be on here more and i have entirely new tank its 20 gal with 3 female bettas one of which looks like she got ich on top of her head (picture below). Theres also snails and shrimp and a few corries. I know copper based ich medicines can kill like half of my tank so i did a...
  5. S

    Betta and Super Ick Cure

    Hi, I'm a little new to this. I recently cycled a ten gallon Betta tank, (0ppm Ammonia, 0ppm Nitrites, 10-15 ppm Nitrates) after a water change, I added some Neon Tetras to it. Well, all the tetras got stressed and developed Ich. After I noticed it, I immediately bought some Super Ick Cure...
  6. J

    Goldfish Ich

    Hi! i’m not quite sure if this is where i’d make this post, but i’m new so please bare with me. I have two comet goldfish named poppy & johns — i’ve had poppy the longest and my in laws purchased johns about a week ago, at the time i was unable to quarantine him. so decided it would probably be...
  7. E

    Maybe Ich, maybe not???

    I have a goldfish (Hope) and 10 days ago I noticed that she had some white spots on her. I noticed this a couple hours after adding 6 new smaller goldfish to the tank. The next day I went and got API Ich medication and started treatment. I went through the entire process twice over the course of...
  8. N

    How to cure Ich without killing beneficial bacteria

    Hi everyone, I have a case of ich in my tank. Just wondering what the best treatment for it would be. I have melafix and Pimafix, but I’m wondering if those are strong enough. I’m also nervous about killing off my beneficial bacteria because I don’t want to have to cycle my tank again. Also...
  9. back2thelotus

    Does my platy have ich? Please help!

    Hi, As mentioned in the title of this thread, I’m wondering if my platy has ich. About a week ago I noticed that the fish didn’t seem to be pooping, and seemed very lethargic. I fasted the tank for a day and fed peas afterwards. Then she seemed to perk up. Then, unfortunately she started to...
  10. Juliak

    Ich Medication safe for peacock eel and kuhli loaches

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon planted aquarium that has been set up for about two years now, I recently bought new kuhli loaches for my LFS and unfortunately didn't quarantine them.??‍♀️ I now have ich and it is starting to spread among my other fish... here is my stocking: 55 gallon planted: 3...
  11. T

    Ich in tank!!!!

    Hello all, I’m a new fish keeper and I believe I have an ich problem with my fish in my tank everything has ran smoothly to this point, but today I noticed some spots on my Severum and Oscar, and rainbow fish. I’ve read just about everywhere and watched every video there is to try and treat this...
  12. O

    Balloon molly blurry white spots - Help

    Hi all, few of my balloon mollies are showing white spots on fins, and one of them is breathing heavily and mostly sitting at the bottom of the tank. so far i did 70% water change, started treatment with waterlife protozin for ich and raised water temperature to 26 C. i have this tank running...
  13. S

    Freshwater dip for ich?

    Hello, I recently Started suspecting that my tank got infected with ich. I lost two fish so far.… A domino damsel died a week ago, and today I lost my six line wrasse. both of them showed very different symptoms, for example the damselfish started turning white on his forehead and was barely...
  14. R

    Help me please

    Hi I don’t know if I’m in the right forum sorry if I am in the wrong one ! I just want to know about medications...I have ich in my tank and I’ve been using blue planet ich treatment but it’s not working can I switch to a different medication like blue planet multi cure or will that do something...
  15. Brad G

    Fish with ich/ick

    I have a 20 gallon tank the has quite a few plants. I put API Super ick cure in 5 days ago. I’m starting my 2nd round of treatment because my fish still have the white spots 1 of them are actually getting worse . I took out the carbon filter but left in the ammonia filter. Should I take that off...
  16. H

    White spots on Guorami for the last month?

    Hello, I just bought a powder blue dwarf guorami a month ago. The day after I put her in the quarantine tank 4 white specks appeared. I’ve treating her steady with Paraguard (didn’t work), imagitarium parasite remedy, and currently ick-attack. In the one month I have only seen one speck...
  17. Brad G

    Feeding fish with ick

    Hello I noticed a few of my fish have Ick/Ich. I just started the treatment tonight and was wondering if I should feed my fish. I usually feed them in the morning but I took all my invertebrates and carbon filter out. I was wondering should I still feed them like normal or wait the 4 days till...
  18. P

    Ich, Tail Rot and water changes

    Hi, I'm new to the hobby. I currently have living in my 20 gallon hexagaon tank: 3 gourami, 2 zebra loaches, 2 guppies, 5 tetras, 1 snail, maybe 2 shrimp but they're hard to find. So I have Ich in my tank and it's on everyone except the loaches. One of the guppies presented with tail rot today...
  19. Laurelp

    Ich on gourami?

    I have a 60 gallon with 2 gourami (flame and powder blue), 4 angels, 6 white skirt tetras, 6 harlequins, and 3 corys. My flame gourami has had these same white spots for about 4 days- not getting better or worse. Just on the one side shown in pic. Is it ich?? TY! Laurel
  20. Irishrover

    Ich-X vs beneficial bacteria

    Hello. I have a 125 gallon freshwater tank and have noticed a couple of my fish have come down with ich. I am running a FX6 canister filter on this tank and also have some plants in the tank. I am planning on using ich-x to treat but will that hurt my beneficial bacteria? I know I have to remove...
  21. france is pain

    malachite green not changing tank water’s color?

    I have a fish with in in my tank, and I’ve been using ich-x (which has malachite green) to treat it, but for some reason the water isn’t staying blue. It’s just disappearing. I’ve been using the correct dosage, and took out the activated charcoal in my filter. The ich doesn’t appear to be...
  22. Loring

    Possible Ich outbreak?

