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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. lefty07603

    Fry Male Or Female

    I had a tank with two guppies and a pregnant platy. There was an infection so i used aquarium salt as an antiseptic for part of the treatment. Due to the salt the PH was around 8 (8.5 at some points) and there were 3 guppy fry that didn't get eaten and 1 platy fry that didn't get eaten. All were...
  2. lefty07603

    Questions About Guppy Breeding

    Hello,  So where Im at now is I have a male that i feel is perfect color and also a female with impressive color. It is a snakeskin male that has perfect tail and body markings. I got this male by buying a snakeskin male and a half black female. I bred them.   3 female fry survived. The original...
  3. lefty07603

    Pregnant Guppy

    i thought i had lost them all with my last batch. Turns out i had 7 hiding the whole time! :)
  4. lefty07603

    True Breeding Guppies

    Do you mean like a guppy that has almost all other genes bred out? Like say a red fantail that almost every single offspring is the same?
  5. lefty07603

    Fish In Tanks? No, Thanks! Peta Article

    I completely agree (with most fishkeepers and PETA) that Glofish is inhumane and morally wrong. But also, true fishkeepers dont keep fish to just have a decoration, they keep fish to appreciate them, and take pride in caring for them. 
  6. lefty07603

    An Observation Of My Harlequin Rasboras

    Thanks everyone! They should do fine then! The only fish bigger than them is the swordtail and maybe the platy. Plenty of room and hiding places. 
  7. lefty07603

    A North American Theme Tank?

    wow thanks a lot! What other fish could i put in there? think I could put a Pickerel? They fascinate me! And I wonder if a crayfish would work? I live in New England and Lakes here are FILLED with bluegill, pass, pickerel, and perch. Oh a perch would look good! Do you know if a Perch would work? 
  8. lefty07603

    A North American Theme Tank?

    I was thinking about maybe a future project. And then the idea hit me! A North American themed tank!    I was thinking a 55 gallon! Now here'swhere its an oddball! Would Bluegill work? like 3 or 4? Has anyone done bluegill? Could it be done? I would feed them feeder guppies and worms and shrimp...
  9. lefty07603

    An Observation Of My Harlequin Rasboras

    I have a 55 gallon tank, hat is panted with rocks. I had a school of 7 harlequin rasboras but over time one passed away. To be expected with only 6 the school wasn't as tight and they showed some small signs of agitation. So I added 2 more and now have a good size of 8 rasboras.    Now the...
  10. lefty07603

    Low Tech Easy Plants

    Hey I have moneywort in sand right now! Does just fine! Growth is obviously slowed a bit due to lower light but not bad. It's still green and lush. I would say most plants get to around 10 inches. Maybe some higher! Also look up pennywort! similar but different.     Btw I love aponegeton. You...
  11. lefty07603

    Bringing Out Colors In Breeding ?

    Very interesting, and hopefully some others can add to this. This is a bit similar but not completely, I have found that the "Snakeskin" pattern is pretty easy to replicate and is pretty dominant. However, I have never mixed with endlers before. I probably will do in the future. Also, It would...
  12. lefty07603

    Male Swordtail Not Interested In Female Platy

    Thanks for the replies guys! Yeah then its probably good that he seems timid that way the female can live her life without being harassed.    I guess I should just follow the rule of thumb: If they're life bearers, the opposite sex, and they're alive, then they will mate.   And Fluttermoth...
  13. lefty07603

    Mystery Critter In Tank Can You Identify?

    My guess would be a planaria. look at pictures online and see if that it. If it is then they are a protist that is harmless. 
  14. lefty07603

    Male Swordtail Not Interested In Female Platy

    Hello,    I have a neon swordtail and a red wag platy! They are in a 55 gallon with a school of harlequin rasboras and half a dozen guppies. I just introduced the platy a week ago! I know that platys and swordtails will interbreed without a problem but it seems the male swordtail has absolutely...
  15. lefty07603

    Stripes On My Platies?

    I would love to see a picture! They sound beautiful!
  16. lefty07603

    Sexing Fry

    i thought i had all females until this week! these are pushing 7 months old! mine were late developers! Mine are like the kids who have a high voice until they are 16 but then change almost overnight! mine developed from almost no color to almost full color in 2 weeks! The gonopodiums just...
  17. lefty07603

    Rocks From River (Scotland)

    Do you have any pictures? i'm sure some (including myself) would love to see them!
  18. lefty07603

    55G Community Stocking?

    I'm inexperienced with any catfish but for schooling fish what would you like? I have a school of harlequin rasboras and they are great! they school pretty tightly and usually stay close. A lot of tetra would work well. Adding a school of glow-light tetra would look interesting with the neon...
  19. lefty07603

    Stocking A 55 Gallon!

