
  1. Jennifer Gonzales

    Dropping fry then getting ich??

    Hi all! I have a 40gal tank with 2 adult platies 1 juvenile platy 8 adult guppies, and until today 12 guppy fry. (Set up a 10 gal tank and transferred my fry to it today, they were born 11/23, for reference sake) I do not know specific parameters but I do water changes every 1-2weeks and have...
  2. S

    Discovered Ich and fish fry at the same time - what to do?

    Hello - I am the part caretaker of a 30 gallon tank at work, but I'm just beginning to get some more knowledge about fish tank care. I have a coworker who knows more about the water conditions and behavior. The issue is that we both spotted a few fish with the white spots from Ich bacteria on...
  3. A

    Lethargic Betta

    Hi! My betta was acting weird when I came home Thursday night. He was hiding and laying on the bottom, which is fairly normal for him, but it didn’t seem right. So I fed him and then kept the lights off. Yesterday, he was breathing hard and had clamped fins so I moved him to a plastic container...
  4. Goosegrl2019

    Blood parrot cichlid sick

    Hi, I'm angie, I'm new but have been reading threads & wondering if u can help me. My adopted 4 year old blood parrot is I'll. Shes been in a 37 gal w me for 3 months after being in 75 gal. I put her in 55 gal 4 days ago & added 2 gouramis that may have given her white fungus. The parrot has a...
  5. A

    Sudden die off, hang on, long post

    Please help! I have two 54 gallon freshwater tanks that I am really struggling with. Have had the tanks for a month, added new fish to both tanks a week ago. Tank one: 7 guppies, 2 silver dollars, 1 betta, 1 pleco PH 7.0 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Tank two: 3 goldfish originally, added 5...
  6. SpitFish

    Ich causing fin loss? Did I make a mistake in treatment?

    So. I did a stupid thing and introduced ich via neon tetras into my established 30 gallon tank. All 10 tetras died the day after I got them and I noticed the disease then. I also lost a pleco yesterday. I've been treating the tank with a store bought medicine called API Super Ich Cure. It said...
  7. W

    Goldfish ich?

    Hi all, I have a common comet goldfish that my sister brought home from a fair who is about a year old. He grew up in my 20 gallon and then moved to my dad's 60 about ten months ago, and he has been doing fine. However I noticed he is kind of less energetic lately, and I think he has ich. His...
  8. V

    Possible Popeye male Betta

    Hey guys! I'm new here. I've had my guy for a few months now, have him in a 5 gallon. Since moving him from a 2.5 gal to his 5 gal tank he has grown significantly. When I first got him I noticed he had a few scales that were a bit brighter than the others. I thought it could be ich, but he...
  9. P

    Something is on my tetra

    so Ive had these tetras for little while now and and I ended up getting ich in the tank some how but i have it almost completely beat but I noticed one of the tetras has what appears to be scars (if that’s even possible for fish) all along it’s body it they kinda look like little cloudy spots on...
  10. L

    Is this ich?

    Hello everyone!! I've had my aquarium running with three ember tetras, three neon tetras and a female betta for a month with no issues. Now I've found that the ember have white spots in their bodies. Is it ich? How should I treat it? It was hard to take a picture, hope it helps.
  11. JMuth

    Tank Emergency; Gold fish is red, fish are lethargic, danio has ich

    Tank size: ~5 Gal. US pH:7.8 (This is what it has been since I started measuring) ammonia: >0ppm (just the slightest hint of green, not enough to put it at .25, but more than 0) nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 40 ppm kH: Unknown gH: Unknown tank temp: 80F Fish Symptoms (include full description...
  12. P

    First time Ich!

    Hello, I'm new to the forum! I've got a Blood-red Parrot Cichlid that my family has noticed has been acting strange the past 2 days. He was erratically swimming (spinning around, rubbing on the ground or tank walls) every now and again and he seems to eat normally. And today I finally decided to...
  13. Ramón Figueroa-Centeno

    Help identifying disease

    Aloha, I think some of my fish have Ich. Can any of you confirm? A picture can be found here: http://bit.ly/2LxiXtk Thank you
  14. M

    White Spot or Sporozoran?

