
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. kitta98


    I think I may have brought a disease into my tank. Ever since I last added my 5 female guppies I have had 5 guppies for two male and three female, and a molly in one tank and recently I think I somehow contaminated my betta tank causing one of my before very healthy bright looking betta to die...
  2. T

    Is my betta injured or sick? white spot, red spot, some gold

    Hi! I'm new to this forum, so I apologize if this isn't in the right section or anything. But, I'm worried about my betta, and I think I need advice! I got him from Petco in October 2017 (a few months ago). The poor boy has been dealing with fin rot for a few months (for reasons that I'm unsure...
  3. Gracie1275

    Fin Rot??

    I have a male Halfmoon Twintail Betta named Craig. He is my first fish and I have only had him for three days. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with a heater, filter, and plenty of decorations and hiding spots. The first day I had him, his color was fine. His body is a beautiful dark blue, and his...
  4. hyrulelegend091

    How Does He Look?

    Hi everyone! If you are on fishlore.com as well, you may have already seen this post, but I always love getting a variety of opinions! Here's the story: A few months ago, my sister got three bettas. Cool, except she claims she "didn't know how to clean the tanks." I only found this out after the...
  5. K

    Fish dying for no reason??

    I have recently been having trouble with my tank. I have a 54 litre tropical tank which I keep a betta, harlequin rasbora and many cherry shrimp in there. But today, I have found 5 shrimp dead and every day I’m finding at least one shrimp dead. I’ve lost 4 harlequin rasboras as I noticed that...
  6. A

    whitish swelling on one side of guppy

    I recently noticed today that one of my female guppies had a sort of whitish bump on one side of her. She still eats during feeding, and acts fine, but the bump really worries me. Does anyone know what disease this is? And how i should treat it? ammonia = 0 ppm I don't have a test kit for...
  7. E

    What the heck is going on in my tank?

    Hey guys, I've been in the hobby off and on for over a decade. I don't have any home tanks, but I have a 40 gallon planted tank in the office which I hadn't been properly maintaining for awhile due to health issues in my family. It had a low level of stocking (a mixed school of boraras, a...
  8. P

    Disease identification help

    Hey there! I have this tank with guppies and a few Cardinal Tetras (shown above). Just recently, some of the guppies (mostly female) were dying (showing signs of fin decay), and I have no idea how to fix that (I researched online with no good results). In this post, I would like to focus on one...
  9. T

    Betta Disease Identification Help???

    Hey guys, I'm super lost in all the forums and info on the internet, I can't seem to find anything that helps me. Can't post on the "Betta" forum either it seems so... I have a female beta and she's been looking and doing great until now. I had her in an unfiltered 2 gallon tank previously with...
  10. M

    Fish keep dying

    I have had a tank for about a year now and I can't get my livebearers to stay alive. They keep getting sick even though ammonia, nitriate, and nitrite levels are 0. Temperature is 81 F and ph is 7.7, right where the mollies need it. The tank is 20 gal, I usually buy 4 or 5 fish at first. I have...
  11. P


    My male guppy has developed weird bumps on both sides of his tail and I am not sure what it could be. He seems much more slow and worn down as well. He is definitely not himself. Thanks in advance!
  12. P

    Ulcer on Dwarf Gourami

    Hi all, When cleaning my tank today I noticed a red/white ulcer on the nose of my Dwarf Gourami. It's can only have appeared in the last couple of days as I examined the fish earlier this week. He's been in there since I got the tank in January. Nothing new has been added to the tank, however I...
  13. D

    Molly needs help

    Hi, I purchased a molly 3 weeks ago and he is experiencing weird behaviour that I don't know what it is. I placed him in a 120 gallon cycled tank along with other species. Whenever I saw him acting strange a few days ago, I transfered him to a quarantine tank. He is the only one in the tank...
  14. C

    Blenny Raised areas - Diagnose

    I came home and spotted my Blenny swimming around. I noticed two raised "pale" almost like areas on him. He seems to be breathing abit more and swimming just a bit awkward. I've noticed in the tank that a small blue eye tang is chasing him alot and has even pushed him out of his house. I don't...
  15. C

    Sick Rasbora

    Hi, Yesterday I noticed some white spots on my rasbora fish. I am not sure what is this or how to treat it. Do you know what this can be? Thanks, Yenny
  16. C

    Please help Molly with unknown disease?