    Hello everyone, wondering if anyone can help me identify if this is Ich on my new fish. i purchased some new fish yesterday: 10 Neon Tetra 6 Glowlight Tetra 6 Lemon Tetra 4 Albino Cory Upon coming home and putting them in the tank (drip acclimated for an hour) I had to shoot off and returned...
  23. K

    The dreaded Ick!

    I have enclosed a picture of my sword I think is starting to have Ick. There is only 1 white spot on the very end of her tail & no spots on any of the other fish. I just got this & another matching sword almost a week ago. I know it is best to put them in a separate tank & quarantine for the...
  24. Circus

    Ich Outbreak

    I have an outbreak of Ich in one of my tanks. I have 9 cardinal tetra (all of whom seem to be affected) 9 Ember Tetra (none infected) 15 Pygmy Corys (none infected) and a BN pleco. 2 devil snails and 1 Mystery Snail. Can I safely treat the whole tank with salt?
  25. S

    Help with diagnosing disease on Firemouth?

    I have a community tank and two of my fire mouths have these white spots on them, but they don't look like the ich that I have experienced before? I'm starting to get worried that it's either Hole in the Head or Columnaris. I've attached pictures of two of the fire mouths. It has spread to my...
  26. Guyb93

    Water Chem has changed ????

    Yesterday night I did a water test .. just out of curiosity my really were shocking My Gh was 120 KH 40 PH 7 NO2 1 NO3 160 ppm I panic and do a 30-40 water change , I re test this morning the results were GH 120 KH >40 PH7 NO2 0.5 NO3 80 The filter is new definitely doesn’t need changing , I...
  27. P

    Does my angelfish have ich? (Pics posted)

    Can anyone tell me if this is ich? I have many more fish in the tank and only this one has the spots. They are on the top fin and the fins by the gills only. Thanks for your help!
  28. AilyNC

    Is it ICH and other queries

    I'm so sorry I feel like the naggiest newcomer. I think 3 fish have ICH. They are all doing some rubbing on ornaments, especially the Anubis leaves. Some small white dots on fins. One pregnant platy who dropped 10 fry today. One male platy who looked a bit pale last night but colour good now...
  29. B

    Betta Ich? Please let me know.

    I just bought a betta yesterday and I didn't notice until I had added him to my 29 gallon tank. I was watching him intently to see how he would do with my community fish and he was doing really well but then I saw this spot on him. I took him out right away, and now he's in a 5 gallon tank so I...
  30. Sotto

    is my platy a female? and is she pregnant? during ich battle

    Hi all! Quite new to the aqua world and first time owning fish just wondering if this is a female platy and is she pregnant? im currently fighting off an ich battle with kordon rapid-cure and just want to know if it is a female and if she gives birth will the ich medicine kill the fry? (using...
  31. K

    Fungus, Ick or something else??

    1 of my black mollies has some weird disease. Just noticed it this morning. All the other fish in the tank look fine. At first I thought it was Ick but then noticed it is actually bumps on his tail but only 1 side. Seems to have white spots on his body & his color is not as black. Water...
  32. tomatobloke

    Is this ich

    Ok so my corydoras have gotten these white spots and have had them for about a week but I haven't seen any major outbreak in my tank/ no white spots on any of my guppies and the specs have been limited to only a few corys, the white dots kinda seem to be off and on because i saw one cory with a...
  33. RenC

    White dots on fish, I don’t think it’s ich?

    Hi! I know I’m probably annoying with all my questions but. I recently got a new tank and the filter was very loud. The company sent me a new filter today. I rinsed it well and put it in to replace the old very loud filter. Directly after installing the new filter I noticed quite a bit of white...
  34. D

    White stuff growing out of my fish!!

    Hi guys I have an Angel Fish and recently I noticed these white things on my fish. Immediately I though it must be ich, but I don’t really think it is. There might be a few very faint white spots on the fins, but the main thing you can see is the white stuff coming out of his head. Please help...
  35. F

    Neon tetra quarantine - any advice?

    Hello all, this is my first post here so I'm hoping somebody can help me! My tank is relatively new - 6 months roughly. it is a planted tank and has only just started establishing, but t was fully cycled before i added any fish. On bad advice, i started my collection with a group of neon...
  36. F

    Ich in planted tank with rcs

    hi all, My betta started to show signs of ich and so I treated it last week with esta exit to no avail, I then treated it again a few days ago with both esta exit and 2000 as this is supposedly more effective yet this has clearly not worked. I had the temp raised as well so I am now giving up...
  37. S


    So I have a 58 liter tank an ehiem classic 250 which as a slower flow than most also hoping on getting a tidal 35 or 55 to help it out a bit it seems to be struggling. It's stocked with 3 albino corys one bristle nose and two pearl gouramis. One of the pearl gouramis has a sort of fluffy small...
  38. HalfTailedOwner

    Sudden Ich with Koi? Advice ASAP, Please Help :(

    I've had this koi for around 5 months now (surprisingly) in a 10 gallon tank. If you didn't know already, I've actually been trying to find a new place to rehome the koi because I knew it would grow too large for the tank size.. This christmas, my uncle surprised me with some fish (and while I'm...
  39. K

    Help not sure what this is!!!

    Hello all. Brand new here. I have a 20 gallon tank. Last night or of nowhere the beta fish we had developed very bad fin rot on his tail and he had white specs on him. The tetras we have also had white specs. Fearing the worst I assumed it was ich. Went to get ich medication from pet smart as...
  40. Jennifer Gonzales

    Dropping fry then getting ich??

    Hi all! I have a 40gal tank with 2 adult platies 1 juvenile platy 8 adult guppies, and until today 12 guppy fry. (Set up a 10 gal tank and transferred my fry to it today, they were born 11/23, for reference sake) I do not know specific parameters but I do water changes every 1-2weeks and have...