Search results

  1. C

    Jewel tanks

    You can use the internal filter for marines. They get rid of the large stuff. Not recomended though.
  2. C

    My New Rio 180 Tank

    Why why WHY. i wanted some of that rock backing. But i could not get any. :sad: Great tank. And happy you returned to the hobby. And enjoy your discus. I do!!! James
  3. C

    Noisy Juwel Rio 180

    I have had the same problem. The whole powerhead is nocking at the side of the filter housing. Is the powerhead set up correctly? Try moveing the wire about to see if that makes any difference. Note they have less noise that some other filters but are still not silent. Hope this helps you out...
  4. C

    Juwel Rio 180

    My rio has fine gravel as the substrate. 4 pieces of bog wood varius live plants. and the fish include are. discus neons silvertips blue king tetras (like neons with out the red and the blue is kinda purpuly) bristlenose plec king tiger plec corys scissor tails All fine and the filter works...
  5. C


    Dont take fun of females. they are weak and need protecting by men. (me) B)
  6. C

    What equiptment do you use?

    There is equiptment even i did not know about. People useing i mean.
  7. C

    What equiptment do you use?

    Where is that from?
  8. C

    Christmas bad for tropical fish?

    I kept goldfish for my first fish. None died. They dont die when you want them to. (not saying i wanted them to die) But it is a expression.
  9. C

    Sucker mouth fish - looking for the name

    You can get ansistus plecs they grow small.
  10. C

    What equiptment do you use?

    Yeah people diss juwel stuff but when you get them you find they are wrong about it.
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    What equiptment do you use?

    I use a juwel filter, juwel lights,juwel heater. All the stuff from juwel. Just a thought. James
  12. C

    my new tank; setting up.

    Sorry it looks like a aquamedic with the filter in the back of it. :lol: to me
  13. C

    proof of the hunger of cichlids

    Platys eat anything. Or mine did. They ate anything in the tank. This is a list. algea wafers. flake fish poo. More but forgotten. 5 weeks ago since i had them.
  14. C

    Big problem...

    Try melafix. My discus has a fungul infection and it is keeping it from spreading. About the water testing i dont do it either. (mainly because i dont have test kits) But melafix seems to be working. James
  15. C

    I finally chose a tank!

    I agree 1 bristle nose is plenty. 1 plec is plenty. I have two and they are highly terratoriel to each other. They dont fight just keep each other out of there terratory.
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    I would get it live. Read this I know its for discus but it counts for all fish aswell. Also frozen bloodworm sometimes in travel goes off and means bad bad for your fish Hope this helps. James
  17. C

    heres me

  18. C

    entertain yourself

    I still do it :lol: Not realy.
  19. C

    This is very serius.

    I have found out that the fish has a fungul ingection. This is the cause of its funny behavoir. I am continuing treatment to get rid of this fungus and we will se from there. I will keep you posted.
  20. C

    entertain yourself

    To help the fly have the rest of its life in PAIN. put a light candle in tha path of the fly. BURN. or do the same to a wast and see the fly get stung!!!
  21. C

    entertain yourself

    Cheap Wine :rofl:
  22. fly_cork.gif


  23. C

    entertain yourself

    Instructions are on the photos :rofl: Its goofy :lol:
  24. fly_pierce.jpg


  25. C

    rc car

    I want a monster truck when i get the money. I love things that go off road! James (if you dont know i am jimmy927)
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    heres me

    whoo :shifty:
  27. C

    Clown Pleco and Chocolate Gourami

    whoh glowing substrate
  28. C

    new species of cat fish

    Try adding a filter :rofl:
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    my new tank; setting up.

    Its a converted aquamedic isnt it?
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    Post your Car!

    You have got 1 more year MORE than me untill you get your car! :fun: Right i will have a evo 6 then . £9000 brought to your door from japan!
  31. C

    This is very serius.

    i did now know that. I will put a airstone in the water now.
  32. C

    Mini Bow tanks

    System 2000 in batley yorkshire. It is called UK marines.
  33. C

    My planted 180

    Thanks for the email ;)
  34. C

    Who needs TV?

    What is that grassy stuff at the bottom of the tank? I want some.
  35. C

    Xmas Presi

    I am getting a betta tank when i pay board to my mom. 1 and 1/2 years from now. Edit: oops sorry to say great tanks both of you.
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    My planted 180

    Juwel backing is black.
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    They are not difficult to keep. If you have test kits/ro water the works. People say they are because they dont know about this stuff and thee discus has died.
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    I finally chose a tank!

    get a 5 by 2by 2 fair size tank.
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    Rio 180

    What did i say? With less fish more plants ;) So juwel filter are not crap. The owner of the tank is a bad fish keeper! They think one filter lots of fish. But fishkeeping is not about filling your tank to the maximum fishet it can hold. It is about having fun and bieng happy with a smalll...
  40. C

    This is very serius.

    Yes i will it has survived 2 days now so i think it has a good chance of survival ;) i hope :-(