
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. P

    Is this ick?

    Hey everyone! We just got our first aquarium! I’ve noticed the gourami is stressed out and had these white spots. It’s ick right? If it is should I be worried about knocking out my cycle when I treat? How should I avoid an ammonia spike ?
  2. Jan Cavalieri

    Is this ICK or something else - no spots just patches

    I recently received an order from an online fish store that I've ordered from before and they breed nearly all their own stock. Huge variety of fish. Anyway - I ordered some Gourami and yesterday noticed silver patches around their mouth or eyes. I assumed it was ICK but then I looked at...
  3. C

    New Tank Parameters, please advise

    Hey all! New to the forum. I have a 75 gal tank running with an Fx6 filter and heated to 74 degrees. Tank is decorated with little pebble stones and a huge piece of driftwood. That’s all for now. Tank was cycled for at least two weeks and fish were introduced. It’s been running for about a month...
  4. Tippersloth

    What is this behaviour? Honey dwarf gourami

    They do this every so often since I got them, they go side by side and then start shaking and circling round another, Both females and have had for about a year now. I can’t find anything online about this behaviour, anyone got any ideas? I do have a video but can’t seem to find the right area...
  5. Tippersloth

    Sparkling gourami bump

    Hey guys needing some help before putting these guys in the main tank, I’ve noticed that one of them has a bump on the side, not sure if a disease or just a bit of damage from the shop etc Any advice would be helpful
  6. D

    20 g high tank

    So I have a 20G high tank and I think I want some gouramins or ram. I want fun active fish and looking for stocking advice. I do have hard water with a ph Around 7.6. I also have a single dalmatian Molly I plan on moving into the tank as well. Side note: I have a 10G long with 4 Cory catfish (I...
  7. G

    Dwarf Gourami - Not breathing normally

    Hello guys, I am a beginner to fishkeeping... I have a 100 liters tank with 2 Tin foil barb 2 Angel Fish 1 Marble veil Angel 2 Dwarf Gourami 4 Silver Shark last week i forgot to turn on the filter after feeding and then found out that the 2 tin foil barb and a silver shark is dead. I moved...
  8. A

    Gourami Fin Rot or Fin Nipping?

    So... This has been a really horrible year with my fish tank stocking. My 30 gallon tank has 6 tiger barbs, 1 Dalmatian molly, 4 albino corydora catfish, and a dwarf gourami. There's a little background to how I ended up with this mix of fish. At first, I wanted a species-only tank with tiger...
  9. J

    Honey Gourami Discoloration

    I have 2 Honey Gouramis that I thought were turning black because I read that they’ll turn black when they want to mate, but I’m not so sure anymore as to what is going on. Any help is appreciated.
  10. F

    Gourami skin infection

    Hi everyone, my female gourami has what look like a rash on her for a while and I can’t figure out what the disease is or how to treat it. Attached below is the picture of the gourami, if anyone know what it is that’d be really helpful.
  11. D

    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    So I currently have a 10 gallon tnk for my betta and snail. I recently got a 30 gallon tank that I'm still waiting ti start to cycle but I'm trying to plan out my fish tank while I wait. I've been looking into Dwarf Gouramis. I also recently found "fresh water angelfish" and read they could be...
  12. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Should I get another honey gourami?

    Hi everyone, I need some advice on my gourami situation. I have a 240L (understocked) community tank with a female Pearl gourami, and a single male honey as his partner passed away last month. The two get along well and don’t fight or compete for territory, but I’m concerned that if I introduce...
  13. M

    Gourami not eating

    I have a 60 gallon planted tank with a dwarf gourami, two opaline gouramis, a veil angel and 6 Von Rio flame tetras. I’ve had the gouramis and the angel for about two and half months without a problem, and the tetras were added 3 weeks ago and have been doing great. Then a week ago, my dwarf...
  14. Circus

    Sexing Pearl Gourami @ Petstore

    I am aiming for 2 male and 3 females, what do you think of this lot?
  15. Circus

    Room in the 55 Gallon?

