
  1. RedSarah

    Lethargic Gourami

    Hi all, Two weeks ago, I posted about my Honey Gourami, Cheese, who I suspected had internal parasites. Now he has some new symptoms. He has been pale for about two weeks and had stringy poo, so I fed him food mixed with Seachem Metroplex, Focus and Garlic Guard to avoid medicating the whole...
  2. G

    Bonding with Dwarf Gourami?

    (I’m new here, so I’m not exactly sure how this site works, :p) I just bought a beautiful dwarf gourami yesterday, because I was told that they are affectionate towards their owners. I love fish, especially those that recognize their owners. I was wondering how long it takes for a Dwarf...
  3. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Tropical fish for a 20 gallon?

    Hi, I have been doing research on fish for many years and have kept freshwater tanks for ever. This is my first time setting up a tropical tank and I’m struggling to find small ‘feature fish’ for my 20 gallon high. Just a note: I’m definitely going to keep some guppies, neon tetras and...
  4. RedSarah

    Help with Possible Parasites??

    Hello folks! I'm getting worried about my honey gourami buddy, Cheese... I have had him for just over a year and noticed that his color has been fading slowly over the past month. He is in a moderately planted 5.5 gallon (will be upgrading in the next few months after I move). I struggled with...
  5. A

    Gourami tank mates and numbers

    I’m cycling my 55 gallon and have a few ideas of things to stock it, but I’m not sure. I was thinking for sure some pearl or dwarf gourami. I do enjoy angel fish and barbs as well. I was wondering how many I should stock along with finding male/females to help keep the aggression down. I’m...
  6. C

    Wart-like lesion on Dwarf Gourami

    Hi there This is my first time posting here so apologies if I make any faux-pas. My boyfriend recently got a male and female dwarf Gourami. Originally they were both very lively and seemed happy, but the male has been acting off recently. He often hides in the back, and is generally quite...
  7. 3

    What do i get!!!

    I`m new to the whole tropical fish thing and i cant find the information i want so i thought i would come here. So i got a new tank 2ft About 44l 10 Gallons. And i don`t no which fish will get along together, I Originally was going to get two Blue powder dwarf Gouramis (But apparently they...
  8. V

    My Dwarf Gourami is acting strange

    So, I have Dwarf Gourami that I've owned for a few months now, and as the title says, is acting strange. He sometimes lays on the bottom of the tank, but when I walk over to check on him, he'll get up like nothing is wrong. Also, he won't eat, and he has a white splotch on top of his head above...
  9. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking

    Hi! After a long wait I’ve finally convinced all those I live with to allow me to keep a larger tank. It’s goimg to be a 29 long and I was going to take a look at filters later depending on how the stocking idea proceeds. I’ll have smooth pebble substrate for the loach (mentioned later) and I...
  10. TheCoolWolf

    What to do if Bettas accidentally bred?

    As the title says, I want to know what I’m supposed to do if my Bettas accidentally bred? A male of mine has built a large bubble nest between an object and the wall of my pond. I don’t know what to do... On a side note, one of my croaking gouramis has also built a bubble nest in a sheltered...
  11. D

    Betta and honey gourami?

    I have a Betta that is currently living in a 2 gallon bowl. I was wondering if I could move him to my bigger tank (20 gallon) that holds a pair of honey gourami’s. Are they compatible?
  12. S

    Happy Tanks

    ok so I’m new here. We all need help from time to time ..... this is why I sought out a forum in the first place, was for advice. On the flip side .... I would like to see everyone’s happy fish, your proud moments, your aquascapes, your monumental centrepiece fish, anything like that. Something...
  13. S

    3 Dotted Gourami male or female?

    Please help end a long mystery for us. Is this a male or female gourami?
  14. Fish345

    Stocking Ideas For 55 gallon

    I have so far... 1x Angelfish 2x Dwarf Gourami 1x Rainbow Shark 3x Mollies 6x Albino Cory Thinking of maybe some tetras?? Idk. The tank is planted with sand and manzanita wood.
  15. A

    Honey Gourami emergency!!

