
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    My Serpae (or red minor tetras) seem to have white spots on them but each only seems to have one on their mouth or near there. Could someone identify if it is a disease or if it needs to be treated at all?  Tank size: 55 gallons pH: 7.0 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 tank temp: 74 Degrees...
  2. S

    Help! What Is Wrong With My Dalmatian Mollie?

    What is Wrong With My Poor Dalmatian Mollie? Can Somebody please help me with knowing what is wrong with my Dalmatian Mollie? A month and a half ago I found her swimming like this, so I put her in a separator net. While she was in the net, I treated all the fish with clear all tablets...
  3. E

    Dying Harlequins

    Hi! I am really worried about one of my tanks!  In the last week I've had 3 harlequins die. the first two showed no symptoms but the last one had a white fuzz on its face/side of body.  That one only died yesterday so I havent had time to get out and get any meds yet, I've been adding a low...
  4. C

    White Bumps Near Fish's Mouth?

    Hello all, see the attached photos of white bumps that have appeared near my male Ram Cichlid's mouth.   I don' believe it is ich because they protrude quite far. The first one showed up about two weeks ago and the second bump just started to form. I'm not really sure how to proceed with it. Can...
  5. F

    Photos Of A Fish Disease - Help Please

    Our female gourami got these lesions on her back. I'll try to upload a photo. Please help. Many thanks. 
  6. R

    Help, Fish Has Fin Rot Disease

    few days back i noticed white spots on my red oranda goldfish.  my LFS told me to use thermostat.  i did the same and that fish died.  after that i noticed the same on my red tail shark.  i guess it's suffering from fin rot disease.  i am also putting a picture of the shark.  i dont know how to...
  7. Seandgoode

    Fin Rot?

    Hello everyone please could someone help. One of my male guppies is missing parts of his tail fin and red around the missing areas. I have looked online for other views but all opinions seem to vary. Any help will be greatly appreciated.   Tank size: 90L (23.7USG) pH:8.2 ammonia:0 nitrite:0...
  8. S

    Fish With Swim Bladder Problem

    Hey all,   I have a Silver Dollar that has been struggling with what I assume to be swim bladder disease. He spends his time frantically swimming towards the surface just to stay buoyant.    It's been over a month since he started doing it. I have tried epsom salts, feeding green peas and...
  9. L

    Little Growth On Little Betta

    Hello, first time poster here. Sorry if this has been covered, I haven't had a chance to lurk just yet. Anyway, my little fighter, Mogwai, has just started spotting some kind of growth (looks pus like) and I'm just wondering if anyone could let me know what's happening and what I should do...
  10. E

    Dead Female Guppy

    My female guppy was lying at the bottom of the the tank this morning. I put her into an isolation tank to see if she would feed but wouldn't. Her spine seemed to be curved, as if her tail was too heavy for her to swim and i noticed a red spot on her body towards her tail. One of my other females...
  11. J

    Help With Pangasius Catfish New Arrivals

    Hi I bought these 2 new Pangasius 2-3inch catfish from my local fish shop. They looked healthy no signs of ill health. I  transported them back home which took about 5-6 hours since we live very far away.    The following evening I noticed whitespot disease and flashing on the gravel so I...
  12. J

    Gourami "illness" - Please Help Identify!

    I've been having "issues" with the Gourami's in my tank...  Originally, I had 2 Golds, 1 Pearl, 1 Opal, and 1 Paradise.  There was no bullying or fighting because all the fish were added at the same time and were only 1-2" each when added.   A few months ago, I started battling what I thought...
  13. B

    Worrying Problem With A Platy

    Request Help to help me with an issue with my favourite Mickey Mouse Platy Tank size: 180 Litres Juwel Vision Bow fronted pH: 7.4 but this is when CO2 is on. Otherwise the PH goes to 6.25 when O2 is off (this is monitored by my Seneye) ammonia:Nil nitrite:<0.3 mg/l nitrate:100mg/l kH:5 gH:10...
  14. N

    Help! Whit Bumps On Goldfish

    Hi I have had a half barrel pond in my garden for about 8 months and added 3 goldfish to it about 3/4 weeks ago. I noticed one had white bumps on its fin when I put it in, but thought this was just part of its markings. These have now spread and the other 2 goldfish have them too, mainly on...
  15. A

    Harlequin Rasbora Dead

    Hi I had 8 harlequin Rasbora and noticed one was ill. I quarantined all 8 and was advised to treat with interpet general tonic. One of the rasbora deteriorated and died around 3-4 days after treatment. I took this to mean the meds werent working and changed to using melaflix. I followed the...
  16. Dmbandstef

    What Is Wrong With My Fish?