    Thanks! Also, I have a 10 gallon where I will keep the fry and cherries! i may just house females in there to prevent a huge increase in population. I will definitely add at least 2 sparkling gouramis! And i've thought about corys because everyone who has had them loves them! But would they pick...
  20. lefty07603

    Stocking A 55 Gallon!

    hey guys, right now i have about 6 guppies, 2 male, 4 female. I have 1 neon swordtail and one red wag platy. I also have a school of 7 harlequin rasboras. Obviously I am looking for very calm and peaceful fish. All of my fish now have great chemistry and get along great. The guppies often join...
  21. lefty07603

    Amano Shrimp Disappearing

    yeah i appreciate the help. ive had ghost shrimp before and they're very active. ive never had any escape from me before though. i love watching ghost shrimp
  22. lefty07603

    Amano Shrimp Disappearing

    i didnt get the other one either. its just bad timing. when doing the water change i left the water maybe half an inch higher than usual. and then forgot to put the lid down after feeding. i wonder how they get up there. i may get a bunch of ghost shrimp and a couple amanos and be more cautious. 
  23. lefty07603

    Amano Shrimp Disappearing

    unfortunately i found one dried on the floor behind my desk. it was too late. i feel terrible. my tank is 55 gallons so its a long hike from the substrate to the top. hopefully i can find the one that was lost today and revive him 
  24. lefty07603

    Amano Shrimp Disappearing

    Hey, I bought 2 new amano shrimp and one disappeared the night after i got them. the other seemed really healthy and never stopped eating algae off rocks. it acted normal and looked healthy. It spent around 3 days in the tank. now it is gone. Theres no trace of either.. its a 55 gallon tank...
  25. lefty07603

    Rocks And Ph Question

    im not entirely sure but i wouldnt be suprised if the person who has the knowled to help asks for the type of rock. it would probably help if you named the type of rock. as an example limestone is very basic. :-)
  26. lefty07603

    Wanted: Small Red Fish For Freshwater. Suggestions?

    you could maybe try glowlight tetras? they are similar to neon tetras but their neon streak is a redish-orange, maybe it will match the neons well. and you could put a big school in there since theyre a similar size as neons. Or... i have a soft spot for shrimp and it would be a bit creative to...
  27. lefty07603

    Guppy Gender Trouble

    this isnt a thread of me asking what gender my guppy is but almost all of my fry ends up female. is there anything i can do to make more males grow? i know some people change temperatures and water chemistry. what works for you guys? my water is basic, hard, and the temp right now is 79 f or 28c...
  28. lefty07603

    How To Maintain My Planted Tank

    i have aponogeton (2 that bloomed and grew crazy!) moneywort (just got) pennywort (isnt doing so hotbut may finally be growing now) and a java fern (always looks the same but its green). i will be adding dwarf hairgrass and other plants. also probably a moss. i originlly just dropped root...
  29. lefty07603

    All My Guppie Fry Female?

    Hello, i had a guppie give birth and the four survivors are female, all of those gave birth and i have about 25 fry/juvies left. I look and they all seem to have an analfin. I saw one that i thought may have a chance to be male, is this even possible? Is there any other stories like this and is...
  30. lefty07603

    Happy Tropical Shrimp

    welcome! and your tank is incredible, im setting up mine now, good luck mate!
  31. lefty07603

    Hardy Background Plants?

    also look into aponogeton:)
  32. lefty07603

    Aponogeton Has Flowered And Now Has Buds, What Do I Do?

    thanks! yeah my plants have really boomed! and thanks livewire! will they turn intobulbs?
  33. lefty07603

    Aponogeton Has Flowered And Now Has Buds, What Do I Do?

    hers a pic! it now has those on it, i believe they turn into bulbs? does anyone know what i should do to help them grow or allow them to turn into bulbs?
  34. IMG_20130511_130529.jpg


  35. lefty07603

    Background Plants

    i second this! very good plants!
  36. lefty07603

    Fish Suitable For My Ph Level?

    hello, im in the same boat as you are. my ph is over 8 and my water is as hard as a rock. but DONT change your water chemistry! it is complicated and always ends up back to its "normal" levels. any live bearer will do! so platy, swordtail, molly, guppy will work! harlequin rasboras are fine! and...
  37. lefty07603

    Why Do You Like Fishkeeping?

    i love fish, my girlfriend thinks im weird bt she humors it :) i just love how they're so different from humans! the fact they swim still makes me watch for hours at a time. i love building an ecosystem, with plants, fish, inverts and everything. i love how socially complex they are in some...
  38. lefty07603

    Please Id What Kind Of Aponogeton These Are

    hi theres two plants. i know theyre aponogeton. i thing the first may be crispus but im not sure on the second. the second is the on with the bud on it thanks!
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