    I need a few opinions and some advice! I have two loaches (Nimrod who, despite his name, is very loved and probably my favorite, and Priz). I had them for about three weeks in my planted tank when I noticed white spots form on their fins and sides. Originally I thought it was Ich (even as a...
  15. SteakNShrimp


    I just noticed that the ram cichlid that I bought Saturday has ICH. What should I do? How do I treat the fish? How do I treat the tank? I am not able to purchase any medicine today... I have taken the Ram out of the tank and put it in some dechlorinated water with 4 tablespoons of devolved...
  16. L

    plecos, ich and salt???

    Hi all, I’m new here, so please be gentle. I have a 105l tank (27.74 us gallons) & 2 fancy goldfish (1 oranda & 1 shubunkin) and a small Bristlenose Pleco. It’s looking like my goldies have ich. I’ve been reading up about treatments & am slowly increasing the tank temp from 23C (73.4F) which is...
  17. J

    White spots on balloon molly

    Hi, thank you in advance for your help! So I saw these white spots on my balloon Molly fish and I quarantined them. Then I looked up ich and it doesn’t look like ich at all and when I looked up other Molly pics, they looked like they all have the same white spots. Just want to make sure this...
  18. K

    Ich or Fungus?

    I thought it was ich; have been treating for 5 days at 85 degrees, water changes (not much); two of my fish have had the spots with no changes; from what I read about the ich life cycle I thought these spots would have gone away as they drop into the water but they are still there. Could it be...
  19. A

    Can I Dose 4 Times On Imagitarium Parasite Remedy??

    I bought imagitarium parasite remedy to control ick and it says to dose every other day for 3 doses. It's been three doses and I dont know if it's safe to dose more than what it says. Dont get me wrong but most of the ick is gone but it's still there and I also raised the temp to 80f because...
  20. S

    Possible Ich, please help me identify it!

    Request Help Tank size: 20gal long pH: unknown ammonia: unknown nitrite: unknown nitrate: unknown kH: unknown gH: unknown tank temp: 24c Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behaviour): White, “flaky” lesions (see images) Lethargy (flicking tank...
  21. Z

    Help With ICH

    Hi, Still pretty new to the hobby with a 10gal freshwater tank. We noticed today that our tetra was showing small signs of possible ICH. We went ahead and got a two quarantine tanks to be safe. One to treat the tetra and the other to house the rest of the fish while our display tank heats up to...
  22. K

    Ich? Help

    Hello fish friends, I'm new to the whole aquarium thing so I need some advice/help please. I started off with just a comet goldfish in one of those little Betta tanks with a filter. Five weeks later that tank begins to leak so I took it in and they gave me store credit and they didn't have...
  23. J

    Help Sick Betta

    Please help us figure out what is wrong with our sick betta fish, Indigo! We have had him for 10 months and recently he has been acting very strange. He lays at the bottom of his 2.5 gallons filtered and heated tank and doesn’t move. We thought he was dead but his gills are moving, and when you...
  24. V

    Dealing with ich on a swordtail

    Hi everyone, I have a female swordtail who was a bit stressed in our community tank (we have two male swordtails and one female), so I moved her so a small planted tank on her own. She immediately seemed happier there, but came down with a case of ich, though there were only a few spots. I'm...
  25. HarpyFishLover

    I need help curing a betta's ich...

    Hello! I didn't post this in emergencies because I know what this is, and it's not lethal at this stage. So yesterday I noticed some strange behavior in my new betta. He was dashing around, scraping against things, crashing into my heater... then I got out my flashlight and looked at him. He...
  26. E

    What is this disease?

    One of my mollies has what looks like a bite out of one fin, but it seems like it's gotten bigger over the past week, so I was wondering if it is "fin rot" or maybe some other kind of infection. Also, I noticed a white spot near his tail. I don't think that the spot is ich, because it's not...
  27. P

    Starting my tank after ich

    about one week ago I had a bad ich outbreak that killed most of my fish. I seem to have it under control now as the fish that survived are showing no signs. When is it safe to go get new fish to add into the tank after ich?
  28. cajungirl0487

    Please help, Ich... what meds?