    My fish have been twitching their heads, rubbing on rocks, and one of my cories ( the only cory showing signs of illness) keeps swimming to the top for air. I have been treating with mardels quICK cure. It treats multiple illnesses but I do not know whats wrong. Please help!
  17. P

    Sick Platies :-(

    Plattie looking sick I have a 25l tank with 2 platies, 2 corys and a shrimp. I recently added one of the corys and the shrimp and now one of my platies is sick. :-( he seems to be clamping his fins, has stringy poo and I have seen him flash a few times but only when feeding off the bottom of the...
  18. momof6

    Help I Think Its Ich

    Hi ok, I have had this tank for about a month and some days not. Here are the specs and readings NOW, it was not always like this I used to have ammonia issues:   Ammonia 0 pH 7.6 Nitrate 10 Nitrite o  Chlorine 0    Ok so I just go the tank to where it looks like it is cycling now , I was doing...
  19. C

    Platy Burst Open! Extreme!

    Please help! I have had my fish for over a year now, sucessfully, with no sickness. I have a 20 gal tank with one female molly, one male platy, and one female platy. The female platy was a fry that I raised from birth. I woke up this morning to feed my fish and the female platy is completely...
  20. T

    Bacterial Disease In Tank?

    Hi,   I am hoping I may be able to get some help.   I have had a problem in my tank for a while now........it seems to never go away. I have had fish deaths and currently have 4 tetras and male Beta that seem to be having some trouble (the beta seemed to have fin rot when I got him - I didn't...
  21. K

    Cichlid Not Swimming Properly

    Hi I recently added a pair of Keyhole cichlids in my 180L tank with Angel, Gourami & blue rams. And just after 2 days, yesterday I noticed one of the cichlid isn't swimming properly, infact having difficulty in swimming. Rest of the fishes seem fine, I test water every week and do regular water...
  22. T

    Diagnosis And Disease

    I have a pleco that is not acting sick but literally looks sick. I have attached pictures. Can someone please diagnose and tell me what to do, if anything. I bought the pleco about a month ago.   Side note: I have three older silver dollar fish that are losing thier fins too (I figured it was...
  23. A

    Sick? Stressed? Ich? Molly

    I got a fish a few days ago all ammonia level and nitrite is good and so is nitrate however one of my mollies has a white dryisish spot near its tail here it is 
  24. E

    Guppies Dying Weekly, What Disease Is This?

    Hi everyone,   I'm just desperate for some help. I have a 60 liter guppy tank. Right now I have about seven adult guppies and some older fry. Slowly, about every week or two weeks one of my guppies dies the exact same way. It's only been females. They start looking very thin and emaciated, they...
  25. crunch7

    Help Needed To Save My Socolofi

    Hi all,   I found that my Socolofi had developed a red spot a week earlier. Despite doing water change and treating the fish with salt the red spot is increasing and now the fin is tearing apart. I have separated the fish however I dont know what to do. Please help me identify and cure this...
  26. A

    Please Help! Sick Cory, Skin Peeling Off!

    Request Help Tank size: 25ltr pH: 7.5 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:20ppm kH:? gH:? tank temp: 26C (Im from Uk, this is celsius)     Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):   The cory looks as tho her skin is peeling from her body, she just lies...
  27. Corykeeper

    Catfish Dying

    Over the past week I have had 2 brand new emerald cories die and a bushynose pleco die. they all were acting normally until I come back from classes to see them keel over. all the other fish seem relatively unaffected. The bushynose also died in a separate tank, both tanks have good water...
  28. Chad

    Start Here With Your Emergency

    What Others Need to Know to Help You When posting a request for help can you please include the following info 1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) 2. A full description of the fishes symptoms. 3. How often you do water changes and how much. 4. Any...
  29. CrazyDiamond88

    Betta's Fins Kind Of Curled?

