My New Bettas


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
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My new "planned-for" betta, Hiroshige, is doing well in his 10 gal planted tank. He has 6 harlequin rasboras to keep him company. After a 52 day fishless cycling, it was exciting to get it finally occupied. I just did my first weekly 20% water change and am enjoying the tank immensely. Here is a picture of Hiroshige:

As for the surprise "free fish" that was shipped with him, as described in a previous post, he is doing well in his 1 gal temporary tank while his 6.6 gal. is cycling. So far so good with daily 50% changes. I'm having trouble getting a picture of the fast moving little guy but here is a fuzzy one. I'm thinking he's a male big-ear plakat. Do you think this might actually be a female?
Lovely fish. I'd say the second one's a male - it is difficult to tell with shorter finned types. I had the same problem recently. It's easier to tell from personality. The first guy's an absolute beauty - looks like he has ribbons around his fins :drool:
Thanks. I was basing my id of the second one on similarities to others the person I got him from is selling. I finally found an article saying you should be able to see the ovipositor of the female. Its hard to get a good look at the underside but I don't see one.
The second one may possibly be a male...considering his coloring and fin shapes..
The best way to tell the gender is to look at their stomach...
Does it seem bloated and fat?
And also, you should loo for a white 'egg spot' on the anus..
This is a sure sign as to wether it is a male or female...
If it has the 'egg spot' it is a female...if it is without...then it is a male

Also, your butterfly betta is absolutely stunning!
Very beautiful fish...both of them...
i have a few plakets, 1 of my males looks just like your little guy, though in saying that 1 of the other plakets i have have the same coloring as my male and your's thats female, though her fins are allot smaller,
im thinking your little guy is a male, if you have a hard time trying to see her egg spot, have a look at her ventral fins and gill cover, they both should be both smaller then normal from what i can see the gill cover is full size, but i cant see ventral fins too well.
His stomach doesn't look bloated and I don't see the white egg spot so I guess he's a male. I'm calling him Hokusai. Here is a slightly better picture (there is a bit of a white spot in the photo but it must be a reflection as there is nothing on him).

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