
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    I don't know what's wrong with my danio!

    Hi, I'm very new to this forum, as in just joined haha, but I joined because I've been doing research for a few weeks to find what is wrong with my zebra danio and nothing seems to match. Her name is Lilly and she's currently in a hospital tank, she's been isolated from her other two buddies...
  2. C

    Green Severum, parasites? *Need help* any ideas on what it is/ how to treat?

  3. F

    Cardinal tetra disease? Help!

    Hello, I have 5 beautiful cardinal tetras and I’ve noticed one has lost its colour and has flaky/peeling skin. I have no idea if it is a disease or any type of illness. I have guppies and Corydoras in the tank so I don’t think it’s being attacked. Could someone suggest from the pictures what it...
  4. F

    Betta developing dark spots please help!

    Pictured below is my male betta in the store (20 December 19) followed by his first days in his new home. He instantly became much more vibrant which I was very happy about. However he then developed a dark spot by his lip - starting off as a small grey dot. He was also glass surfing for...
  5. Ingrid

    What is this white stuff ?

    I bought this wood a few weeks ago from a reputable supplier and now there is white stuffed growing on it . Should I be concerned and what is it ?:thanks:
  6. F

    Red streaks on gills and face

    If anyone has any ideas on what this may be it would be hugely appreciated. Please find pictures below. The red streaks were present when I purchased her, I thought it was part of her colouring as it was one streak by each gill but have now noticed a second streak on each side - again appearing...
  7. S

    I am defeated ....URGENT!!

    I am a new fish owner and I only learnt about nitrogen cycle today I have lost 3 fishes in the last week I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong I think it might be overfeeding and constipation. Moreover I don’t really have a water test kit cuz I can’t afford one yet. Please help! Another fish...
  8. C


    Hi I saw today that my white molly was lifeless at the bottom of the tank. Noticing this I got a net to remove her only for her to dart away and then begin spinning and sinking upsides down. I know this is likely swim bladder however there is also red markings, almost like a rash, just before...
  9. Ingrid

    Is my guppy ill and if so what should I do ?

    Is my guppy ill ? It has had this white stuff (see picture ) dangling from him for about 3 days . Our tank has readings of nitrite 0.5 , ammonia less than 0.02 , our ph is 6.8 and our tank temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. We do water changes twice a week . If it has an illness can you please...
  10. J

    Septicimia and HITH?

    Sorry I made an account just for this, but I wasn't sure where else to ask. I just saved this guy from a pet store where he would have died. He is in quarantine, I've added aquarium salt, methylene blue, erythromicin, and furan 2 over the past 3 days with 50% water changes every day. I...
  11. Ama

    Worms in aquarium

    I've planted an unknown grass into my old 1 gallon aquarium for an experiment It was used as a hospital tank before Then yesterday i found some white tiny worms in it... Like a lot of. Currently there isn't any fish in that Aquarium But my concern is,Is that harmful for fish? And what kind of...
  12. A

    HELP! Guppy has strange tumor(?) under belly

    Heyy, I'm new here. I would like you guys to share your opinion on the condition of this little guy. Just got him from LFS and just realise it got that lump-ish thing right at the centre of the belly. I know for sure it's not poop bcs I'm pretty sure that's not the anus of the fish. Any help...
  13. Ama

    Help!.... Need advise to cure my fish

    Today i noticed protruding scales on my platy and i immediately changed it into another tank, However, fish seems healthy for me and no swollen belly. Is that the sign of dropsy. What are the effective methods to cure the disease. And how to stop spreading the disease to other fish
  14. P

    Albino Oscar

    I inherited an albino Oscar about 3 years ago now. At first, things were going well. He grew and loved eating and ripping up and knocking over everything in his tank. Lately, though, he keeps getting sick. Right now he has a cloudy, white circle covering his eye, I think he may have hole in the...
  15. Lauren J

    Mollies with sunken bellies???

    I lost my new black molly last week after noticing she had a sunken belly after giving birth. This week, my white molly has clamped fins and developed a sunken abdomen almost overnight. She is rubbing up against decorations and rocks. Also, my other black molly also has clamped fins and a slight...
  16. L

    YoYo loach - upside down and about to die?

    I have three YoYo loach but one of them seems in a really bad way. They have been in the tank for about 1.5 years. Yesterday had a 30% water change and another 25% change today, yet this doesn’t seem to have helped. This loach is laying on its side, sometimes upside down, driving itself into the...
  17. B

    Is pimafix effective in treating body fungus?

    I bought fish from Petsmart yesterday and now my fish have fungus
  18. B

    Dying fish - we're new to aquariums!

    Hi Everyone! Hoping someone can help. Long story... We have a 5 week old 20 gallon tank. This is our second tank...three months ago we started out with a 10 gallon. We had 3 platys and 2 guppies, and one of the platys had babies. 4 survived. We had one platy that seemed sick for several weeks -...
  19. F

    Strange Fungal or Bacterial Disease?

    Hi all, I’ve come here because I’m having problems with my 1 year old female betta. Over the past month or so, she’s developed a white sort of fuzz or flaky looking fungus primarily on her head. When we first noticed it, we treated her with primafix, and it went away. About a week later, it...
  20. B

    Does anyone know what this red mark, possibly sore? On my cory catfish is?

