Stocking A 55 Gallon!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
hey guys, right now i have about 6 guppies, 2 male, 4 female. I have 1 neon swordtail and one red wag platy. I also have a school of 7 harlequin rasboras. Obviously I am looking for very calm and peaceful fish. All of my fish now have great chemistry and get along great. The guppies often join the school rasboras and the sword and platy do great together.  
 I was planning on adding cherry or ghost shrimp and a school of rummy nose tetra. Another fish i was thinking about was 2 sparkling gourami. Maybe a molly or golden wonder killie as well?
Basically what would you guys like to add to this? what would be a good centerpiece or just another good tankmate?
For plants I have an onion plant, like 10 stems of moneywort, water lilly, and like 4 plants of aponegeton. Also have struggling plants that im trying to save, pennywort and a java fern.
What fish go well and what would you add? is there any fish that you recommend? 
As for the rest, wait a couple of months and the guppies will fill the tank.
For plants, Amazon swords are easy and a 55 can handle thier size, vallis, crypts.
sparkling gourami!!!!
only because thats what i want lol
Thanks! Also, I have a 10 gallon where I will keep the fry and cherries! i may just house females in there to prevent a huge increase in population. I will definitely add at least 2 sparkling gouramis! And i've thought about corys because everyone who has had them loves them! But would they pick on the shrimp? I also keep going back and forth with zebra danios as well. So many choices!

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