Search results

  1. P

    I Want A Community Of Exotic Tropical Fish

    The tanks are in a room in my basement. Here in Pennsylvania, it does get to be over 80 degrees pretty much every day through the summer, so the heater will not be necessary at all during these months. In the winter it might be 50 degrees down here on a cold day, so I would have to use a heater...
  2. P

    I Want A Community Of Exotic Tropical Fish

    I used to be an avid fishkeeper, but have not had a tank running in a little over a year. It was just a lot of work and eventually after the fish I had died, I just drained the tank and never got new ones. I have a 10 gallon, 29 gallon and 55 gallon tank and want a community of cool looking...
  3. P

    55 Gallon Stocking

    This is a late reply, but I think I'm going to get a dinosaur bichir, a few silver hatchets, and some others.
  4. P

    Selling Aponogeton, Java Fern, Amazon Sword

    Businessly bump!!
  5. P

    55 Gallon Stocking

    Bump.. no replies?
  6. P

    55 Gallon Stocking

    I don't want to spend $100 on a lot of little tropical schooling fish, so I would prefer larger fish that you don't need a lot of. I do like big fish like oscars that grow to be quite large, but I know I would need a bigger tank for an oscar. I like exotic fish, like eels, brown knives, dinosaur...
  7. P

    Cycling With Fish Food?

    Fish food breaks down into ammonia.. I thought you would've known that. o_o
  8. P

    On A Trip For 10 Days

    You could just let them go in the tank and provide some hiding spots where they can't be eaten. You could buy a few terra-cotta plant pots, spawning mops, or just use plants. There should be some that survive 10 days. I would drop a few pieces of food inside the pots where other large fish can't...
  9. P

    Plantlet's Equipment Superstore

    Super bumpity bump of bumpiness!
  10. P

    Selling Aponogeton, Java Fern, Amazon Sword

    Super bumpy bump of bumpiness.
  11. P

    Selling Aponogeton, Java Fern, Amazon Sword

    Yeah if you're really willing to pay $7.25 for just two aponogetons then sure.
  12. P

    Selling Aponogeton, Java Fern, Amazon Sword

    Thanks. Got it filled out. :)
  13. P

    Selling Aponogeton, Java Fern, Amazon Sword

    For sale: Plants: Aponogeton, Java Fern, Amazon Sword. Quantity for sale: 2x Aponogeton, 1x Baby Java Fern, 1x Small Java Fern, 1x Baby Amazon Sword. Delivery or Collection: Delivery. Sales price: No set price, offer. Postage & Packaging: $5.25 Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania Photograph: Will...
  14. P

    Lots Of Plants For Sale

    Just wondering how the heck are you paying for shipping? Aren't you losing money? What are you shipping in?
  15. P

    Mircoworm Starter Culture

    I'm also interested. Do you think ghost shrimp would eat these live or all they too small?
  16. P

    Plantlet's Equipment Superstore

    Plantlet's Equipment Superstore Also taking trades for java fern, java moss, moss balls and duckweed. This will be my last sales thread since I've sold A LOT a ton of stuff on here. For sale: 1x Aqueon QuietFlow 55/75 Filter - Up to 90 Gallon Aquariums - $30 Features four stages of filtration...
  17. P

    Chronic Fin Rot

    Oh my gosh his pectoral fin is completely gone! Clean water is a must. I would test your water and make sure it is safe. Next, I would use aquarium salt. It is good to use 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. You should remove any plants before you dose the salt because most plants don't like...
  18. P

    Need Names For My New Fish!

    I would name the yellow one "Lemon." :-)
  19. P

    My New 60L First Tank!

    Wow that tank is so cool! I love rimless tanks! The corners look so good rounded, and the spray bar on the filter looks awesome. I'm thinking about buying the 35L version of this tank.
  20. P

    Gravel Or Sand?

    I would also recommend using all sand. Just would look better to the eye. After the sand settles your plecostomus won't throw it around. Plus the food is a lot more visible on sand so your fish can find it easier. An under gravel filter isn't recommended in a tank that big, all though I would...
  21. P

    Ok Posted This Nitrate ? In My Other Post With My Fish-In Cycle

    Test strips are junk. You can get a master test kit for about $16.00 on Amazon. You aren't supposed to use distilled water in water changes either. There are literally no nutrients in it. It is not healthy for fish, and really bad for plants. I try to keep my nitrates under 20ppm. Whenever it...
  22. P

    Am I overstocked?

    You should really have more tetras and corydoras. They are schooling fish and do better in numbers. Personally I try not to keep any schooling fish under six unless I really have to.