A Trip To Pets At Home


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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went to visit pets at home today, now they dont usually have a wide variety of choice. but today i was spoilt for choice. almost everything i seen i wanted, especially the corys, which was the first time id seen them stocking any at all, then i came across a small tank with a tag above saying 'khuli loaches' so i went mad :') i really wanted some but all i could see was pakistani loaches, which were also in the same tank.
in the end i walked out with 6 more lambchop rasboras so now i have a lovely school of 10 :)
i noticed one of them seems to have a clamped caudal fin, well it seems to be missing the top half, although it doesnt look as if it had been torn off, it just looks a bit deformed, but hopefully he will survive, seems to have no problem moving about :)
anyways i should say i will be taking a visit to the store again come the end of the month to get some khuli's :) cant wait :D
My local pets at home have a much better selection recently. I wonder if they've changed supplier. I got my kuhli loaches from there a month or so ago, and it was the first time I've ever seen them there.
My local Pets at home have recently started stocking more choice too. They never used to sell Bettas or any cat fish other than Ottos but yesterday I was having a field day looking at them and making my decisions! Didn't buy as my tank isn't ready yet. They had more than one betta this time too meaning that decision day is going to be oh so difficult! They seem to be improving on the fish they keep together in the tanks now. Last time the bettas were with guppies and the one they had had lost a lot of his fin on one side and the guppies looked harrassed.

Only real problem I have with them is their advice is usually (not always) way off when it comes to fish. They can be very helpful with small furies or dogs but when it comes to fish they seem to know very little. I was orginally boycotting them after I seen the state of some of their tanks. (lots of little bodies floating in them and even when I told one person about a dead goldfish floating about and many of the others looking lethargic to say the least she seemed very unconcerned and carried on stocking the shelf!) But I've come to the conclusion that if I boycott it then the poor fish won't stand a chance so I will be going on a rescue mission on the coming weeks. :)
Yeah same here i think they have certainly changed supplier or something.
hmm must have changed then, all i used to see was a fair few different kinds of tetra, platys guppys mollys and bristlenose plecs, now you go there and your spoilt for choice, love it, im definately going to have to get some khuli's :D

good luck on the rescue mission too leanne :)
wow - so pleased I stumbled upon this thread!

I have been on the hunt for Khuli loaches for a good while now, and i started to think that I was only going to see them on the internet! I have been to 5 local aquatic stores all to no avail with the loaches - and I am pretty much gob smacked that pets at home (which is about 15 mins drive away from me) may have been stocking them all along!

I know where im heading after work tomorrow! :hyper:
my closest pets at home store is about 10-15 mins away :), i was so gobsmacked when i seen the khuli tank, i was like 'oh my god' out loud in the middle of the shop :') had my face pressed against the tank, i wanted to get in with them too :lol:

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