    My CT betta is in a 5 gal tank with a live plant, and since I didn't know anything about fish keeping unfortunately till after I bought him, I am cycling the tank with him in it.   It's been a month since I started cycling his tank.   He has always had some curling on the end of his dorsal fin...
  30. thorn1414

    3/4 Of My Bolivian Rams Have Died In The Past Week, Last One Looks Lik

    All of water levels are fine, ph=6.8, ammonia=0, nitrite=0, nitrate=5. 3 out of my 4 bolivian rams have died in the past week, don't know why. The last one looks like it has the same symptoms and will pas soon too probably. The symptoms are just a huge decrease in activity, loss of color, and...
  31. S

    My Fishies Died :((((((

    About a month ago, I got a betta fish for my birthday named Jack. He was in a 1 gallon tank, and to be honest I didn't really clean it very often. But he was doing great! Then a couple of days ago, my brother came home and convinced me I needed to get a bigger tank. We went to Walmart. and while...
  32. jerseybabi609

    How Do I Make Sure Is Safe To Return Fish To The Aquarium?

    Hi, recently in attemp to cycle a new tank i had mass die off. Initially i had 4 guppies that died within a day and half. From appearance it looked like it could have been the new tank syndrome. Then my lfs recomended putting 3 or 4 glowlites in there which i already have 7 in my other 10 gallon...
  33. jerseybabi609

    Help! Glowlight Tetras Developed White Film!

    Hi there i need help! my glowlight tetras developed a white film over their body overnight. I also noticed that some have frayed fins and some are missing a chunk of their tail. They also havent ate in about 2 days now. Just couple days ago I started a new tank. Its been cycling fishless for...
  34. L

    Disease In Tank - Help - 1 Gone Already

    Hello all,    I have a disease in my tank which seems to be slowly spreading. Any advice/feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance   About a month ago I had my Dwarf Neon Rainbow die from an unknown disease. here is what happened.   He had pop eye a few months back, but I treated him for...
  35. S

    Neon Tetra Help! Disease?

    Hi there,   I have a problem, one of my tetras is sick and I do not know what disease it is. I need help. I thought it is ich and have been treating for ich for over a week now. the funny thing is that it is the only fish infected in the whole aquarium even if they were together over 3 days. I...
  36. M

    Harlequin Rasbora Dying One By One

    I just bought 5 harlequin rasbora for my new aquarium 3 days ago at petco. They seemed happy and were very active, and ate well. Two died today. The first to die had two tiny white specs on his fins, so I thought it might be ick and immediately started introducing a low concentration of aquarium...
  37. L

    Sick Rainbowfish! Please Help

    Hello all,    I currently have a sick dwarf neon rainbowfish. I am not sure if he will make it through another night so I REALLY need any input I can get here.   Tank size: He was in a 55 gallon. Since then I have put him in a quarantined tank of 5 gallons so my other fish hopefully do not get...
  38. W

    Guppy Showing Signs Of Swim Bladder Disease, Please Help!

    Hi everyone!   My beloved yellow tailed female guppy is showing signs of swim bladder disease, as she is having trouble staying stable and can only swim in circles. The other fish, particuarly the male guppy is constantly harassing her, which i am sure isnt good for her at the moment...
  39. bloxplayer992

    Help! My Fish Have Ich!

    my fish have white spots! so far my neon tetras keep dying from it and one of my otocinclus appears to have a white spot on it's head.im extremely panicked since ive added that green super ich cure. i really dont know much about my water quality since this is my first tank and i need to know...
  40. F

    Sick Gourami?

    I have one dwarf gourami in my 20 gallon tropical community tank along with 11 other fish. It is a non-planted tank, and I keep the temperature at about 77* F. I do regular water changes, and feed them twice a day.    I have noticed for a while now, that my gourami hasn't been eating very much...