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  1. M

    Stocking Question

    Not decided yet I think the one I seen was a neon blue dwarf, I was thinking of getting it as my sort of centre fish in my tank
  2. M

    Stocking Question

    Can you keep a Gourami with rummy nose tetra ?
  3. M

    New Tank, New Beginning

    Just placement of them, yeah I see what your saying looks a little too planned out.
  4. M

    New Tank, New Beginning

      Only thing I have a slight problem with is the plants in the background. 
  5. M

    Homeless Tank

    Yeah I was hoping to only have him in there temporarily but he hasn't shown much aggression yet, Ill be sure to keep an eye on it though.
  6. M

    Homeless Tank

    The tank is 60-70 litres so yeah, I would like more cories I would have a tank full of the little guys if I could, I'm sure the guppy's are all female the fry appeared not long after they where in there.
  7. M

    Homeless Tank

    Decided to start up my other tank a while ago, Every fish in this tank has been taken from family and friends who couldn't keep it in their tank any more. 1 x Gold Gouramis 3 x Dwarf Gouramis 3 x Guppy + 1 fry 2 x Cory Any advice on the current stock or future would be appreciated. Would...
  8. M

    Cananybody Identify This Baby Cichlid ?

    Thanks for the help guys
  9. M

    Cananybody Identify This Baby Cichlid ?

    Could anybody identify this baby cichlid ? Sorry for the bad pics dont know why they are blurry
  10. M

    Is My Fish Pregnant ?

    my guppy with the yellow tail is looking very big you can notice it when she swims towards you, her gravis spot i think thats its called is pretty large and dark and i think i individual dots eyes ? sorry for bad pics
  11. M

    Show Off Your Tank!

    Some more from my tank
  12. M

    Show Off Your Tank!

    Love my corys
  13. M

    Help Sexing Cories

    I got my first 3 corys today and i can now see why everyone loves them, 2 stick together whereas the other sort of does his own thing :unsure: it would be easier to figure out my corys sex if they would stay still lol
  14. M

    A Trip To Pets At Home

    Yeah same here i think they have certainly changed supplier or something.
  15. M

    Stocking Help

    Right now the plec is pretty small but my cousin is starting a tank soon so hopefully he can take him off my hands before he becomes to large, thanks for all the advice guys
  16. M

    Show Off Your Tank!

    Bad quality :( but yeah my first tank
  17. M

    Stocking Help

    Hey i have a Fish Box 40cm Tank by Interpet 48 litres,i currently have 1x Betta 6x Harlequins 1x Plec Im just wondering if i could add more fish to this tank or leave it how it is, my betta is docile as hell if that is any concern.
  18. M

    Sand Help ?

    Yeah your right it looks lighter when in the tank Thanks for the help guys
  19. M

    Sand Help ?

    Thanks for the reply going to give it another wash, i was just wondering as everyone else's sand looks amazing.
  20. M

    Sand Help ?

    ok guys noob here so be gentle :P I bought some sand/gravel from pets at home and got home gave it a wash and it looks like mud lol is this just normal and should i let it dry before adding it to the tank.