
  1. T

    New here and need help ID illness

    I have a 5 year old Green Severum in a community tank. After fighting with the Rainbow fish he had a chunk taken out of his right cheek. Lots of water changes and waiting, but 3 months on it still hasn't healed and has slowly expanded. Today I've returned from a trip to see his left eye now...
  2. G

    Ich on my angel fish? Advice appreciated

    Hey everyone! I need some help figuring out whats wrong with my angel fish. I just noticed several white bumps on only one side of my fish. It sounds gross, but they almost look like zits that have pus coming out of them? I’m worried that it might be ich. I’m unfamiliar with the parasite, but I...
  3. B

    Sunken Belly?

    I recently got this pair a few days ago, and I’m wondering if my female might have a sunken belly or if she’s just malnourished. They were previously kept in a smaller tank with quite a few others, so I’m not sure if she wasn’t getting enough food. Also, I’ve noticed that she headbumps the male...
  4. S

    What's my tank problem? Need help :(

    Hello, I'm new to the world of planted aquariums. I have a tank that measures 50x30x30 cm. My tank only has a sand substrate and no fertilizer or plant nutrients. I use a Week Aqua light that's on for about 6 hours a day. I'm having an issue where the leaves of my plants are turning black, as...
  5. M

    Help! Whats wrong with these shrimp?

    Hi! A few hours I bought 12 ghost shrimp for my 15g, and they’re currently drip acclimating. On a couple of them I noticed these weird red patches, and those shrimp are also less responsive. Google says it might be “rust-spot disease”? I’m looking for a second opinion and any advice! Should I...
  6. J

    Growth on driftwood

    I don't even know if this is algae but if you guys can ID it I'd be so grateful. I just kinda noticed it a month ago but it kinda blends in till now, I only see it when I focus my sight on it, lol. I'm concerned now because I've never seen a post about this so far.
  7. danajs

    Tiger Barb has a red belly?

    Does anyone know what this red patch on my Tiger Barb’s belly could be? (He/she isn’t usually quite this pale - I couldn’t get a photo last night, so this was taken the moment I turned the light on this morning). I first noticed this last night, after not seeing this Barb for a day or so, but...
  8. T

    Female Convict Cichlid Been Attacked

    So I have a pair of convict cichlids, that bred for the first time when I got them 3 weeks back. Yesterday night I saw the male chasing the female here and there, and I assumed it was regular cichlid behavior as they do that. Today around 12pm I checked in on the fry (they were with the parents)...
  9. W

    Ammonia issues - desperate! Shall I replace substrate?

    Hi there I have been having ammonia issues (0.25-0.5) in our established planted 150litre tropical tank for about a month now. There is 0.5 ammonia in our tap water. To deal with this we have started waterchanging with RO water, but this hasn't made much of a difference. Our nitrates are also...
  10. J

    Help with potential Camallanus Worms in Guppies

    Hi there. More than a month ago, I made a post asking if a guppy I had recently bought is pregnant. She has not had babies yet and I am concerned she is infested with Camallanus worms. I bought another guppy with this one and both looked a bit fat in the shop, but since then it's gotten much...
  11. S

    Goldfish Clear long poop concerning?

    Hello, so I've read a lot of articles and seen a lot of videos regarding this but still not satisfied with the answers. My goldfish don't seem to have any other symptoms. They are as cute and friendly as ever. It's just a bit concerning as I'm feeding them regularly, the same brand of food plus...
  12. Connershawzz

    Bichir growth rate/age

    Just got my second bichir. He’s quite a bit fatter than my first , I’m just wondering if anyone could help me maybe determine how old mine are and tips with feeding and BOOSTING growth rate. Cause I’m seeing videos of people senegals that are HUGE compared to mine I’m doing 2 40% WC a week...
  13. C

    Guppy struggling to swim

    Hi, this is my first time posting and I have no idea what to do. I’ve only owned my guppies for three months so I’m quite new to fish keeping. I found my smallest guppy (Canyon) struggling to swim this morning. I found him struggling near the bottom but when I came near, he was twirling...
  14. N

    Dwarf acara/smiling acara laying on its side

    Recently i bought four dwarf acaras/smiling acaras and after i put them into the tank they went hiding as any new fish does.I made sure to properly 'prepare" them to water and temperature before adding them.Day later i see all of them alive but one started to act weird.He (the only male of this...
  15. C

    What is this? Is it harmful? How do I get rid of it?

