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  1. S

    Lampeye Killifish Dying

    Well guys looking at the views to replies ratio on this forum my conclusion is that either people on here aren't very knowledgeable about fish or they are very unfriendly, so with that I'll bid you farewell & go look for another forum that can help me out,(I suppose I'll get replies to this...
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    Lampeye Killifish Dying

    Request Help Tank size:54 Litres pH:7.6 ammonia:0.00ppm nitrite:0.00ppm nitrate:30ppm kH: don't know gH: don't know tank temp:23.6C Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):2 of our 5 Killifish have spent the last 2 days up at the surface next...
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    Cant Work Out What To Keep My Temprature At?

    Sorry for the thread hijack but can I just ask, is condensation bad for a tank? I have plastic sheets I bought from my lfs on my 145L tank instead of a lid & I have quite a lot of condensation. Thanks Lee
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Hi guys, a few updates to ponder on 54L Tank 29/05/12(22:10) - ammonia 2.0ppm/nitrite 0.0ppm 30/05/12(11:10) - nitrite 0.0ppm 01/06/12(13:00) - ammonia 2.0ppm/nitrite 0.0ppm/nitrate 0.0pm 03/06/12(09:45) - ammonia 2.0ppm/nitrite 0.25ppm (50% water change carried out) 03/06/12(21:20) - ammonia...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Thanks for that JDs4me it's what I needed tbh, someone telling me that it WILL sort itself out somehow as I just can't see anything happening atm. I'm near Holsworthy on the Devon/Cornwall border.
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    I did ask the LFS for some media but the guy said he didn't have any, only put the aqua balls in 3 nights ago & he said they'd take about a week. TBH I don't know what to do for the best, I can't even be bothered to do any tests tonight, I know it probably looks like I'm giving up a bit too easy...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    54L Tank 24/05/12 - Ammonia 1.5ppm/Nitrite 0.0ppm 25/05/12 - Ammonia 1.5ppm (added 7 pure aqua balls after test) 26/05/12 - Ammonia 2.0ppm 27/05/12 - Ammonia 2.0ppm/Nitrite 0.0ppm 145L Tank 24/05/12 - Ammonia 5.0ppm 25/05/12 - Ammonia 4.0ppm (added 15 pure aqua balls after test) 27/05/12 -...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Ok left a tube of tap water for 24 hours & just tested the pH..............7.6 just like in the tanks,(it was 6.6 when I tested straight from the tap). Went to a LFS today & asked for some advice, the guy was very helpful and told me that they cycle their tanks using a product called Pure...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    I will test the hardness for curiosities sake tbh & let you know the results. Can't be sure about the rocks although they are in the 4ft tank which has only been going for a few days so I'm not worried about the results from that one yet.
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    The filter in the quarantine tank is built into the hood so I couldn't transfer it to another tank. Anyway I've just tested the 54L tank & the Ammonia seems to have dropped slightly,(I've recorded it at 1.5ppm), but so has the Nitrite, it's definitely at 0.0ppm. Confused? I am lol
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Fair enough lol, it's got one of the plants I took out of the small tank in it at the moment,(binned the other 2, one because I didn't like it & the other as it had gone all slimy & started falling to bits). Once I've got at least one of the proper tanks sorted I intend to transfer some of the...
  12. S

    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Hmmm the pH thing is strange especially as both my small tank & the 4ft one I've just set up are reading the same, as I said the small tank has blue coloured gravel I bought from a fish shop while the 4 footer has aquarium sand from the same shop & some bogwood,(again bought from shop), along...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    I don't have a test for hardness, is this something I can buy in a fish shop as I'm going to one in Barnstaple tomorrow.
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Thanks for that Prime Ordeal, so when you say mature filter media what exactly is that, some sponge or whatever from another filter? the pH in the small tank is 7.6, is this too low then? if so how much bicarb would you suggest I add to raise it & what do I need to raise it to. Cheers Lee
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Hi Sue, I've been having quite a bit of trouble getting on the other forum recently, is there a problem with it then? No I didn't add any more Ammonia on those dates BUT I did add some to my 4ft tank on the 19th with a syringe which I then washed out thoroughly & used to take test samples from...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Small Tank 22/05/12 - Ammonia 2.0ppm 23/05/12 - Ammonia 2.0ppm will do a Nitrite test tomorrow 4ft Tank 22/05/12 - Ammonia 5.0ppm 23/05/12 - Ammonia 5.0ppm not worth testing Nitrites yet is it Also did a full tap water test tonight pH 6.6/High Range pH too low to register/Ammonia...
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    Can I Add Water Before Sand?

    I just put my sand in then put a plate on top & tipped water in from containers/buckets, tbh I ended up with a great ripple effect on the sand which I really like.
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    Sticking Backgrounds

    I've just put a background on my tank using some specially made stuff called Clear View, £4.99 for a 30ml bottle, the guy in the shop I bought it from recommended I use baby oil & after seeing this stuff I should have taken his advice because it looks like that's exactly what it is tbh.
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    What To Put Between Glass And Cabinet ?