    I just bought a new pictus catfish from Walmart (I should have known better ugh). And now all of my other fish are sick. I don't have the money or room for a quarantine tank. What kind of Ich medicine can I put in my tank to get rid of this & save my fish that will NOT stain my aquarium or...
  29. S

    Help curing tank of whitespot?

    So i suspect my tank has whitespot and i need to begin treatment to get it under control, just looking for a bit of help or advise! Got a african dwarf frog, plec, bamboo shrimp and a bengal loach in there as well im a little concerned about adding treatment to the tank with also. The tank uses...
  30. ZoddyZod

    Is This Ich Or Something Else?

    Hello,   It's been many years since I had my one and only encounter with Ich. I think I've got an outbreak but would like to confirm before starting treatment.   I noticed my severum was clamping his fins. There are white patches on them, but some are not the 'tiny' ones you associate with Ich...
  31. T

    Ich Problem- Help

    After coming back from a trip I discovered that my http://www.fishlore.com/Profiles-DwarfGourami.htm was colorless and had white spots all over him. (A fish my family member had picked up from her friend had been placed in my aquarium while I was gone.) I freaked out and went to the store to buy...
  32. cooledwhip

    Treating Ick/ich Help

    I discovered last night my tank has ICK in it, it took my pleco and I moved my guppy to a quarantine tank. There is no fish int he tank now only a lot of plants and my drift wood and substrate. I turned off my filter, I have my heater and air stone still going tho. I added two tablets of Tetra...
  33. cooledwhip

    Ich Killed My Pleco, Killing My Guppy And Plants!

    Please help me. I have an emergency, I had a pleco and a guppy because I am cycling my 20G long tank. Long story short they both have ICH, I put them in a 5 gallon quarantine and the pleco died and the guppy I think will die. I'm not too worried about the fish, they are both doing REALLY bad. I...
  34. B

    Unknown Illness On New Otocinclus' - Fungus?

    Hello friends,   A few days ago, I brought home four otos. They appeared to have some minor ick (no surprise,) so they are in quarantine and being treated with Kordon Rid-Ich Plus. However, now it looks like something I'm unfamiliar with - maybe a fungus - is spreading among them. The dots are...
  35. simonero

    Appropriate Ich Meds/tx For Sensitive Tank

    Hi all,   My BGK has some nasty ich that went undetected for who-knows-how-long because I cannot see it when he is in his favorite spot or eating.  I'm guessing that the higher activity level preceding my noticing it is not a good sign.  In this freshwater tank I also have a tiny loach, apple...
  36. vwdank

    My Ich Treatment - High Heat Saltwater 29G Tank

      Well My new Electric Blue Rams have Ich and after a day in half of research I began treatment last night. I am super OCD about doing something wrong and I am the type that likes to find very detailed instructions and/or opinions on the issue. I know Ich is very common disease and this is not...
  37. T

    Treating Ich With Proform-C

    Hi all, yesterday I noticed typical ich symptoms (salt spots and cloudy eyes) and started treatment by raising the temp to 88 gradually (2 degrees per day) and adding ich guard. I have Proform-C which is a malachite green and formulin treatment. I'm not using hyposalinity because of using...
  38. W

    Ick Guard Making My Fish Sick?

    About 4 days ago I noticed the dreaded "white spots" were on a couple cherry barbs in my tank. I initially added about a tablespoon of aquarium salt to my tank (36 gallons) and turned up my heater to 82 degrees as a quick fix too try to get rid of the ich, But the next day those barbs gained a...
  39. M

    Ich Treatment Procedure

    Ive been keeping tropical fish for 15yrs now and not had any problems until afew days ago. I bought some new fish and plants 2 weeks ago (6 cardinals, 2 dwarf gouramis, betta) Then afew days ago i noticed one of the dwarfs was spending alot of time at the surface and seemed abit twitchy. Next...
  40. ChrisRyan

    Ich Advice

    Hello! So I don't have a quarantine tank, and I added a rainbow fish about 3 weeks ago. After a few days I noticed the ich and over a couple days increased the temperature of the tank (29 gal) to 90 degrees F. I was just lowering the temp today (14 days since temp increase) and noticed a neon...