    I would like to get a Gourami of some kind for my 55 gallon acrylic tank. It is pretty stocked up, but I think I have enough room biologically. At current I have: 13 Black Ruby Barbs 12 Harlequin Rasbora 8 Yoyo Loach 2 BNP (one adult, one juvenile) 1 Bolivian Ram (a rock fell on the other of...
  16. SAChichlidLover

    50 gal Gourami tank?

    As the title suggests.. I have given in to my mts and going to setup a mainly gourami only tank with the exception of a red tailed shark. Which gourami do you guys think would look the best in a group together? I was thinking three spot gouramis as I kept them with a RTS before and they got on...
  17. G

    Gourami developing large sores and scales disappearing?

    Hi all, I am afraid yet another issue has arisen with my last remaining dwarf gourami. She had begun to bloat quite a bit a few weeks ago, but she fed and swam normally. However, I noticed odd changes in her behaviour lately and begun treating her with anti internal bacterial medicine. This has...
  18. T

    55 gallon stocking questions/suggestions part 2

    Hi I set up a 55 gallon aquarium and I have some stocking ideas from a previous post. - Already cycled * Ph = 7.8 - 8.52 units. * GH = 159 - 164 ppm * Calcium = 47 - 78.5 ppm Fish I'm thinking about stocking with: - 2 Large schools of tetra (probably cardinals and something else) - 3 oto cats...
  19. Kate182

    Dwarf Gourami losing scales

    Hi all, I am fairly new to the fish hobby and I have noticed that one of my Dwarf Gourami seems to have scales missing on their head. What could be causing this? I don't think they are being bullied because the tank is very peaceful (2 x dwarf gourami, 2 x albino corydora, 6 x neon tetra, 6 x...
  20. TotallyTropical

    Melafix Hoax?

    Hello everyone! (wow, I'm back? :oops:) After (almost) finishing the first semester of year 2 in my aquaculture studies at Dalhousie, I've found I've learned more about finfish and shellfish than I've bargained for, and a notable subject has crossed my path while caring for my own fish that I...
  21. L

    Help, Algae eating fish needed

    Hey, I have a 56 litre tank but I can’t seem to find any algea eaters that’ll be okay with the fish I have in my tank. I have 3 Electric Blue Rams, One Dwarf Gourami, and 5 Serpae Tetras. I had otos before but they keep dying. The tank doesn’t produce that much algae it’s quite far away from the...
  22. S

    Golden Gourami help!

    Hi all, new member so thanks for having me. I am hoping you can help with figuring out the gender of the gouramis we have please as we have 3 and one of them is attacking both a female and a male, but I am unsure if the aggressive one is male or female! We thought it was a female but maybe not...
  23. P

    Ich, Tail Rot and water changes

    Hi, I'm new to the hobby. I currently have living in my 20 gallon hexagaon tank: 3 gourami, 2 zebra loaches, 2 guppies, 5 tetras, 1 snail, maybe 2 shrimp but they're hard to find. So I have Ich in my tank and it's on everyone except the loaches. One of the guppies presented with tail rot today...
  24. Laurelp

    Ich on gourami?

    I have a 60 gallon with 2 gourami (flame and powder blue), 4 angels, 6 white skirt tetras, 6 harlequins, and 3 corys. My flame gourami has had these same white spots for about 4 days- not getting better or worse. Just on the one side shown in pic. Is it ich?? TY! Laurel
  25. S

    Dwarf Gourami Pair

    Would you be able to have a Cobalt blue dwarf gourami and a Flame dwarf gourami together as a pair as they are the same breed just different colours?
  26. Falconwithaboxon


    So I have way over stocked my tank and I'm looking to get a new one. I have 2 angelfish, 3 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 platies, 10 neon tetras, 4 cories, 4 algae eaters, 4 danios, and 3 snails. I had 20 ghost shrimp but I'm pretty sure they got ate by my other fish as there's no bodies from...
  27. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    Heya! so I've got three honey gourami, one male? in sunset colours who's starting to show some black on the cheeks, one wild coloured variant lady?? who I got from a really renowned fish store but who is now starting to show a black nose to anal fin and white dorsal, is she a he?? and another...
  28. Falconwithaboxon