    I recently found white worms in my tank, I cannot get rid of them, so I started treating my tank with salt and water changes to no avail. I found my Cory cat with this on his side last night, does anyone know what it could be from?
  21. N

    Cotton mouth disease help

    Hi, I’m new to the hobby of fish keeping and have neon tetras, harlequins and an albino corydora. I have noticed that one of my neon tetras have what I think is cotton mouth disease which i have treated but, I have accidentally left the carbon filter in my tank. I treated the tank with interpret...
  22. pjwilford


    I’m finding this fish has a mysterious white spot. seems like some sort of fungus. a black molly of mine has it all over as well. Will pimafix cure this? What is it?? I have a guppy currently giving birth right now too. will meds be safe for babies?
  23. margaritari

    Young Harlequin Rasboras DYING RAPIDLY!!

    Hello, sorry my first post is so desperate but I REALLY NEED HELP. My new Harlies are dropping like flies and I have no idea why! Tank size: 20 gal pH: 7.5 tank temp: 75ºF Fish Symptoms: Three fish have died within the two days since I bought them. The first two were found dead on the bottom...
  24. D

    White marks eating into head - guppy

    Hi, I have a guppy with a white mass on/around its head that appears to be eating into its flesh. The white mass appears to be mostly on top of the head, and partly under the right side of the mouth. I would really appreciate any help you can give on the type of infection and any action I should...
  25. V

    My Dwarf Gourami is acting strange

    So, I have Dwarf Gourami that I've owned for a few months now, and as the title says, is acting strange. He sometimes lays on the bottom of the tank, but when I walk over to check on him, he'll get up like nothing is wrong. Also, he won't eat, and he has a white splotch on top of his head above...
  26. Benson87

    Fungus? HELP Betta won’t eat and just hides all day

    Hi, this is my first post. I have a newish 125l tank which was cycled at the back end of last year. We added a new Betta to the tank last week (also in tank 10 Espe’s Rasboras and live plants). At first he appeared very happy and explored the tank all day. Over the last day or two we have...
  27. J

    Betta has a while bumpy scale

    Hello everyone, I have this betta fish named Boris, had him for half a year, he recently had some kind of velvet disease he recovered from and is eating well and seems healthy, however he has a strange external tumor I believe of some sort and idk how to treat it. Hope this picture can give...
  28. M

    help?? my betta has a blister/tumor??

    my betta, bulma, has seemingly overnight grown an oval lump on his side.hes for the most part active and eating well. it’s on his abdomen towards the back and is only accentuated on his right side. i’m really worried about him so if anybody could help me figure out what is wrong and how to treat...
  29. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  30. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  31. S


    Please help! My baby betta looks like she's bleeding on both sides of her head. She is in a heated filtered and cycled 6.5 gal tank with two bronze corydoras.. Her tank is next to my work station at home so I always keep an eye on her and she's never displayed signs of aggression towards the...
  32. YunoGasai212121

    Possible angelfish parasite

    not sure if the other one posted, I don’t think it did but sorry if it did. My fish has been acting weird lately with swimming like it’s been having more trouble with going where the filter flow is and it swims a little to the side and one time I saw it upside down but than 2 seconds later it...
  33. M

    My neon tetra in dying?

    My neon doesn't look right, what’s wrong with him? If there is no cure, should I euthanasia it?
  34. C

    Goldfish's face has suddenly turned red

    My shubunkin was completely fine yesterday, but today her face is completely red. (It is normally pale pink). There is also red at the base of her dorsal and tail fin. She is swimming about our pond, but slowly, and showed no interest in food (she is normally always very hungry). There are...
  35. M

    Whirling Green Terror

    Tank Size: 65-gallon pH: 7.6 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 tank temp: 79 F I 've had a female green terror in a 65-gallon tank for about a year and a half. It is about 4-5 inches and was very healthy until a few months ago. She laid eggs several times a year and of course with no male they...
  36. E

    what is wrong with my betta?:(

    My betta is not doing so well. Here is some info about him: Housing: 5 gallons Filtered No heater Stays between 78-80 No tankmates Food: New life spectrum betta formula Pellets Every day, 3 pellets a day Maintenance: 1 gallon water change weekly (20%), vacuuming substrate and...
  37. H

    Tetra white snout

    Any advice would be appreciated. I have 1 neon tetra with a white, lumpy looking snout(pic attached), one with whitish lips. All 3 of my original tetra have some signs of fin rot but the 3 newest tetra, 3 guppies, 11 cherry shrimp, plants look good. History: Planted 20 gallon tank Original...
  38. E

    URGENT! Bacterial + fungal treatment options

    Meet Barrance, I have had him for 2 years and he has always been super healthy, active and exploding with personality. He has never been ill before. I noticed this spot on his back behind his top fin and tail fin. After tons of research, I was convinced it was colomnaris...I just started...
  39. Cameronb_01

    Concerned about Discus Health

    Hi, About three months ago one of my discus accumulated so many little black spots that he effectively half turned black. Apart from the visual deformation there were no changes to his appetite or behaviour around the tank, consequently I put the change down to a very severe and sudden case of...
  40. S

    Urgent help needed! Fish dying...

    Hi, About one week ago, one of my fish (female blue ram) had passed away with little warning along with a new SAE (which was expected as it was new). That is where i thought it would end, but no. Yesterday, whilst doing my daily feed, I noticed one of my swordtails floating lethargically on...