Homeless Tank


New Member
Feb 15, 2012
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Decided to start up my other tank a while ago,

Every fish in this tank has been taken from family and friends who couldn't keep it in their tank any more.

1 x Gold Gouramis
3 x Dwarf Gouramis
3 x Guppy + 1 fry
2 x Cory

Any advice on the current stock or future would be appreciated.

Would like to get some live plants preferably some hardy ones.


I would probably start by adding more cories as they like to shoal and would probably do the same for the guppys, but it depends on how big your tank is and how much more fish it could take.
The tank is 60-70 litres so yeah, I would like more cories I would have a tank full of the little guys if I could, I'm sure the guppy's are all female the fry appeared not long after they where in there.
Two different types of gourami mix are not a good match I understand, unless you have a very big well planted aquarium. Your gold gourami may start to pick on the dwarfs / fight to the death :/
You need sand for corys and more corys like KCB said.
Sorry off topic..... techen, do you have a thread about your tank somewhere here? Just would like to get a better look at it and what you are using.... filters, etc.

Two different types of gourami mix are not a good match I understand, unless you have a very big well planted aquarium. Your gold gourami may start to pick on the dwarfs / fight to the death

Yeah I was hoping to only have him in there temporarily but he hasn't shown much aggression yet, Ill be sure to keep an eye on it though.
Sorry off topic..... techen, do you have a thread about your tank somewhere here? Just would like to get a better look at it and what you are using.... filters,

+1 :D

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