    Lights Off

    So I have a 29 gallon tank and a few of my fish, my gouramis, platies, and mollies, always charge the glass when I turn my lights off. They are the only fish in my tank that do that so I'm just wondering if that's normal behavior for them. They've been doing that since I got the tank about 2...
  29. T

    Gourami is hiding from me/ 55gallon stocking

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank with: - Neon Tetras - Cherry Barbs - Pygmy Corys - 1 Angel I recently added a Large Golden Gourami to the tank and it's been hiding from me for the past 3 days. It seems fine when im at a distance and it can't see me, but as soon as i approch the tank it quickly...
  30. Falconwithaboxon

    Hiding Fish

    I have 3 Powder Blue Gourami, 4 Orange Platies, 3 Damnation Mollies, 10 Neon Tetras, and 4 Zebra Danios along with 4 snails. The tank is 29 gallons and moderatly planted(working on more plants). One of my Gouramis is hiding a lot. I've had all these fish for around 2 months and this is the first...
  31. Jan Cavalieri

    Recovering from a disaster

    A while back I forgot to turn off the heater during a water change - I caught it pretty quickly but the shock killed most of the fish in the tank. Looking at the heater filter cord and all the other cords around it - they basically melted. Then, around the same time, we were working on my new...
  32. Ellie Potts


    I have a 20-gallon long tank with one dwarf gourami, some neon tetras, and a pleco. I've recently been interested in adding a Gardneri Panchax. I was initially concerned about the fish interacting with my gouramis but have found quite a few articles saying they get along ok. I haven't, however...
  33. W

    Angelfish and Dwarf Gourami

    I've got a 130 litre tank 9 cardinal tetras 6 Corydoras 1 angelfish (other one deceased) Was hoping to add some dwarf gouramis Thoughts please
  34. Jan Cavalieri

    Oh dear, Gourami trying to mate

    I have at least two male blue Gourami trying to mate with a single female. I'm not going to intentionally keep the offspring because of their size - I just bought a larger tank because we had 3 large gourami live with the last litter and within a month were nearly the size of their parents...
  35. HoldenOn

    Gourami Stocking Options

    Hey all! As some of you may know I just got my 29 gallon tank set up. I am doing a silent cycle, and want to get a finalized list of fish. I would really like to get a group of gourami. My general hardness is 175 ppm and I have a 7.6-7.8 pH. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Edit: My tank...
  36. maddi7777

    Gourami tank mates??

    I currently have an extremely skittish dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if there was any tank mates that could go with him? I heard maybe ghost shrimp? However, I have heard before that dwarf gouramis should have at least a 20 gallon tank. If that is truly the case, I will not...
  37. Circus

    Stocking a 29 Gallon

    Tell me what you guys think of my stock list? At the moment I have 10 pygmy corydoras and 2 rescued cardinal tetra. I plan on bringing the cardinals up to 12 or so and they cories up to 15 (more of both if you guys think it could work). When the tank is mature enough, I will be moving my 5 oto...
  38. N

    My new gourami is sick

    Today I got a new dwarf gourami from petsmart, but I didn’t realize there was an issue with it until I got home. I was hoping someone might have an idea what it is but I think it might be fin rot.
  39. TomRadford12354

    Killifish And Gourami?

    Hello , To get straight to the point I am really interested in Killifish . But don't want a tank of just them as they seem to fight from what I have heard . I thought about getting a group of Pygmy Corydoras as they seem a good match with the Killis . But I felt something would be missing and...
  40. G

    Strange Male Dwarf Gourami Disease

    Hi Everyone, My male dwarf gourami is battling a strange disease, he cannot swim straight, sits at the bottom of the tank looking dead, has bursts of ultra fast swimming often resulting in him crashing into objects in the tank, like the glass and heater. I have found a YouTube video that shows...