Lampeye Killifish Dying

Scouse Lee

New Member
May 9, 2012
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Tank size:54 Litres
kH: don't know
gH: don't know
tank temp:23.6C

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):2 of our 5 Killifish have spent the last 2 days up at the surface next to the filter, one, which is looking much worse than the other, has started turning upside down & rolling around on the bottom in the last half hour,(I've now put them both in a quarantine tank). They don't really look like they are gasping for breath although their mouths are opening & closing quite fast & their fins are moving rapidly,(just don't seem to be taking air off the surface), when I put them in the quarantine tank the bad one started swimming normally again & they are now up by the filter. As our ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels have been fine for nearly 2 weeks now, (since we added 3 Lampeyes to go with our other 2), we thought the oxygen levels may be low so we bought a pump and air stone today. I must add that we originally bought 3 Lampeyes at the beginning of the month but 1 died within a week after acting exactly the same as these two, we also have 3 Apple Snails 2 of which have also spent the last few hours near the surface by the filter & when I pushed them down 1 just floated around on top of the water for a bit & is now clinging on to a plant and waving around in the current.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: In the last 2 weeks I have done 4 water changes of 30%, 50% & 2 of 75%, the 1st was because the Nitrite level had gone up to 1.0ppm after the introduction of the 1st 3 Lampeyes, the 2nd was for cleaning purposes & the last 2 have been to see if it helped these fish.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:Stress Coat, Stress Zyme, Plant Food & Aqua Balls added at various times.

Tank inhabitants: 5 x Lampeye Killifish, 6 x Neon Tetras, 6 x White Cloud Mountain Minnows, 3 x Apple Snails

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 3 plants added on the 3rd June

Exposure to chemicals: None known.
Well guys looking at the views to replies ratio on this forum my conclusion is that either people on here aren't very knowledgeable about fish or they are very unfriendly, so with that I'll bid you farewell & go look for another forum that can help me out,(I suppose I'll get replies to this comment now, oh well :rolleyes: ).

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