    Tank size: 240L pH: 6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 40 tank temp: 24 C Help!! I've been on holiday for two weeks (neighbour has been popping over to feed and do a water change), done a quick health check on everybody and noticed this on the bottom of my honey gourami!! I have no idea what it...
  16. T

    Sick (Possibly Beaten Up) Dwarf Gourami

    Hey everybody, so yesterday me and my girlfriend were walking around in wal-mart when I decided I'd pop in to take a look at the fish since I was grabbing some food anyways. We saw a group of dwarf gourami in a tank, which I thought was unusual so I took a look. I found one who was kind of...
  17. NathanWilliams415

    Dwarf Gourami Fin Rot?

    I've had my fish tank for around 2-3 weeks now and the gourami for about 2 weeks. A few days ago I noticed my favorite fish has what looks like decay on his fins. It seems to be white on the tips but maybe you guys can see better in the picture. I've added a small amount of aquarium salt as I...
  18. Vengified

    Are these eggs?! No bubbles anymore, but unknown orbs remain?

    Like title states, my male gourami seems to be guarding these eggs, if that is what they are? Background: Yesterday, my wife saw the male, and BOTH the wild honey and yellow honey, doing circular dances. I had to leave for a while, asked when I came back if they did it more, or if they got...
  19. Peepss

    Opaline Gourami White Poop

    My Opaline gourami has been having normal poops lately but tonight I noticed he has this long white/clear string hanging. I’ve seen some people suggest internal parasites as well as just general poor water quality or from a crustacean? We do have shrimp in the tank & one recently died. Should I...

    HELP!!! Gourami with tail problem!!!

    Hello everybody in this forum, This is my first post in this forum, I'm relatively new to this hobby, I mean, I have had a 29 gal tank before without a problem but due to other activities I had to give it away, now I'm back to it with a small 20 gal high tank, inside there are 6 zebra danios, 1...
  21. rogue_betty

    Gourami Troubles

    Tank size: 75 gallon pH: apps 7.4 ammonia: nitrite: 0 nitrate: app 60 kH: app 100 gH: app 200 tank temp: apps 76 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): 3 Spotted "Blue" Gourami (her name is And): She (?) will swim fine for about 10...
  22. D

    Can someone help me identify the sex of my fish please??

    Hi, I'm very new to the tropical fish hobby and at the moment I have a Gourami, Balloon Molly, Swordtail and Molly, they've all been together for about 1 week. Yesterday we noticed lots of fry in the tank, but we completely missed the birthing process and realised we have no idea of the gender...
  23. V

    gourami Worm?!?!

    Hi there, Today I woke up to feed my ish and I noticed a clear dangling thing coming out of my gouramis poop whole. I’m worried it might be a worm??!?! If so, how do I remove it? Can I pull it out with tweezers? Cheers
  24. L

    Gourami pulling things from filter

    I have just brought two gouramis and they seemed to have settled in well however one seems to like to nip at everything, my biggest concern was that one of them has started nipping and pulling things from the filter. Is this normal? What do I do?
  25. R

    Stocking Gourami for 30 Gallon tank

    Hey guys, I’m getting my largest tank yet soon, and I’m hoping I can snag a 75 gallon, but I’m having trouble finding one for a reasonable price. I’m thinking I’ll have to settle for a 30 gallon. I’ve completely fallen in love with my dwarf Gourami I received after a friend of mine couldn’t keep...
  26. kitta98

    My Dwarf Gourami seems really ill.

    My dwarf gourami has been pretty shy since i got him. I rarely saw him and I don't think i've ever seen him feed. I thought it was because he was new. Then I took out all my fish last week and done a water change. And he was even more shy. I had to check behind the plants to find him because I...
  27. Madipez2017

    Guppies and fire gourami dies suddenly

    So I’ve had this tank set up for probably two years and it started as a glofish tank, and I slowly moved it back to a regular multi species tank. 29 gal freshwater, ph is at 8.0, no nitrite, no ammonia, nitrate is at 5ppm (at last water change) temperature is a steady 78F/26C, good filter, air...
  28. E

