
  1. MylesVinno

    Dwarf Gourami Spitting Out Food And Acting Slow.

    Hi everyone,   I have had two dwarf gouramis for a couple of months now, one flame and one neon blue. In the last few days, I have noticed that the flame gourami has been spitting out his food which he used to always eat, and is staying near the bottom of the tank all whilst doing it in a slow...
  2. P

    Unknown Disease / Injury In Blue Gourami?

    Okay, before I post anything, please note that I know how stupid I am for having two Gourami's in a ten gallon. I know I should get a 20 gallon, but I didn't have enough money to get it, and the needed equipment, like a filter, heater, and decor. So please do not even think of saying anything...
  3. F

    Please Help Me With My Gourami I Dont Know If He Is Ill Or Injured

    Hey guys first post but really need help, i recently bought a gourami fish well 2 and one of them has gotted either scraped or is ill, im only a noob but i have a feeling its a illness Please help
  4. twintanks

    Curved Gourami

    I ought to be settling down now with my new fish after 3 months, and in fact they're all doing very nicely in general. I am however keeping an eye on my blue dwarf gourami's change in behaviour. I've been reading around elsewhere before posting here, to try and get an idea of whether he is...
  5. B

    Honey Gourami, Khuli Loach, Neon Tetra?

    Hello,   So I posted a few weeks back asking for advice to stock a new tank. I have now purchased a new tank and it is the 100 litre Aqua One UFO-550 corner tank.   I've put this into aqadvisor (as best I can because it doesn't really accommodate for corner tanks) and this seems to fit. Just...
  6. twintanks

    Fish Are Going Berserk

    The peace of my new tank is now shattered. I offered up the morning feed today, switching on the tank light to find my six neon tetras belting around and pursuing each other, with duels every few seconds on the castle ramparts and behind the plants. Also my blue dwarf gouramis' behaviour has...
  7. twintanks

    Dwarf Gourami---Is This A Female?

    I recently purchased two blue dwarf gouramis as a pair, for my new tank. The male is definitely a male, with bold red stripes....but the picture here is supposed to be the female. From the pictures I've seen on the Net, the female should be blue-silver and presumably not have any red markings...
  8. TotallyTropical

    Rehoming Necessary?

    I was told a while back that my gourami choice was not the greatest and that I should reconsider it. About four more gouramis later, I realize I might have a small addiction to the little fellas Now I'm wondering, is it really that bad? Here's what I've got: -2 Snakeskins (one is a nice 6...
  9. R

    Indian Gourami White Lump On Tail. Fungus? Parasite?

    Hello everyone,   Before I come across as incredibly ignorant, I'm fairly new to fish-keeping.   Just joined up primarily because I need some help diagnosing what's wrong with my Indian gourami.   He has a fairly substantial white spot at the bottom of his tail fin. It seems to penetrate all the...
  10. S

    Gourami Swimming Irractically

    I have a gourami (golden?) that is swimming irractically and very fast through the tank, jumping, hitting the lid of the tank and sides. It doesn't seem to rub on anything. After one of the episodes it swims upside-down, lays on it's side or hides. Then it begins to swim ok again. This has been...
  11. arielsworld17974

    My Lovely Fish!

    Just wanted to share my lovely fish with everyone! Hope you enjoy! 55 gallon tank (for now) (: Can't get pictures of my shark catfish, they're way too fast.
  12. F

    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Our female gourami got these lesions on her back. I'll try to upload a photo. Please help. Many thanks. 
  13. L

    Pearl Gourami Wound

    I have had this male pearl gourami (His name is "Wiggums"  ) For over a few years (I'm not sure, I got him when I was pretty young.) When I moved him to a larger tank from his original he began to have a large wound on the side of his head, like something was biting into his flesh. I have no...
  14. P

    Dwarf Blue Gourami Sick " Surprise Surprise "