    Hi, I've just put a piece of foam underneath my 4ft tank as I have read that it helps to protect against cracks from uneven pressure, I'm sure it will be good under your tank as well. Lee
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Last 2 days results in blue including the 4ft tank that I've now set up 06/05/12 - pH 7.6/High Range pH 7.4/Ammonia 0.25ppm/Nitrite 0.0ppm/Nitrate 5.0ppm (8ml Stress Coat+ and 14ml Stress Zyme+ added along with a pinch of flake) 09/05/12 (morning) - pH 7.6/High Range pH 7.4/Ammonia...
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    Hood & Lights Question

    Sounds cool. When you say a computer power supply I take it they would be inside a computer & not a separate thing as my computers just have a kettle lead that plugs into them.
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    Hood & Lights Question

    Hi yes during the day they will, the light I was looking at had more white lights than blue and could either be switched to white/blue together or just blue. :thumbs:
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    Hood & Lights Question

    Well I'd like a few blue lights for the night time & white for the day so I suppose being able to switch from one to the other would be good,yes I have a 5v phone charger & I'm in the UK. my tank is 48" long x 15" high if that makes a difference. Cheers. Hi, I don't think I'll be putting plants...
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    Hood & Lights Question

    Cheers rjkitz but electronics were never my strong subject at school & I don't own a soldering iron I'm afraid lol :rolleyes:
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    Hood & Lights Question

    Hi, I've just set up a 4' tank that has a 2 piece hood which I don't really like, I'm thinking of doing away with it but I foresee 2 possible problems, 1st I presume there's a possibility of fish jumping out of the tank & secondly I reckon it will be harder to heat the water with the heat not...
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    Bogwood & Rocks

    No fizz & they're soaking in some dechlorinator at the moment so should be good to go in the morning. thanks lee
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    Bogwood & Rocks

    Don't mind them leaking tannins in fact I quite like the look of those I've seen colouring tank water, good idea on the rocks. Thanks Lee
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    Bogwood & Rocks

    Hi all, I've just finished setting up my 145L tank and am about to start a fishless cycle, I bought 2 pieces of bogwood from my local aquarium shop today & I also have some rocks that I got from a river up on Dartmoor at the weekend and what I want to know is will it be ok to put them in the...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Update added at the bottom in blue 06/05/12 pH 7.6/High Range pH 7.4/Ammonia 0.25ppm/Nitrite 0.0ppm/Nitrate 5.0ppm (8ml Stress Coat+ and 14ml Stress Zyme+ added along with a pinch of flake) 09/05/12 (morning) pH 7.6/High Range pH 7.4/Ammonia 0.25ppm/Nitrite 2.0ppm/Nitrate 5.0ppm (2.2ml...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Yes I'll post the results daily, my temperature is hovering between 29 & 30 & the filter is moving the surface. :thumbs:
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Hi Prime Ordeal, I guess I still haven't got the hang of this yet. Ok so I'll lay off the Stress-Zyme & take daily readings for Ammonia & Nitrites and also pH every few days, I was away between the 10th & 14th and also the 16th & 17th which is why no tests done but I'm at home now for at least...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Update added at the bottom in blue 06/05/12 pH 7.6/High Range pH 7.4/Ammonia 0.25ppm/Nitrite 0.0ppm/Nitrate 5.0ppm (8ml Stress Coat+ and 14ml Stress Zyme+ added along with a pinch of flake) 09/05/12 (morning) pH 7.6/High Range pH 7.4/Ammonia 0.25ppm/Nitrite 2.0ppm/Nitrate 5.0ppm (2.2ml...
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Ok so I've been doing a fishless cycle for 9 days now but I'm a bit confused by the results, can anyone tell me if I'm going in the right direction. 06/05/12 pH 7.6/High Range pH 7.4/Ammonia 0.25ppm/Nitrite 0.0ppm/Nitrate 5.0ppm (8ml Stress Coat+ and 14ml Stress Zyme+ added along with a...
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    Hi Natalie, welcome to the forum
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    Yet Another Cycling Thread

    Hi fellas, I put this in someone elses thread but they suggested it would be better on it's own maybe. Right I bought my kids a 54L Jewell tank 6 days ago as they were forever dragging me into the local garden centre/aquarium, it has gravel, a few plants & a load of SpongeBob Squarepants...
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    Fishless Cycle Starting Today

    Cheers m8 I'll do that :good:
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    Fishless Cycle Starting Today

    JD I love the theme of your tank, class m8, looks great with the fish swimming round in it now, so can't wait to get some myself. :good:
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    Fishless Cycle Starting Today

    Hi guys, sorry to hi-jack the thread but it seemed pointless for me to start yet another fishless cycle debate when this one seems very good & current, please tell me if I'm out of order. Right I bought my kids a 54L Jewell tank 6 days ago as they were forever dragging me into the local garden...