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  1. crawfish

    Wild Live Food

    I used to have a friend who would keep a barrel outside just for getting mosquito larve and he never had any problems that i no of :unsure:
  2. crawfish

    Is It Worth It

    yes but in nature they have what they were designed for like the sun way better than our bulbs, we will never be as gd as nature
  3. crawfish

    3 Dwarf Platies Tank Size?

    well at the moment i live in a tiny 1 bed flat so i was thinking a 40 litre or so in my bedroom on my wooden draws? would i be able to have any other fish other tham just the 3 platies?
  4. crawfish

    Marina S15 Slim Filter In A 60 Gallon Tank

    Bit of an update ive hadthe filter installed for a week with the other running and the tank seems to stay cleaner and the fish seem much more happy although i think i will have to get a spraybar in the long run. I might keep both filters running it couldnt hurt could it? :shifty:
  5. crawfish

    Cheap Water Conditioner

    yep its the new one with the plus on it :)
  6. crawfish

    Platies Wont Eat My Cucumber

    Hey people and fish I thought id give my fish a treat and give them some cucumber but they wont eat any of it. Should i leave it in there over night to see? or just bin it? Ive got some cories in there two and they havent touched it either :(
  7. crawfish

    Cheap Water Conditioner

    well my API Stress Coat 1.9L arrived today pleasant surprise they have sent me two 1.9 bottles for the price of one so now i have 3.8 litres of water conditioner for my 60 litre tank i think im fine for the next 60 years now :)
  8. crawfish

    Cheap Water Conditioner

    Ive chosen API Stress Coat 1.9L its only 16.99 on amazon uk wise cant find prime anywhere :unsure:
  9. crawfish

    Cheap Water Conditioner

    Hey people and fish Wheres the best place to get the max amount of water conditioner for the cheapest place? As im one of those fish keepers who puts just abit more than you should in the tank :rolleyes:
  10. crawfish

    Sex Please

    haha :rolleyes:
  11. crawfish

    Chest Pains

    well im a nurse as well as a fish keeper :lol: sounds like a stretched muscle to me but definitely get it checked at your gp/ doc/ A & E
  12. crawfish

    3 Dwarf Platies Tank Size?

    okay so i have 3 dwarf platies thanks to a female giving birth there now nearly 6 months old so there pretty much grown up.My 60 litre tank is already over stocked so i thought id get a small tank for just the three of them as ive become really fond of the trio so whats the min tank size i could...
  13. crawfish

    Show Off Your Fish

    I know hes not a fish but.... Heres sheldon!!!! :hyper:
  14. snail time.jpg

    snail time.jpg

  15. crawfish

    Marina S15 Slim Filter In A 60 Gallon Tank

    Dont worry im not saying this filter will solve all my problems but im hoping that it improves my tank. Using the old filter i would do a water change getting rid of all the rubish in the tank then turn the filter back on after refilling and it would just dump bits of crap that got loose in the...
  16. crawfish

    Marina S15 Slim Filter In A 60 Gallon Tank

    well ive gone with fluval 206 as i will upgrade to a larger tank soon and then I wont have to cycle the tank that way quick question should i keep my old filter working whilst the new one gets the correct bacteria etc if so how long does it take to be till im able to get rid of the old filter?
  17. crawfish

    Looking For The Snail And Found A Baby....

    ive been lucky or unlucky depending how you look at it ive always found 7 or so fry at a time but then i have to give them away once tehre grown up as theres never enough space :(
  18. crawfish

    hey cezzaXv i was wondering if you think i should get the fluva 205 or 105 do find that with the...

    hey cezzaXv i was wondering if you think i should get the fluva 205 or 105 do find that with the 205 is to powerful for the tank you have?
  19. crawfish

    Looking For The Snail And Found A Baby....

    congrats love it when i find fry in my tank
  20. crawfish

    Assassin Snails

    well from my expereince they dont do much i think my two killed maybe three snails thats it but there cool in there own little way :) how i got rid of my snail problem involve killing every single one i ever saw eventually after around 4 weeks there werent any left oh and reduce feeding. I...
  21. crawfish

    Marina S15 Slim Filter In A 60 Gallon Tank

    well I really dont want to have to go for an internal filter its bad enough that i have a small space already without reducing it further. Fluval 205 sounds good, forgive me Im new to best filters but i have money to spend so would it be better for me to get a filter which can handle loads of...
  22. crawfish

    Marina S15 Slim Filter In A 60 Gallon Tank

    well in theres 6 harliquins 5 corys 5 platies and 2 assassin snails so its just a tad bit :( and yep i have the same tank :)
  23. crawfish

    Molly Loves Eating And Mating With Plants :s

    I never knew mollies rubbed against leaves when stressed well you learn a new thing everyday. He could be irritated but i check my water on a daily basis for the last 2 weeks and its all fine its been cycled for about 8 months now. Although im over stocked thanks to aload of fry but once ive...
  24. crawfish

    Marina S15 Slim Filter In A 60 Gallon Tank

    Hey people, I have a marina s15 slim filter in my 60 litre tank but it doesnt seem to work very well theres always bits of junk and the waters never really that clear does anyone else have this filter? and do you reckon its worth buying a new better filter and if yes which filter would be best?
  25. crawfish

    Molly Loves Eating And Mating With Plants :s

    Hey everyone, I need abit of advice on my mollie he keeps chewing on the leaves of one of my plants not sure of plant species. Ive tried everything to try to stop him. Im feeding him twice a day including alge wafers and yet he still ruins my plants , also he keeps trying to mate with the leaves...
  26. crawfish

    [Tutorial] Diy Python System

    Brillant idea :nod: I think i may use this advice once i try my attempt :)