    Hello, Please would someone help. My Molly has what I can only imagine to be a scrape on her head which has white fur? Hair? Fungi? Growing from it which seems to be growing. Can anyone tell me what to do? Will it infect the other fish? Can I help her? Thank you in advance
  17. M

    Sick Livebearer

    i have a livebearer that has become swollen and his scales are sticking up. He has been sick like this for a few days. He still comes up and eats food, but usually stays at the bottom, other than that he doesn't show any odd behavior. I shined a flashlight on him and didn't see any specs or...
  18. Thatg1r1

    All my Tetra fish died overnight!

    Hi all, this is my first post so please forgive me If I've posted this in the wrong area. 2 days ago I purchased some Tetra fish to go into my cycled shrimp and Kuhli loach tank, all the new tetras seemed to be doing fine until today when I awoke to find all of the newly purchased tetras dead...
  19. M

    What's going on in my tank? (Help)

    This is Merlot (see the side starting to get raw and fin is starting to peel) These are of Raphael (see his side peeling/raw) Hello! I mean new here so if my post is in the wrong spot one sorry, and I'm sorry for any other thing that I'm doing wrong. I promise I tried my best. Well, I...
  20. P

    Yellow spots on mollies?

    I got my dalmation mollies 4 days ago and since then they have developed yellow orange spots. They mated yesterday so I'm not sure if it has something to do with it or not. Please help!
  21. Flinkbag

    Need help with Green Severum

    Hello all, I have a beautiful young Green Severum cichlid in a 200l community tank. He's usually very active and friendly, but recently he's been hiding under some Anubias leaves towards the back of my tank, and I've noticed he has small, whitish indents all around his head. These seem to be...
  22. dopey696

    Betta problems

    Hello peoples. My betta that I've had for about a year now seems to be having some problems. I first noticed about a week ago that it was a bit lethargic and not moving as much as it usually does. It seems to have no energy, doesn't swim around, and is always resting on top of things. Today as I...
  23. E

    What is this disease?

    One of my mollies has what looks like a bite out of one fin, but it seems like it's gotten bigger over the past week, so I was wondering if it is "fin rot" or maybe some other kind of infection. Also, I noticed a white spot near his tail. I don't think that the spot is ich, because it's not...
  24. H

    Help me identify this fish disease please :(

    Hello! Im new to this forum but I rrally need help. Ive had my tank established for over 2 years.(30gal freshwater) I had 4 fish in it the whole time and just recently I wanted to get more. Bought 3 more a little over a week ago. Now I have 2 goldfish, 2 molys, 1 angelfish, 2 algae eaters I...
  25. C

    Does my Betta have Velvet?

    Hello! I have a Dumbo Betta fish and have had him for about 5 months. When I first got him he was very curious, always swimming around his tank and hiding under the shells and skulls I got to decorate it with. For the past 2 weeks he has seemed to lose his curiosity; he either floats at the...
  26. Flinkbag

    Please help! Parasites on Elephant Ear Betta

    Hello there! My once-beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has been looking scrappy and droopy for a while now, and today I noticed he has what I suspect is either velvet or some other nasty external parasite mainly on his head and somewhat on his back. It looks like a slight fuzz has grown on his...
  27. Chris1075

    Treatment Medication Recommendation

    Hello, I am looking for some advice for treatment or medication to use to treat fin rot. I have been to my LFS, which advised me to do 25% - 50% water changes every other day and aquarium salt and use Seachem's Garlic Guard. It looked like it had cleared up, and the tetra was getting better. A...
  28. R

    Help! Fish struggling to stay up, swim bladder problems?