    Hi   Not been on here for a while which is good news I suppose.  Set up a new tank back in early September 2014, Askoll 90 litre with Tropical.  Sand/Fine Gravel base, fake plantage and some ornaments.  25-27 deg.  Once cycled introduced fish gradually and currently have:   1 x Pleco Catfish...
  15. A

    Gourami And Guppy Issue

    Hey, so part one of this post is I have one turquoise gourami in my tank, and he seems to not be ok, even though he has been fine ever since I got him on the 16th of Aug. He's spending all his time up near the top of the heater, not eating and not really swimming around unless I put my hand near...
  16. H

    55G Aquarium Stocking

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to this forum and the hobby itself :fish1:. We recently got a 4ft 55g tank and am currently aquascaping it.    I did a run on an online stocking calculator to check the compatibility and stuff for the fish I wanted. The results are as below, My Tank: 48inch x 14.5inch x 18...
  17. H

    Gourami Help!

    Hi.   I have a newly set up tank - RIO 125L JUWEL. I have had it doing a fishless cycle for 3 weeks, adding purebomb aquarium balls on two occasions. Today I added fish at 4pm (10pm now) - 2 pearl gouramis, 2 pink kissers and 2 blue male dwarf gouramis. The fish were transported all of 2 minutes...
  18. F

    Female Honey Gourami Ate All The Eggs!

    Hello,   A few days ago we noticed our honey gourami trying to build his nest of bubbles. But he appeared to be having a bit of trouble, probably 'cause our filter and air stones were agitating the water surface too much. Yesterday morning we managed to reduce the surface agitation, and this...
  19. J

    Aggressive Gourami's

    I have recently introduced a blue and a honey gourami to my tank and it seems like the gold smaller gourami just spends all day and night chasing the blue one, is this natural or will it be causing the blue one a lot of stress??
  20. T

    Getting The Very Best Nano Tank Water - Ro?

    Hello All - I'm new here. We have just bought a couple of nano tanks and we are both lucky enough to work in laboratories. This gives us unfettered access to grade II laboratory RO/DI water and water test kits, which is good given our local water isn't ideal for tropical tanks. We'd like to do...
  21. J

    Gourami "illness" - Please Help Identify!

    I've been having "issues" with the Gourami's in my tank...  Originally, I had 2 Golds, 1 Pearl, 1 Opal, and 1 Paradise.  There was no bullying or fighting because all the fish were added at the same time and were only 1-2" each when added.   A few months ago, I started battling what I thought...
  22. H

    Another Stocking Question (46G)...

    Hi all!   I have almost completed my first fishless cycle in my 46 gallon tank and I am excited to finally get some fish in there! My ph is between 8.0 and 8.5 on my test chart, and that seems to have limited my options a bit as most common fish I see, seem to prefer it a bit lower. I'm looking...
  23. Ciddire

    New To The Hobby And Have Some Questions.

    Greetings all!   I have no prior fish experience and was assured by the fish expert everything would be okay...however I decided to look on the internet (and stumbled on this forum) I think I might have made a horrible mistake. I wish I would of been informed about the much safer fishless cycle...
  24. S

    Please Help! Gourami Having Difficulty Breathing.

    Please help... My Giant Gourami is having difficulty breathing. She seems to gasping for air, and recently has not eaten much for a few months now. She also seems weak, not moving much starting from yesterday until today. I just tried a water change and added an additional oxygen pebble. Is it...
  25. B

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    I bought these 4 fish to give to my friend but now I'm keeping them. There's two tiger barbs and two other fish that idk. I have a 1 gallon and they get along but today I'm going to pet smart to buy a $15 ten gallon. Ik tiger barbs need at least 20 gallon now after purchasing, but ten is the...
  26. AquaPit

    A Variety Of Gouramis In One Tank?

    What do you guys think? Any experience keeping such stock?
  27. AquaPit

    How Many Dwarf Gouramis In A 60L Tank?