    This white stuff showed up the other day, I think it was maybe the day after a water change? Does anyone know what it is or how to get rid of it? I first noticed it on the plants (none of the plants are new) and now it seems to be on the substrate too. My tank currently has 3 old guppies (I...
  16. G

    White spot on platy?!

    Hello, I got up this morning and noticed this white spot by my platys eye. I’ve not seen anything like it before but look sort of red aswell? Any help or ideas of what it could be would be greatly appreciated!
  17. D

    Whats coming out of my keyhole?

    I noticed my keyholes forehead area color was changing so I did water change but figured it was due to stress since my beta died and they've been together for years (beta was old no signs of sickness) but then today I noticed this. What is it and how do I treat it?🥺
  18. S

    Help with pleco not eating and looking stressed

    65 gallon tank Ph 7.6 Ammonia/nitrites 0 Nitrates 20-40 1 pleco, 1 cory, 4 clown loach All pertinent info: I had old tank syndrome for a long time. My pleco started acting strange and it lit a fire under my ass to try and fix it, thinking it was the reason my pleco was being weird so I began...
  19. D

    Should i worry about TB ? (Fish Tuberculosis / M. marinum)

    Hi! Long story short, I bought some Asian glass catfish for my main tank today. They had been in the shop for quite some time. I asked the guy how long they had been there, and he told me it had been 8 weeks. So, I naively thought, "Well, okay, that seems safe. They've pretty much already...
  20. ella777

    Lump on cardinal tetra?

    One of my cardinal tetras has a small yellowish lump on the side of it. His colour is great and hes swimming around normally with the others. It doesnt look like ich, maybe a tumour? None of the other fish have it. Hes about 4 years old and 1.5 inches. I cant seem to take a picture of him...
  21. H

    Strange lump on neon tetra

    Recently this weird bump on one of my fish appeared and I want to know how I can care for it
  22. B

    Peacock bass sudden death

    Hello , trying to get some information on my peacock bass dying out of no where. I’ve had him about a month in a 55gal with two small Oscar’s and a small arowana . No tension has gone on in the tank it’s been perfectly peaceful. The only thing I checked that was off was the ph it lowered to...
  23. O

    Can anyone help me identify this fish?

    Hello good folks. Today I went to me local pet store and found this fish in one of the tanks. The employee didn’t know what kind of fish it was and did not have a price for it. I thought it looked cool so I bought it. I’d like to know what kind of fish it is so I know how large it will get and...
  24. R

    Help! High nitrate levels, little knowledge.

    Hi there, I’m new to owning fish so have very little experience. I followed the shop instructions by starting off with 6 neon tetras, then a week later added 4 more then a week after that added a 5 more fish of varying species. I went to do my weekly 1/3 water change and found the nitrate...
  25. J

    Sick Goldfish - Seeking Assistance with Diagnosis

    I need urgent advice for a sick goldfish. It's a bit of a messy situation and there are no local fish vets available. I moved a sick goldfish from my parent's pond to a 60L hospital tank. She has a swollen abdomen, red patches on her face and near the base of some fins, and her one eye has less...
  26. D

    Is this ick???

    Hey there guys I’m new to aquariums I’ve been doing good but lately my plecos have been dying off one by one and when I see the bodies there are little white spots all over I looked it up and found out about ick and now my dwarf powder blue gouramis are starting to have white spots can anyone...
  27. M

    Molly sickness

    Hi everyone all help is appreciated! We have had our tank set up and running for nearly a year, we have mollies platies and a couple of plecs, Recently we got a couple more mollies and brought with them some sickness, We've now had about 7 die in just over a week From looking at forums the...
  28. R

    Is this ich?