    I have a cherry barb in a 20 gallon tank who is beating his front fins frantically and swimming upward in order to stay up, otherwise he sinks to the bottom. It seems like his swim bladder isn't working and he can't "float" in the water like before. I've had cherry barbs die of this in the past...
  29. 1

    Problem Started Wiith Black Moor, Now All.

    Less than 3 weeks ago, my fish started gaping at the tp of thee water non stop, all day long. Then the black moor got a white streak of something down by it's nose. I thought it was some kind of output from the moors body, like mucus or otherwise, but now, just 2 weeks later, the moors head is...
  30. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  31. K

    Fish Has Gotten Too Fat

    My goldfish has gotten fat over the past few weeks very quickly and i cant tell if it has a disease, bloating or is pregnant. Its been going on for at least 2 months. She is a comet goldfish so the belly shows. Her scales are not puffy and she does not have symptoms like dropsy. She is swimming...
  32. Flinkbag

    Hole-In-The-Head On Firemouth Cichlid?

    Hello all!   So I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and like all was well with the world. I stepped outside my bedroom and BAM! I instantly noticed than my Firemouth Cichlid seemed to have a white, indented dot on his head. I'm fearing the worst, but I really want someone to prove me...
  33. Bazouteast

    Trying To Identify Disease In Community Tank

    After a few years lay-off I set up a community tank 6 months ago with Dwarf & Honey Gouramies, Chequer Barbs, Angels and Mountain Minnows. About 15 juvenile fish. The symptoms are a wasting of the fin edges consistent with fin-rot, also ulceration at the base of the tail causing the tail to...
  34. P

    Unknown Disease / Injury In Blue Gourami?

    Okay, before I post anything, please note that I know how stupid I am for having two Gourami's in a ten gallon. I know I should get a 20 gallon, but I didn't have enough money to get it, and the needed equipment, like a filter, heater, and decor. So please do not even think of saying anything...
  35. F

    Red Wag Platy With White Patches And Clamped Fin.

    I have a platy that is almost an adult living in a pretty healthy 20 gallon. I just noticed now that they have 3 white patches across the body. At first I thought that maybe it was like some diseases that resemble cotton on the body, but it doesn't look like that. It looks more like the scales...
  36. B

    Neon Tetra Has Strange Whiteish Growth.

    Hi, So i've recently bought a group of ~6 neon tetras for my planted 10 gallon aquarium and I've ran into a few problems as of recently: 1.One of my tetras has already died, possibly from stress, but i tried acclimating them in the aquarium water mixed with the stores for an hour. There weren't...
  37. Bazouteast

    Fin Rot

    I have three new Angel fish (approx 5cm height) which after two weeks in the tank appear to be showing signs of fin rot. I have looked at the usual suspects - water quality, overfeeding, temperature, overcrowding and conclude it is probably stress-related, following their introduction into the...
  38. K

    I Need Help, Sick Weather Loach (Pictures!)

    Hi everyone, first of all I'd like to apologize because I don't know some proper terms, english is not my mother tongue. I would really appreciate if someone would give my advice, my loach is letargic and has white "smears" on his back. The disease seems to also have attacked his gills because...
  39. C

    Sick Fish, Still Can't Find A Solution After Trying Two Medication

    My German Blue Ram has had a cloudy eye and protruding white mass for some time now (see pictures). Two weeks ago I posted asking for help on the issue and decided to treat with herbal tonics (pimafix and melafix by API). After the recommended dosing I saw no change so I purchased some...
  40. C

    One Cloudy Eye And White Growth On The Body

    Here are pictures: He's also lost colour, any idea what this could be? In the past he had growths near his mouth but I think they were harmless as they went away on their own.