Search results

  1. bunnies&bettas

    Most Likely To Survive With Betta?

    I have a Petco store brand "bookshelf" tank with a single betta. It is only 6.6 gal (24 liters) but the dimensions work well with lots of surface area. It is about 24 in. long x 9 high x 7 deep. It comes with a florescent light and heater. It's acrylic but that doesn't seem to be a problem. I've...
  2. bunnies&bettas

    Need Some Plant Suggestions For My New Betta Tank!

    I found pure ammonia at my local True Value hardware store after a long search for some.
  3. bunnies&bettas

    Smallest Harlequin Died

    I sure hope my tank isn't about to get ich! Mine didn't get smaller, he just didn't grow. His color stayed bright and even when I examined his body after he died, I saw no signs of anything wrong. I'm hoping it was just that there was something wrong (and not contagious) from the start with him...
  4. bunnies&bettas

    Smallest Harlequin Died

    I just found that one of my six Harlequin Rasboras had died. I have had them in a 10 gal. tank for about 7 mos. with a male betta. The tank was fully cycled before introducing them and is heavily planted. From the start, this fish did not grow at the same rate as the others and as the size...
  5. bunnies&bettas

    Betta Died After Only 6 Months

    Well, so far so good after the change. I'll be watching him closely. I decided to call him Rhapsody. Good luck with your water issues and keep us posted. I've learned so much more here from everyone's experience and knowledge than in all the books I've read.
  6. bunnies&bettas

    Betta Died After Only 6 Months

    After testing water conditions, doing a 30% change, and observing for a week (rasboras doing fine), I decided to get another betta for the 10 gal. This time I picked out a pretty blue veil tail at my lfs. I hope he lives a long happy life in his new home after being in a tiny cup for who knows...
  7. HiroshigeII_11-27-12.jpg


  8. bunnies&bettas

    Betta Died After Only 6 Months

    Thanks for the input. I guess I'll never really know what happened to him but these are good scenarios to consider. For now, I'll leave the rasboras as sole occupants of the 10 gal., run more tests on the water and maybe try to find a betta from a known source. I do have another betta who was...
  9. bunnies&bettas

    Betta Died After Only 6 Months

    After only 6 months in what I hoped would be an ideal environment for a betta, he is gone. I was never able to determine any symptoms to treat beyond lethargy and eating less. There were no signs of parasites, no swellings or spots, scales and fins normal. Eventually he would just lay on the...
  10. bunnies&bettas

    Close Enough To Cycled?

    He's in! It's so great watching him swim around and explore every little thing in his new home. Here are a couple pictures of the new tank and a close-up of Hokusai:
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  13. bunnies&bettas

    Close Enough To Cycled?

    Thanks for the feedback. I just wanted a bit of reassurance from those more experienced. I'll stop for plants on the way home today, test, do a big change, and finally get this little guy into his new home. :rolleyes:
  14. bunnies&bettas

    Close Enough To Cycled?

    My first post here was about the surprise "free" betta that was shipped with the one I bought. I had a 10 gal. cycled tank all ready for the expected fish but had to rush out to get a temporary home for the unexpected one. He has been stuck in a 1-gal. betta tank with daily 50% changes while I...
  15. bunnies&bettas

    Lost Patience With This Fish Less Cycle

    I understand your total frustration as I'm feeling it, too. I'm at 10 weeks and still seeing slow drops of ammonia. I did read something here a couple weeks ago about checking for low ph. Sure enough, mine had dropped to 6. A 90% wc brought it back up to 7.6 and I dosed back to 2ppm ammonia...
  16. bunnies&bettas

    Brown Algae

    Thanks for all the responses. I think considering everything, I'll hold off on adding fish for now and wait for it to go away on its own. I'll still be cleaning some of it off leaves and glass until that point, but that's a small price to pay for how much I'm enjoying this tank. I may have to...
  17. bunnies&bettas

    Brown Algae

    Thanks for the responses. I'll see if I can find any otos and consider adding a pair. Will this not be too many fish for this size tank? I heard it is best to have added any other fish before the betta so he doesn't become territorial and attack new arrivals. I had the harlequins in tank first...
  18. bunnies&bettas

    Brown Algae

    I have a new 10 gal. tank that has been running for 2 months now after fishless cycling. It is heavily planted and has 1 betta and 6 Harlequin rasboras. I have not had much algae and have been able to keep it clean with weekly water changes & scraping glass, wiping ornaments. However, in the...
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  20. bunnies&bettas

    I Can't Find The Right Ammonia To Cycle With

    I'm in Virginia and finally found some at a True Value hardware store.
  21. bunnies&bettas

    Show Off Your Tank!

    After looking at all the great tanks here, I was hesitant to post mine but here it is. It's my first 10 gal betta tank with 1 betta and 6 harlequin rasboras.
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  23. bunnies&bettas

    My New Bettas

    His stomach doesn't look bloated and I don't see the white egg spot so I guess he's a male. I'm calling him Hokusai. Here is a slightly better picture (there is a bit of a white spot in the photo but it must be a reflection as there is nothing on him).
  24. Hokusai-6-11-12.jpg


  25. bunnies&bettas

    Ammonia Sources in the USA, UK &

    I looked everywhere and couldn't find pure ammonia. I finally found some at a True Value hardware store.
  26. bunnies&bettas

    My New Bettas

    Thanks. I was basing my id of the second one on similarities to others the person I got him from is selling. I finally found an article saying you should be able to see the ovipositor of the female. Its hard to get a good look at the underside but I don't see one.
  27. bunnies&bettas

    My New Bettas

    My new "planned-for" betta, Hiroshige, is doing well in his 10 gal planted tank. He has 6 harlequin rasboras to keep him company. After a 52 day fishless cycling, it was exciting to get it finally occupied. I just did my first weekly 20% water change and am enjoying the tank immensely. Here is a...
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  30. bunnies&bettas

    Extra Betta

    Yes, you are right. I went out at lunchtime and bought a 5 gal. and all the stuff for it. The only place I can find is on the kitchen counter. I wouldn't give it to a store or to anyone who'd keep it in less than a 5 gal. So I guess he/she stays with me. Thanks for your responses and advice...
  31. bunnies&bettas

    Extra Betta

    I thought I had it all planned so well. I had been wanting a 10 gallon planted tank with a male half-moon betta for a long time. Finally, after 51 days, my tank was cycled and a few days later I ordered the fish I'd been wanting on ebay. While waiting for it to arrive, I added plants and 6...
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