    My betta fish has just grown out of stress stripes and is growing new fins; now I see these dots. Do these look like ich? I couldn't get good photos of the sides, but the most noticeable is his head. 10 gallon tank, filtered, heated to 82 F (to see if it helps) normally is at 80 F 3 guppies +...
  29. J

    Whirly Disease or Swim Bladder

    I have a 3 yr old Rainbow shark. I believe it's a male but not 100% positive. He is refusing to eat unless handfed via a small syringe. I noticed this about 2 days ago when he was out in the tank spinning in a corner. I thought whirly disease or swim bladder but he is not visibly bloated and he...
  30. Thebobcats

    Are these Amano shrimp or did I get ripped off?

    I have giant amano shrimp in my 30 gallon and they don’t look like this. The color is red and blue but it could be what they were eating. Their patterns are VERY differant from normal Amano shrimp. These guys have tiger stripes instead of dots and dashes. Plz help.
  31. D

    Livebearer white tail disease?

    Hi all, After a few years I decided to convert my 30 gallon gourami tank into a livebearer community tank. I re-homed the last surviving gourami and added 4 platys, 9 guppies and 8 tetra. Stupidly I didn’t quarantine in any way and now regretting it (I’m not an experienced fish keeper I’ve only...
  32. tkoalas

    Platinum guppy has damaged tail fin and is hiding away

    Request Help. My platinum guppy is acting odd. See below for full explanation. Any insight would be helpful. Currently, the guppy in question has been moved to a quarantine tank in case he's being bullied by the other guppies or in case of fin rot. Tank size: 5 gallon (currently in 1/2 gallon...
  33. Kirysek

    Honey Gourami with weird underskin issue

    Hi all! Maybe anyone here would have any advice or seen anything similar... We bought 3 honey gourami from a local aquatic store. When we were buying them, a guy in a store changed one of them since he noticed white patch on its side. Rest of them looked good in the store. When at home, we put...
  34. Freshyfishy

    Going to get a betta

    Hello! I have a spare 25 gallon that I am going to use for a betta. I have some questions on what to get and how to make sure my betta isn't just happy and living, but Thriving and joyful. Food : What are the best flake options? What are the best pellet options? What are the best...
  35. L

    Help I’m not sure what is wrong!

    I am new to fishkeeping. I’ve had zebra fish and Kuli loaches for a little over a month and I recently got 2 German blue rams and 2 snails. My zebra fish have been noticeably stressed (hanging out in a group, staying near the top of the tank) however after about a week they have started to chill...
  36. Freshyfishy

    All of my guppies (mainly female) dying in close proximity of eachother

    I have recently bought some guppies from 3 different stores, and now the death count (after a week) spiked to like 3 a day... Any ideas? There are more males than females, and they had white "floof" fungi looking things on their bodies. I did find a male and female mating and still "attached"...
  37. S

    Blue legged hermit crab...multiplied?!

    This is totally going to sound weird, but I bought two blue legged hermit crabs, yesterday, and today, I see a third one, without a shell? It looks like it’s molting, from what I’ve read online. This is my first time having these creatures, so I have no idea what’s going on. I attached two...
  38. Slammin’ Aquascaping

    Fungal infection (almost certain)

    This might been a more or less “she may survive but maybe not” thread, but one of my cobra female guppies started showing symptoms of an infection a week ago.I do not have much experience with fungus and infections but I have been treating the tank for a good 4 days with API Melafix (and ick...
  39. R

    Goldfish - Help

    Hello guys! I hope you are doing well I have a really serious issue with my goldfish. I recently purchased these fish from someone who was having a pond clear out and decided to buy some of his goldfish for my 400L aquarium. After 1 day, I could see that the fish were not behaving normally...
  40. ella777

    Fat guppy?

    I have a very healthy 200l tank with a variety of fish who are all doing well. I've noticed that one of the ten guppies is very fat and I'm very concerned. I've had him for almost a year. I originally thought the guppies were female but it turns out they're all male, so he definitely isn't...