    Need Gourami Help

    Hey guys! My boyfriend and I just started a new tank, and tonight we noticed something strange on one of our gouramis and need some help. We're new to fish keeping, so we're not up to date on diseases, but we're thinking maybe anchor worms based on pictures we have found. Any help would be much...
  29. dirty_bishop

    55 Gallon Dirt Substrate Community Tank

    Just wanted to share a few pics of my first aquarium.. 3 ft tank 9 Harlequins 8 Corys 4 Bristlenose 15 Neons 3 Dwarf Gouramis 3 guppies (newest addition, why not).. and about 6 or so plant species.. What do we think ? :) I'm super happy for my first tank. It's about 8 months old now.
  30. H

    Tank upgrade

    Hi TFF members, i have a question about upgrading my tank, i have been asking around & researching online & have been getting mixed opinions on my options. so wanted to put it to general public :) i currently have 1x jewel cichlid, 4 hillstream loaches, 16 danios, in a 100 litre (26.42g) tank...
  31. P

    Ulcer on Dwarf Gourami

    Hi all, When cleaning my tank today I noticed a red/white ulcer on the nose of my Dwarf Gourami. It's can only have appeared in the last couple of days as I examined the fish earlier this week. He's been in there since I got the tank in January. Nothing new has been added to the tank, however I...
  32. tgwthf

    stocking my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium, thoughts?

    Hello everyone! I'm nowhere near close to setting up the tank, stand is still being built and needs to be cleaned out of all the sand and stuff, but i'm in the process of trying to find some fish i can put in there, will be keeping it around the 24C temperature mark. so far i'm thinking of...
  33. S

    Possible gill flukes and white spot? :/

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice please because I'm feeling a little out of my depth. I had a 58 litre tank with a couple of Sterbai Cory and a few guppies which exploded on the guppy population. I upgraded them to a 125 litre around the start of December last year and cycled the tank...
  34. Syrfish

    Gourami Breeding Setup

    Hello Guys, I am new to this forum and new to the hobby in general. I need help in the setup of my tank for Gourami Breeding. I have a 60 Liter tank 60 cm long and half filled with water to about 15 cm deep. I have the heater setup for 28 degrees C. No filter running and no lights turned on. I...
  35. G

    Blue Dwarf Gourami's looking bloated

    Please can anyone help my Gourami's I have had them for a while they have both been in the tank from the beginning and been fit and healthy throughout this time. However I left them for a few days over Christmas and noticed this morning that they both look bloated and seem a little lethargic...
  36. Ellphea

    Considering adding a fish

    I currently have a well established 55gal stocked with the following: 1 ropefish/reedfish 3 bronze cories 3 sterbai cories 1 pearl gourami 1 gold gourami 1 upside down catfish I was wondering if I could safely add another fish species, preferably something colorful and active to liven up the...
  37. Crazy_fish_mom


    I'm new to the forum thing but I'm excited to share what I know. I currently have these fish and tanks: 10gallon Mr. Whiskers-Gourami Rebel-Betta Adam-Cory Catfish 6 ghost shrimp- unnamed 5 gallon Midnight-Betta Cory 1&2- Cory catfish 2.5 gallon Luka-Betta 2 gallon Phoenix- Betta...
  38. S

    Series of deaths in our tank...

    However none of the deaths seem to be the same, Tank Overview: Running for 1 year 5 months 80L Tank (though bought thinking it was 100L, advertised secondhand incorrectly) possibly over crowding Fluval 306 external Filter Fish in the tank leading up to this post: 1 Pleco 4 Cardinal Tetras 4...
  39. twintanks

    Fish Has Totally Vanished

    Have been off the forum for a long time, just busy with the stuff of life (including fish)....however I am currently experiencing a "Star Trek transporter" effect with my gourami....he's gone. 20 gallon tank (UK), six copper harlequins, seven neons; a few cherry shrimp, a lot of small pond...
  40. T

    Ich Problem- Help

    After coming back from a trip I discovered that my http://www.fishlore.com/Profiles-DwarfGourami.htm was colorless and had white spots all over him. (A fish my family member had picked up from her friend had been placed in my aquarium while I was gone.) I freaked out and went to the store to buy...