    My tank dimensions are 60cmx30x35 Approx. 60litres (17 US gallons) So... the question is, how many Dwarfs can I put in there? Future tank mates (most likely): 1) 10x Hasborus Cory Or 2) 6x Panda Cory Or 3) Just Dwarf Gouramis :)
  28. C

    Hiding Gourami

    My male powder blue gourami is apperently really good at hide-&-seek. Any idea why he's hiding?
  29. mrstwalker

    Angel Fish/gourami - Help!

    My husband and I have recently aquired a 55 gal tank. We are rigorously doing research trying to decide on what to stock the tank with.    We are interested in doing around 3-4 angels and 3-4 gourami's in the tank, we have done a lot of research on how these fish do together and for the most...
  30. Y

    70 Gallon Corner Tank+Outdoor Plankton Tank

    Hello everyone :) this is our new journal following our updated upgraded tank we moved all our fish and such from our 45 gallon bow which will be used to house a Merauke Island Blue Tongue and a Red eyed Crocodile Skink probably turned into a double layer tank with some diy shelving added in but...
  31. newtofishs


    I would like to start by saying sorry as I know I didnt really get off to the best start with a few of the members on this forum, sorry :(  I really need some help sexing this gourami as my sister might buy him but wants to know what sex he is, we are pretty sure he is a male although we arn't...
  32. RossC

    Pair Of Female Gouramis?

    I've currently got a single female opaline gourami and I'd like to get another but only one so a male would not be suitable due to aggression but could I get another female?
  33. P

    Tons Of Questions

    So i started my tank about two months ago,  55 gallon with two quiet flow 50s (Yeah the guy at Petco was a real slick talker), i have a german ram and two electric blues (had another blue but mysteriously died), 5 von rio tetras, 3 congo tetras(plan on getting 2 or 3 more once the pet store gets...
  34. 0

    Dropsy Or Pregnancy

    Hi everyone. Im relitivley new to the forum experiance, so i might be a bit off here   my female dwarf gourami (sofie) has puffed up around her chest, as if she swallowed a marble. ive been looking for the signs of dropsy ( the pinecone scales) but all she seems to be doing along that is staying...
  35. WhiskeyHands

    Sexing Gouramis

    Hey guys, I went to the pet store to stock my 10 gallon and for now, i bought a what I think to be a Sunset Gourami? I think he's a male because i've read that male are brighter in colour but a confirmation of its sex and the species of Gourami he is is truly appreciated.  
  36. mrstwalker

    New To Gouramis! Help!

    I have seen some Gouramis in the local fish hobbyist store and have seen some on here. I am interested in adding them to my 20gal. tank as a community fish. What fish pair well with them? What is the best tank size? Basically I need general information about Gouramis   THANKS!
  37. ReMz

    Old Member - Reintroduction

    Hey - have chatted with a few of you guys.   Old member from back in the day. Back on the forums and loving what this community has turned into. Definitely has grown, but the core of the forum is still the same.   My tanks have changed a bit over the years I have been off the forums.   When I...
  38. Kabernick30

    Looking For A Centerpiece Fish

    Ihave a 26 gallon (24x14x20) community aquarium with a pleco and 4 danios. What would be the best centerpiece fish, iam currently thinking of either a.. -honey gourami -angelfish -opaline gourami What is your centerpiece/favourite fish in your tank and what would you recommend?
  39. T

    New Here

    I have a 55 gallon tank. In it I have Opal gourami Blue gourami Pink kissing gourami Gold gourami Dwarf fire gourami Dalmatian Molly Black skirted tetra Neon green tetra Silver dollar Denison bard Blue mystery snail It is a very lively tank. All the fish have there own personality. I...
  40. W

    Stocking 20G High Tank

    I am getting a 20 gallon tank tomorrow. I am planning on the fish I would stock it with and how I would cycle it?   My current plan for fish is: 2 Dwarf Gourami's 3 Guppies 4 Albino Cory Catfish 5 Silver Hatchet fish I ran this through aqadvisor.com and it sad 99% stocking capacity.   I was...